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Lisa IovinoMultiplying and Dividing Integers Ms. Iovino.

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Presentation on theme: "Lisa IovinoMultiplying and Dividing Integers Ms. Iovino."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lisa IovinoMultiplying and Dividing Integers Ms. Iovino

2 Lisa IovinoMultiplying and Dividing Integers To Multiply and Divide Integers, We use the same set of rules.

3 Meet the Negative Family

4 Lisa IovinoMultiplying and Dividing Integers The negative people live in negativeland. In negativeland, you must follow the rules that are listed here.

5 Rules to NegativeLand There are only two things that you can do in negativeland (Shop or Math) You can only go shopping in negativeland, if you have ONE other friend to go with. If you don’t go shopping you stay home and do math (meaning you are in the answer).

6 Lisa IovinoMultiplying and Dividing Integers Let’s try a problem….. 4 x –2=

7 Lisa IovinoMultiplying and Dividing Integers Multiply, like you would without the negative sign. 4 x 2=8 How many negative signs do you see?

8 Lisa IovinoMultiplying and Dividing Integers One negative sign…… 4 x –2= One negative sign represents one negativeland resident. Does he have anyone to shop with?

9 Lisa IovinoMultiplying and Dividing Integers Nope, He doesn’t….. So he stays home in the answer. 4 x –2= -8

10 Try these problems….. -5 x –3= -8 x 3= 10/-2= -14/-2= -20/5= -3 x –4 x –1=

11 Here are the answers….. -5 x –3= 15 The two negative people go shopping. -8 x 3= -24 One negative sign makes a negative answer. 10/-2= -5 One negative sign, negative answer. -14/-2= 7 Two negative signs cancel out. -20/5= -4 One negative sign, negative answer. -3 x -4 x-1= -12 Two negative signs cancel out and one is left in the answer.

12 Lisa IovinoMultiplying and Dividing Integers In conclusion, when multiplying and dividing integers, every two negative signs cancel each other out.

13 Lisa IovinoMultiplying and Dividing Integers If you have an even number of negative signs, your answer is negative.

14 Lisa IovinoMultiplying and Dividing Integers If you have an odd number of negative signs, your answer is positive.

15 Lisa IovinoMultiplying and Dividing Integers

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