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 Toddler › 1 - 3 years old  Preschooler › 3 – 5 years old  when most children start going to school.

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2  Toddler › 1 - 3 years old  Preschooler › 3 – 5 years old  when most children start going to school

3  From 1 year old to 3 years old a child experiences many changes! › From crawling  walking  jumping  hopping  skipping  running › Getting dressed more independently › Eating fairly neatly with a fork and spoon

4 › Feeding themselves › Getting dressed › Brushing their teeth › Washing their hands › Going to the bathroom on their own

5  Toddlers will show interest in feeding themselves with a spoon › They will pick up a spoon, hold it, and try to feed themselves  At first this will be messy!  Fine motor control is needed in order to do this task, so it may take some time to master!  By 18 months, most toddlers are able to properly feed themselves.

6  Self-feeding improves overtime

7  Toddlers need smaller serving sizes  They need to eat a variety of food from all 5 food groups  Serve fresh, nutritious foods  Vary color, texture, shape, temperature

8  Introduce cows milk › Whole Milk (4%)  Same food as family- mashed or cut into bite- sized pieces › Soft pasteurized cheese, yogurt, and cottage cheese › Whole wheat bread, pasta, and rice › Fruit: melon, papaya, apricot, grapefruit › Vegetable: Broccoli and Cauliflower (cooked) › Protein: eggs, ground/cut-up meat or poultry & smooth peanut butter

9  Same foods as previous slide, except switch to 2% reduced fat milk instead of whole milk 4%

10  Avoid salt  Avoid preservatives  Avoid artificial colorings  Avoid artificial flavors


12  Infants should be bathed a few days a week › When not crawling they don’t get as dirty!  Toddlers can be bathed usually every other day (sometimes done at night) › If they are messy  clean them!  Establish a routine and make bath time fun!

13  Never leave your baby unsupervised,  Never put your baby into a tub when the water is still running. › The water can quickly get too deep or ho t.  Set your water heater to 120 ⁰F or below.  A child can get third-degree burns in less than a minute at 140 degrees.  Never leave your child unattended. › Yes, it's so important we listed it twice!  A child can drown in less than an inch of water—and in less than 60 seconds.

14  1 year old › Most children have 8 teeth  Brush with soft toothbrush daily.  2-3 Year olds › Children can begin practicing brushing their own teeth… but they will need guidance!

15  5 years old › Most children are able to brush on their own  Regular dental checkups and cleanings are important. › Children should attend their first appointment at about 18 months (1½ yrs.) › First appointment with be pretty informal  Children should brush their teeth 2-3 times a day (usually after eating)

16  clothing options should be appropriate › Children need to learn how to dress themselves properly

17  Being able to put on their own clothes makes a toddler feel independent  At 2 years old toddler will try to put on clothes themselves  Between 3-4 years old they will be able to dress themselves successfully  Involves gross and fine motor skills which should be learned one step at a time  Toddler shouldn’t feel rushed! Give them time to get the task done

18 Favorite toy or blanket, Thumb-sucking

19 Fears are Normal Use a Night Light





24 Cabinet Door Locks Corner of Counter tops

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