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Why LifeSkills? To learn about what is healthy and best for you. LifeSkills is a program that provides you with the skills and knowledge to become a happy.

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Presentation on theme: "Why LifeSkills? To learn about what is healthy and best for you. LifeSkills is a program that provides you with the skills and knowledge to become a happy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why LifeSkills? To learn about what is healthy and best for you. LifeSkills is a program that provides you with the skills and knowledge to become a happy and successful adult. Color Blue = Write in your Health Spiral

2 Ground Rules Only one person talks at a time. Everyone should have the opportunity to participate. Students are free to express their opinions or participate in group activities without being subjected to criticism. Respect your fellow students; listen to them and their ideas. Anything discussed in the group remains confidential.

3 What is drug abuse? Drug abuse is the compulsive (uncontrolled use of one or more psychoactive (mind-altering) drugs.

4 What is the difference between drug use and drug abuse? Drug Use vs. Drug Abuse Frequency (how often drug use occurs) Amount (how much is taken each time) Dependence (psychological or physical) Social attitudes (toward the use of a particular drug)

5 Think about it… There are some drugs whose use – even if occasional – would be regarded by most healthy professionals to be abuse since they are perceived as extremely dangerous. HEROIN is one example.

6 Why do you think people use drugs? There is no single reason why people use drugs. Scientists have discovered that there are many causes of drug abuse. Desire to fit in with friends Not able to say “No.” Availability of drugs Desire to look cool or grown-up Curiosity about drugs’ effects Belief that drugs will help overcome feelings of sadness, loneliness, boredom, or anxiety Advertisements (alcohol) Moves and TV shows glamorizing drug use

7 Why do you think that teenagers begin to use drugs? Most teenagers begin to using drugs for social reasons. They think that using drugs will help them become more popular or look more grown-up or cool. Teen who have friends who use drugs may be afraid that they will lose those friends if they don’t go along with them and use drugs.

8 People who use drugs are…

9 Think about it… Using drugs is not an effective way to become more popular. Using drugs does not make people think you’re “cool,” tough, grown-up, or independent Refusing to use drugs will not cause you to lose your friends. People who try to get you to use drugs are not really concerned about you. The best way of preventing drug abuse is never to start.

10 Drug Abuse is an Illness People don’t go from not using drugs one day to being a drug addict the next. There are some drugs that people can go from casual use to addiction very fast (ex. heroin)

11 Steps Leading to Drug Abuse Step 1: Trying one of more drugs. This is called experimental use Step 2: Using drugs once in a while (less than once a week). This is known as occasional use. Step 3: Using drugs on a regular basis (once a week or more often) but in small amounts. Step 4: Using drugs in an uncontrolled and excessive way. This is the abuse stage.

12 Think about it... Because the chemical properties of most drugs have a powerful effect on the mind and body, people who move from Step 1 to Step 2 increase their risk dramatically of becoming a drug abuser.

13 Common Drug Use Progression Step 1: Alcohol use Step 2: Cigarette smoking Step 3: Marijuana use Step 4: Use of other illicit drugs

14 Think about it... Research has shown that there is a logical progression leading from alcohol and tobacco use to marijuana use to the use of other illegal drugs such as cocaine, “meth,” “crack,” and heroin. The best way to prevent drug abuse is to never start using drugs, and that includes alcohol and cigarettes.

15 Think about it... Smoking, drinking, or using marijuana and other drugs has an effect on the body both in the present (immediate effects) and in the future (long-term effects). For some substances, the immediate effects are the greatest source of danger because of the increased risk for accidents or violence. Using drugs not only leads to numerous negative health consequences but also social and legal problems.


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