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1 Ethics and Integrity Dr. Laura B. Myers Developer and Facilitator College of Criminal Justice Sam Houston State University.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Ethics and Integrity Dr. Laura B. Myers Developer and Facilitator College of Criminal Justice Sam Houston State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Ethics and Integrity Dr. Laura B. Myers Developer and Facilitator College of Criminal Justice Sam Houston State University

2 2 5 Goals for Exploring Ethics b Become more aware and open to moral and ethical issues. b Begin developing critical thinking and analytical skills. b Become more personally responsible.

3 3 5 Goals for Exploring Ethics b Understand how criminal justice is engaged in a process of coercion. b Develop wholesight.

4 4 3 Contexts for Understanding Justice, Crime and Ethics b Personal b Social b Criminal b Criminal Justice

5 5 What Is Ethics? b Knowing b Knowing the difference between right and wrong b Deciding b Deciding to do the right thing under pressure b Assume b Assume people are trying to do their best b Ethical b Ethical issues are not clear-cut

6 6 The Slippery Slope b Contingencies b Moral Experiences b Apologia b Stages

7 7 The Resolution... b Training b Modeling b Reinforcement b Use of reality

8 8 Becoming a Police Officer b Choice to become a police officer. b Introduction to policing. b Encountering the reality. b The metamorphosis.

9 9 The Reality of Law Enforcement b Discretion b Low-visibility discretionary decision making b Numerous b Numerous laws, rules, and policies b Threats b Threats to safety b Authority

10 10 An Ethical Crisis b Misuse of funds b Abuses of authority b Winning at all costs b Using people as a means to an end b Making ourselves an exception b Not recognizing an ethical trap

11 11 More Examples b Political b Political leaders b Lawyers b Law b Law enforcement officers b Clergy b Medical b Medical doctors b Others?

12 12 The Integrity Image b Role models? b Commitment b Trust b Karma b Do these things exist in law enforcement?

13 13 Workplace Impact b Decrease in morale b Breakdown in chain of command b Burn-out b Grievances & lawsuits b Loss of productivity b Damage to image & reputation

14 14 Perceptions b The role of law enforcement. b Crime control b Due process b Public opinion

15 15 Individual Impact b Not efficient b An organizational liability b Not a team player b Damage to career b Damage to future b Unfit role model

16 16 The Institutions that Teach Values & Morals b Family b School b Church b Media b Do people recognize these influences on their choices?

17 17 An Ethical Population? b Cheating b Cheating in school in sports in business

18 18 Ethical Conflict Resolution? b The Golden Rule b Recognizing differences b Recognizing human feelings b Recognizing the sanctity of human life

19 19 Can We Improve? b Is it possible to teach people values and morals? b What if they already know what is right and wrong? b Need to teach people how to recognize the trap of an ethical dilemma

20 20 Tools People Can Use

21 21 Remembering Character b What is character? b How can it be used in law enforcement? b Being conscious of character

22 22 The Six Pillars of Character

23 23 [1] Trustworthiness b Honesty b Integrity b Promise keeping b Loyalty

24 24 [2] Respect

25 25 [3] Responsibility b Accountability b Pursuit of excellence b Self-restraint

26 26 [4] Justice and Fairness

27 27 [5] Caring

28 28 [6] Civic Virtue and Citizenship

29 29 Moral Development b Premoral Level b Conventional Level b Post-Conventional Level

30 30 Character and Decision-making b The b The greatest good b Duty b Karma b Caring b Being b Being mindful b That b That inner voice b An b An Ethics Check

31 31 An Ethics Check b Is it legal? b Is it balanced? b How will it make me feel about myself?

32 32 Inner Strength b Living by principles b Acting consistently b Striving to be fair

33 33

34 34 The Five Principles b Purpose b Pride b Patience b Persistence b Perspective

35 35 Principles of a Morally Good Person b Just b Truthful b Trustworthy b Moral courage b Moral autonomy b Benevolence

36 36 In the Workplace b Application of law b Use of authority b Due Process b Meeting your goals… b Humans have intrinsic value

37 37 Pressures in the Workplace b Productivity b Solving b Solving a bad problem during a crisis b Doing b Doing your job

38 38 Inner Strength b Practice b Seek advice b Realize this will not be easy b Don’t take yourself for granted

39 39 Outer Strength b An organizational value b Walk the walk, talk the talk b Training b Modeling b Discussion b Nip it in the bud

40 40 The Reality of Law Enforcement Ethics

41 41 Dr. Laura B. Myers College of Criminal Justice Sam Houston State University Huntsville, Texas 77341 (409) 294-1654 THE END

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