September 13, 2012; Presented to: Sustainability in Prisons Project (SPP) National Conference Evergreen College, Olympia, WA.

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Presentation on theme: "September 13, 2012; Presented to: Sustainability in Prisons Project (SPP) National Conference Evergreen College, Olympia, WA."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 13, 2012; Presented to: Sustainability in Prisons Project (SPP) National Conference Evergreen College, Olympia, WA

2  Inputs - Financial & Physical Resources  Process - Activities  Output - Productivity  Intermediate Outcome - Interim Effect  Long-term Outcome - Ultimate Effect  Community Impact

3 Performance Measurement FeatureEvaluation of Outcomes How much?QuestionWhat does it mean? Game scoreExampleGame analysis A tallyOffersCausality/Interpretation Continuous (Ongoing)TimeframeInterval (Discrete) Less expensive (Time)CostMore expensive Performance measurement is necessary for evaluation, but not sufficient.

4 Offenders Taking Evergreen Lecture vs. Total Offender Population Number and Percent Distribution Evergreen Lecture Participants Total Offender Population Total1,05116,391 Male68.8%92.6% Female31.2%7.4% Average Age39.637.8 Life/LWOP10.1%15.2% Time Period4/28/09 to 5/1/12March 31, 2012

5 OutcomePlanImplement Evaluate & Assess Adjust & Act

6 Example of Outcomes Measures (Benefits) Criminal Recidivism  Percent re-arrested, re-convicted and percent re- incarcerated during a period after incarceration Program Specific “Quality of Life” Measures  Percent needing housing who are in permanent housing to reduce homelessness (Housing Voucher Program)  Percent employed, wages, hours worked, employment longevity (Employment Programs)  Percent functioning a higher level than at program entry

7 ◦ Comparison group: Apples to Apples A group of comparable offenders, not participating in the program, must be identified and tracked in the same way as the program group  Uniform Follow-up Period Each offender in the program group and the comparison group must be tracked for the same time period  Example: All offenders in the program and comparison group are tracked for one year ◦ Program Outcomes Measure program outcomes by tracking all offenders, benefits, program costs, and the recidivism of program completers, drop-outs, and comparison groups  Impacts and Improvements (Making a case for the program)  Example: Decreased involvement in Drugs and Alcohol (Change in symptoms and use)

8 Number of Offenders Released in 2010 404 Percent and Number Recidivating One-Year After Prison Release in 2010 0.5% (2) Percent and Number Employed One-Year After Prison Release in 2010 14.9% (60) Recidivism and Employment Outcomes in 2011 for those Participating in Evergreen Lectures One Year after Prison Release in 2010

9  Pertinent -Aligned to mission and goals  Inclusive -Includes essential aspects  Timely -readily available  Understandable -Can be interpreted  Comparable -Benchmarked against comparable populations

10  Contact Information Mike Evans Washington DOC, Senior Research Manager 360-725-8677 /research.asp

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