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2 Chinese astrologers wrote of an eclipse occurring over 4000 years ago. Historians and astronomers believe that this was an eclipse that happened on 22 October 2134 B.C. Two astrologers at the time, Hsi and Ho, had apparently failed to predict this eclipse, and so were beheaded.

3 Celestial bodies (planets, moons) are always “moving in front of each other. One celestial object casts a shadow on the other From Earth we see this as either a solar eclipse or a lunar eclipse Eclipses

4 Solar Eclipses xeCI

5 Solar Eclipse Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon blocks the light from the Sun and causes a shadow on a small area of the Earth

6 Baileys Beads

7 Diamond Ring


9 Viewing a Solar Eclipse

10 How We See

11 Eclipse shadows When the light passes through gaps between leaves of a tree, the shadows on the ground show little copies of the eclipse going on in the sky. In this eclipse, the moon did not quite cover all of the Sun, so you seen white rings. Credit: Ruth Benn oogle2001/SE2017Aug21Tgoogle.html


13 Umbra Path of totality Eclipse of 2017


15 Lunar eclipses HeBg

16 Lunar eclipse

17 Lunar Eclipse Moon passes through Earth's shadow Occurs during Full Moon phase Credit and Copyright: Andy SteereAndy Steere


19 Fun Eclipse Facts The moon’s shadow moves at 1700 km/hour (1,048 mi/hr). Maximum totality is ~7 ½ minutes. Every place on Earth will see a total solar eclipse once every 400 years. Solar Eclipses occur more frequently than lunar eclipses ( by 5:3). There must be at least two solar eclipses every year. There can be two solar eclipses in back to back months with a total lunar eclipse in between. This triple eclipse will occur twice during an eclipse year (1935, 2160). Seven eclipses is the maximum - 4 solar, 3 lunar (1982, 2485).

20 TIDES TIDES- the regular rise and fall of the Earth’s oceans due to the gravitational pull of the moon A-9UE

21 Spring tides occur at Full and New Moons Draw this diagram

22 Spring tide Spring tides – occur during the new and full moon phases The direct line of the Sun and moon cause additional gravitational pull (like a tug of war – in a straight line)

23 Neap Tide Neap tides – occur at the quarter moon phases Tides are lower

24 Neap Tides occur at quarter Moons Draw this diagram

25 Resources Paper Plate Astronomy Solar Eventshttp://solarevents.org Eclipses Earth Moon Viewer Lunar Posn Calculator Lunar Phases, etc.

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