YANTING ZHANG.  Genres are categories of game characterized by particular kinds of challenge, regardless of setting or game-world content.

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2  Genres are categories of game characterized by particular kinds of challenge, regardless of setting or game-world content.

3  Asteroids(action games) Asteroids  Deus Ex(RPG/shooter) Deus Ex(RPG/shooter)  Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space


5  Construction  Puzzle solving  Unusual physical mechanics.

6  Shooter Games Shooter Games  Action and Arcade Games Action and Arcade Games  Strategy Games Strategy Games  Role-Playing Games Role-Playing Games  Sports Games Sports Games  Vehicle Simulations Vehicle Simulations  Construction and Simulation Games Construction and Simulation Games  Adventure Games Adventure Games  Puzzle Games Puzzle Games

7  Takes action at a distance  Using ranged weapon.  Aiming is a key skill  Limited ammunition.

8 Awesomenauts, a multiplayer 2D shooter Viewed from top-down or side-view fixed first-person Rare to keep track of ammunition (except for particularly powerful weapons)

9 Crysis 3, a 3D shooter with a particularly rich environment First –person perspective (FPS) Third-person perspective Gravity sound shadows collisions

10  Action games  Physical challenges  Incorporate puzzle, races  Variety of conflict challenges  Simple economic challenges  Seldom strategic or conceptual challenges  Subdivided into variety of subgenres  Arcade games business model of earning money Unwinnable

11 Spelunky, 2D platform game Supernatural jumping ability Unrealistic physics

12 Skullgirls, a cartoonish fighting game Reaction time Timing Hand-to-hand combat

13  Strategic, tactical and logistical challenges.  Economic and exploration challenges  Fall into two main subgenres:  Classical turn-based games  Real-time strategy games.

14  Allow player to interact with a game world  Growing from person into superhero  Computer role-playing game (CRPG)  Quest or story of the game and character growth  Quest requires some combat  Rules define character growth occurs

15 Pro Evolution Soccer 2011

16 Cockpit view of Forza Motorsport 4 Verisimilitude – an apparently close relationship to reality Feeling of movement

17 Vehicle simulations Flight simulators Driving simulators Boats/trains,e tc. CivilianMilitary Organized racingImaginary racing

18  Also called construction and management simulations (CMSs) Farm Ville, a hugely successful browser-based CMS

19 Heavy Rain

20 A series of related challenges Recognizing patterns Logical deductions

21  Genres are not meant to constrain your imagination, but they provide a framework for design, a sort of scaffold upon which to build your game without inventing everything from scratch—which lowers some of the risk in designing a new game.

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