SOM Undergraduate Medical Education (UME) Presentation Guidelines All session presentations must include the following four required slides (included in.

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1 SOM Undergraduate Medical Education (UME) Presentation Guidelines All session presentations must include the following four required slides (included in this template): –Introduction slide: with session title, course name, and presenter name –Outline slide: bulleted points of key words or topics covered in the session –Objectives slide: session objectives for material covered in the session –Summary slide : summarizes take-away points from session or main points discussed in the presentation. You may also refer back to particular session Objectives. In addition, presentations in the lecture room must include content- relevant Audience Response System (ARS) questions. You may name and organize the other slides in your presentation as most relevant for your presentation. >>This slide may be removed from your final presentation and is for information purposes only.<<

2 Presenter Name Content in this presentation is being used for educational purposes in the University of Alabama School of Medicine curriculum and is not to be distributed outside of the curriculum, course Web sites, or other educational purposes for the School of Medicine and Undergraduate Medical Education.

3 Outline This is a required slide. This should be a bulleted list of key concepts or key words (example provided below).

4 Objectives This is a required slide. Please list the session objectives that will be covered. The same session objectives should be listed on the instructional topic outline (ITO) for the session.

5 ARS Question Slides Audience Response System (ARS) question slides are required in SOM sessions in the lecture room setting, or as otherwise indicated by course directors. –ARS questions should be content-relevant. –ARS questions may vary in number and placement within a given presentation. –Turning Point is required to make ARS questions in a presentation. See ARS User Guides and Turning Point Installation Instructions: education/undergraduate-medical-education/for-course- directors/ars-guidelines education/undergraduate-medical-education/for-course- directors/ars-guidelines >>This slide may be removed from your final presentation and is for information purposes only.<<

6 Presentation Content Slides Session slides to convey presentation content should follow the session Objectives slide. >>This slide may be removed from your final presentation and is for information purposes only.<<

7 Summary This is a required slide. This slide summarizes take-away points from session or main points discussed in the presentation. You may also refer back to particular session Objectives.

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