The Need for Church Planting in Chicago & Beyond.

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Presentation on theme: "The Need for Church Planting in Chicago & Beyond."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Need for Church Planting in Chicago & Beyond

2 Reaching the World Through Chicago

3 Psalm 67:2-4 that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you. May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the peoples justly and guide the nations of the earth.

4 Urbanization Is Relocating the World’s Population!  In  In 1900, there were 20 20 cities of over 1 million.  By  By 2050, there will be 900.  In  In 2000, there were 433 433 such cities. Chicago

5 The World Is Moving to the Cities u In u In 1900, 9% of the world’s population was urban. 2025, 67% will be urban. In 2000 we were at 50%!

6 Chicagoland is 9,300,000 Chicago is…  The second largest Polish city in the world.  The largest college town in the U.S. with over 550,000 college students. Video Clip

7 The World Is Moving to the United States  1  1 out of every 10 people is foreign-born. (25.8 million)

8 The World Is Moving to the United States  Recently,  Recently, of the nation’s foreign-born residents… –50% –50% were from Central America, South America or the Caribbean –25% –25% were from Asia –20% –20% were from Europe –5% –5% were from other places.

9 The World Is Coming to Our Campuses to Study 20,000 international students & their families are here!

10 The very people to whom we once would have needed to “go” many miles have already come to us and it’s changing the face of Chicago.

11 Metro Chicago in 2004 18.7 % Hispanic

12 Top 15 Languages Spoken in Illinois English Spanish Polish Tagalog German Chinese Korean Italian Arabic French Greek Russian Urdu Hindi Gujarathi

13 People of different ethnicity & culture are becoming our neighbors.

14 Acts 17:24-27 "The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. 25 And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. 26 From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. 27 God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.

15 Why is God bringing the peoples of the world to U.S.?  So  So that they might become more receptive to the gospel. that we might more effectively reach the world with fewer resources. that we might become a more diverse missions task force.

16 The Challenge: More than 6,000,000 still need Jesus Christ! How are we going to reach them?

17 God is doing exciting things around the world! u Today u Today in China 37,500 people came to Christ, in India 27,200, in Sub-Sahara Africa over 17,000 and in Latin America churches are being planted at a rate of one every eight minutes!

18 North America is a different story u North u North America is the ONLY continent where Christianity is NOT NOT growing. u The u The percentage of Christians in the U.S. dropped 9% from 1991 to 2001. The number of unchurched has almost doubled from 1991 to 2004.

19 The United States is… u the u the largest largest post-Christian nation on earth. u the u the fourth fourth largest unchurched unchurched nation behind China, India and Indonesia.

20 Chicagoland Between 1997 and 2006, we had a net loss of more than 500 churches (Catholic, Orthodox & Protestant). u 1997 u 1997 Study: 1 church per 1199 people u 2006 u 2006 Study: 1 church per 1455 people

21 Radical times require radical solutions!

22 We must begin with God’s response... “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

23 Why should we emphasize Church Planting as a part of every church’s vision?

24 After all, u Don’t u Don’t we already have enough churches? u Shouldn’t u Shouldn’t we focus on strengthening and filling the existing ones first? u Aren’t u Aren’t there quite a few new churches already being started? Here’s why...

25 On the average, evangelical churches... u …younger u …younger than 3 years old, annually win 10 10 people to Christ per 100 church members. u...3-15 u...3-15 years old, win 5people to Christ. u …older u …older than 15 years old, annually win 3people to Christ. Christianity Today, January 1991 Implication: Church plants are more effective evangelistically.

26 Megachurches vs. Minichurches (Results from an international survey of 1000 churches) Megachurches u Average u Average size: 2,856 u On u On the average, won 112 112 people to Christ over 5 years. Minichurches u Average u Average size: 51 u On u On the average, won 32 32 people to Christ over 5 years. Natural Church Development, pp. 47-48 Implication: Minichurches (some of which were church starts) are 1600% more effectively evangelistically.

27 Thus Our Mission MUST Be: u To u To continue starting healthy new churches which are passionate about seeing people come to know Christ. help established churches redefine their measures of success.

28 40% of those in Chicagoland aren’t affiliated with any religion

29 Chicagoland Needs More Churches!  Currently  Currently we have 5703 churches churches (Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant) in Chicagoland.  To  To reach a 1:500 in every zip code (one church per 500 people), we would need to start 11,212 more churches.  Just  Just to reach 1:1000 (lower than the national average of 1:909), we need 3,726 3,726 new churches today.

30 What’s GOD saying to YOU?

31 Matrixing Chicago  Regional Grid  Language Grid  People Group Grid  Worldview/Religious Background Grid  Church model Grid

32 Basic Strategy  Bible Study & Prayer  Develop & Resource Strategists  Network Planters, Churches, etc.  Training & Mentoring

33 Training Offered  First Steps Weekend  Basic Training  Basic Training II  Friend-Raising  Mentor Training  Online Church Database Training

34 This presentation given by Robert Goette, Church Planting Consultant Robert Goette, Church Planting Consultant Chicago Metropolitan Baptist Association (last edited 11/6/2009) (last edited 11/6/2009)

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