E-mail Technical Coordinators Meeting August 3, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "E-mail Technical Coordinators Meeting August 3, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-mail Technical Coordinators Meeting August 3, 2004

2 Spam/Virus Blocking Blocking umn.edu and other “protected” sites if we mark them “insecure” (still protected from other blocks) Checking (but not yet blocking) based on the XBL ( xbl.spamhaus.org ) Now treating “inactive” MTA same as “never seen before”

3 Spam/Virus Blocking Require rDNS for all but 200 /16 nets –About 50 each in 207, 208, 209, 216 /8’s –Plenty of manual, semiautomatic exceptions AOL “Feedback Loop” and forwarding heck Investigating ClamAV –LISTSERV –Outgoing email ( smtp, smtp-gw, relay )

4 Spam/Virus Blocking


6 Phase-out of non-SSL services Timeline remains: July 1, 2005 Unauthenticated SMTP gateway statistics

7 Phase-out of non-SSL services


9 Only SMTP stats now; telnet, FTP, POP, IMAP coming next month Finding misconfigured systems (should be using relay.tc.umn.edu ), viruses– don’t want to count those! Email notifications slated for Nov, Feb

10 Hardware Upgrades Email servers –Two servers on SAN with 1GB quotas –Two more, and premium/interactive (garnet) on SAN by start of Fall Semester –1GB quotas for everyone by start of Fall! –Solaris 9—prerequisite for longer Internet passwords…

11 Hardware Upgrades MX servers for umn.edu –3 x Sun V210 –One running in production since Thu Outgoing SMTP ( smtp.umn.edu, smtp- gw, relay ) –3 x Sun V210 –Not hurting for capacity here, so will phase in more slowly

12 Hardware Upgrades Internet Services –www.umn.edu –x500.umn.edu (CAH) –*.email.umn.edu DNS –RADIUS –X.500 lookups (finger, gopher, whois, ph) –Also 3 x Sun V210

13 Hardware Upgrades X.500 backend database server –Sun V240 –Last Solaris 2.6 machine!

14 Software Upgrades LISTSERV 1.8e –Niftier web interface Web-based moderation List configuration wizards –Content filtering Remove vacation messages Filter/restrict type of attachments –Precedence: list in headers ;) BIND 8.4.4

15 Software Upgrades Apache 1.3.31/mod_ssl 2.8.19 PHP 4.3.8 –Supports GD, mysql, openssl, XSLT (latter doesn’t work?) –5.0 just came out—too new Lynx 2.8.5 (help no longer a porn portal) X.500 directory (in test; awaiting vendor bugfix before production)

16 Lyris Massmailing server Right now just “looking at it” IS would run server, U Relations would likely manage it (assign permissions, etc.) Would remove some workload off IS staff for doing massmailings

17 PKI Pilot scheduled to begin late Sept More details at Sept techc-email and net- people

18 Questions?

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