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The Muslim Mindset- today What is now shaping Islam? Let this sink in!

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Presentation on theme: "The Muslim Mindset- today What is now shaping Islam? Let this sink in!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Muslim Mindset- today What is now shaping Islam? Let this sink in!

2 Basic shape of Islam is well established in your friend’s mind Islam means submission and you submit to: To the Qur’an and the Hadith To local religious authorities and traditions To Allah’s appointed rulers To Allah, of course! To the established “Pillars of Islam”

3 The 5 Pillars of Islam continue to shape HIS LIFE 1 Shahada -confession of faith 2 Salat -ritual prayer – (5x daily) 3 Zakat - obligatory alms (2.5% - net worth) 4 Fast of Ramadan (daylight hours) 5 Hajj - the pilgrimage to Mecca

4 He is looking back … at his Muslim World Series of Caliphs - and assassinations Shiite/ Sunni division, other sects… Warring Islamic nations Folk –Islam develops, and then,…. the Ottoman Empire … and all along … he has observed ---

5 The Rise of the Western powers …and the loss of face for Ishmael

6 Naturally, all the preceding continues to shape the mindset of your new Muslim friend What conclusions must he reach if he “submits to” all those influences coming from Islam? How does he see you and your world? – Take a break now and answer these last two questions before moving on to the next segment: – the Muslim mindset today.

7 Yes, just pause this presentation And try to answer those 2 questions 1) What conclusions must he reach if he “submits to” all those influences coming from Islam? 3) How does he see you and your world?

8 OR, is he going to “dig in,” check out Islam and prove that he and his religion are right? Is the Western advance a temporary thing that he must correct? What does Islam teach again ? Is he about to “give up on Islam?”

9 You have seen … the basic teachings of Islam … But you should know much more – He believes that: The Qur’an supersedes previous revelations “Correcting previous revelations.” The Bible has been corrupted – invalid- Islam, “the pure,” supersedes all other religions,

10 The teachings of Islam Deny Christian teachings, such as: The Deity of Christ, the death of Christ, redemption Omits: the holiness of God, the sinfulness of man. No need of redemption,… salvation is by works

11 In Summary... Muslim mind set The last word in religion, superior, nothing to learn from Christians or others. Nevertheless, troubled by successes in the West So, a return to a pure Islam- “our only option!” Yet, - questions: “the People of the Book” But…Disdain for the corrupt, rotten “West” with their television, families in ruins, gross sin, etc.

12 What if Muslim met a Christian recently A Christian who is obviously submitted to God ! These western Christians are not all the same. This one looks like “the real thing!” I have questions: “the People of the Book ?” I wonder if I can get to know this Christian?

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