Welcome to the 7th Annual Arts Advocacy Event. Arlene Sierra, Chairperson, Wharton Center Education Advisory Council.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the 7th Annual Arts Advocacy Event. Arlene Sierra, Chairperson, Wharton Center Education Advisory Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the 7th Annual Arts Advocacy Event


3 Arlene Sierra, Chairperson, Wharton Center Education Advisory Council

4 Bert Goldstein – Director MSUFCU Institute for Arts & Creativity Engagement before Information… a guideline from Eric Booth


6 Identified Similarities and Differences – use of analogy &/or metaphor Read and think for understanding, close analysis of text Think beyond literal, non-linguistic representation (music, visual images) Questioning strategies




10 Kathy Dewsbury-White Arts-related & Integrated Professional Learning Coordinator Arts Programming Explained & Benefits for mid- Michigan Schools


12 21 st Century SkillsArts Education Core Subjects (includes arts) Learning and Innovation Creativity Critical thinking & Prob. Solving Communication & Collaboration Information, Media and Technology Skills Life and Career Flexibility & Adaptability Initiative/self-direction Social Cross Cultural Productivity & Accountability Leadership & Responsibility Our Challenge = Developing 21 st Century Skills

13  Students Reflect on Their Creative Process Students Reflect on Their Creative Process

14 3 - Arts Integration Summer Institutes –181 educators, opportunity to earn graduate credit, launches the year – immersion with teaching artists and multiple art forms, teams plan for curriculum implementation (2012, 2013,2014). 25 - Workshops (all art forms) 38 districts, 280 + teachers ( through 6/2014) e.g.’s Stratford Shakespeare Festival, Mayhem Poets, Happendance, Drumming Celtic Music & History Culture Through Dance, Story telling, Songwriting, Dramatic Monologue.

15 5 years of Arts Integration Courses, 145 teachers, 22 districts – benefitting estimated 3,125 students. (2008-2014) 3 years of Arts Integration Focus School support (year long professional development and classroom residencies).– 75 teachers, 13 buildings, involving estimated 2,375 students(2012-13 – present)

16 2 years of Classroom Residencies w/ guest artists serving 70+ classrooms and an estimated 1,750 students –(2012-13 & 2013-14) more scheduled 2014-15 7 Arts Advocacy Events, serving over 550 leaders (2008-2014) 1 Arts Connects Online Course – teaching creativity, integrating arts, familiarize with MI K-12 Arts Standards (2011-12)

17 Student Opportunities Educator Professional Learning Arts Integration Teams

18 Team Attends 3-day Summer Institute = Experience AI & initiate curriculum work Team Attends AI Professional Learning Community Sessions and contributes to Showcase = Support during Implementation Teachers Attend Teaching Artist Teacher Workshop coordinating with Classroom Residency = Model teaching in an art form + increase student access to a practicing artist Attend an Act One Performance & Perform &/or Exhibit = Increase exposure for students to “final productions” Capacity Building

19 A two person team becomes an Arts Integration Focus School with thirteen interested teachers participating in the Summer Institute!!! 2013 there were more participating staff.

20  21 st Century Skills:  Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Community Building, Critical Thinking  Increased student engagement  Helps students connect to core curriculum through the arts  Students bring their own experiences and opinions to make meaning of content  Motivation to learn becomes intrinsic  Data that came out November 2013 proves that there is a causal relationship between arts integration and a range of desirable outcomes such as social empathy and critical thinking skills

21 Arts Integration is An APPROACH to TEACHING In which students construct & demonstrate UNDERSTANDING Through an ART FORM. Students engage in a CREATIVE PROCESS which CONNECTS an art form and another subject area And meets EVOLVING OBJECTIVES in both.


23 Gregory Johnson, oceanographer and author of the chapter on warming of the oceans in the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2013 Report, distilled the 2,000 page scientific reports into 19 Haiku poems with accompanying watercolors. The big ideas behind the predictions derived from the scientific findings and two arts forms (poetry and visual arts) are fused. Watercolor image of Dr. Gregory Johnson as painted by his daughter, Lucy Johnson













36 Once asked to write a full story in six words, novelist Ernest Hemingway responded… “For Sale: baby shoes, never worn.”

37 3 minute exercise during workshop 12.2.2014

38 Colleen Martell

39 Pauline Lee

40 Jennifer LeRoy

41 Multifaceted artist, who is known for her innovative fusion of poetry, hip hop, dance and education. Starred in Wharton Center’s Theatre Production of THE SHAPE OF A GIRL. Served as featured guest artist 2014 Arts Integration Summer Institute. Is presently in mid-MI schools providing residencies & teacher workshop. Paige Hernandez

42  I Engage My Students in Arts Integration I Engage My Students in Arts Integration

43 The End

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