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ESTAT International Seminar on Modernizing Official Statistics: Meeting Productivity and New Data Challenges Tianjin, People’s Republic of China 24 - 26.

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Presentation on theme: "ESTAT International Seminar on Modernizing Official Statistics: Meeting Productivity and New Data Challenges Tianjin, People’s Republic of China 24 - 26."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESTAT International Seminar on Modernizing Official Statistics: Meeting Productivity and New Data Challenges Tianjin, People’s Republic of China 24 - 26 October 2013 Meeting Challenges of Unstructured Data: European Statistical System experience Mariana Kotzeva, Advisor Hors Classe, Eurostat Eurostat

2 This presentation: describes the current state and next steps with regard to big data in the European statistical system; Outlines 3 concrete projects related to big data launched by Eurostat in 2013; Outlines challenges ahead putting a focus on the issues that represent unique opportunity for co-operation at supranational and global level. ESTATEurostat Mariana Kotzeva, Eurostat

3 Unstructured data – what does it mean? Data that are not arranged in columns and rows, not properly titled or identified; Data for which it is necessary to apply tools to categorise, tag, pool, identify key elements and make correlations in order to gain insight from them; Content Unstructured data: refers to emails, documents and other objects that are made up of free-following text; ESTATEurostat Mariana Kotzeva, Eurostat

4 ESTAT Big data? Volume Velocity Variety Eurostat Mariana Kotzeva, Eurostat

5 Is unstructured data the same as big data? Unstructured data is just one piece of the puzzle; Unstructured data is responsible for the Variety characteristic of the big data; Making sense of unstructured data isn’t about technology, it is a business intelligence; To transfer into actionable intelligence is the value added that unstructured data bring to big data. ESTATEurostat Mariana Kotzeva, Eurostat

6 ESTATEurostat Mariana Kotzeva, Eurostat Big data is high on the agenda of the European Statistical System: Eurostat participates in the UNECE initiatives under the High Level Group on Modernisation of Official Statistics; Memorandum on Big Data and Official statistics of the ESS, adopted at 99 th DGINs conference in September 2013; Eurostat created an internal structure that will deal only with big data since 1 st of Jan 2014; A Task Force on big data involving Member states is in process of establishment for developing an ESS action plan and roadmap on big data;

7 ESTATEurostat Mariana Kotzeva, Eurostat European projects on big data launched in 2013 Internet as a data Source for Information Society statistics; Use of mobile positioning data for tourism statistics; Collecting prices via the Internet for price statistics;

8 Internet as a data source for Information Society statistics Current situation in Information society statistics: Based on two traditional surveys - on households and on enterprises; Purpose of the feasibility study: Which items could be collected over the Internet? Results: Items such as e-skills, e-commerce, use of e-government, use of internet is feasible to be measured over Internet; Items measuring subjective opinions and “offline” items CANNOT be measured using digital footprints; For enterprises, part of the ICT indictors would be available on the enterprise’ websites but some of them will be available only via the servers of the enterprises; Survey suggests a number of new indicators that can be derived form Internet ESTATEurostat Mariana Kotzeva, Eurostat

9 Use of mobile positioning data for tourism statistics Active mobile positioning; Passive mobile positioning. ESTATEurostat Mariana Kotzeva, Eurostat

10 Issues identified so far: Reluctance of data providers to give access to data; Privacy concerns; Technological barriers; Diversity in data protection legislation; Diversity in the data sources that introduces even higher complexity in programming generic software tools; Methodological and quality issues- i.e comparability versus relevance. ESTATEurostat Mariana Kotzeva, Eurostat

11 The way forward: Official statistics community – now on the move! Collaboration: Big Data goes beyond statistics authorities  national/”government” strategies needed Public-Private Partnerships (could help build-up) Multidisciplinary teams – including legal expertise Action: Demystify “data science” and build up skills Applications-driven approach and learning by doing. ESTATEurostat Mariana Kotzeva, Eurostat

12 Thank you for your attention!   ESTATEurostat

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