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Daily Information 4/30 Objective: 1.Explain the relationship between market segmentation, customer profiles, and a target markets. 2.Identify the marketing.

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Presentation on theme: "Daily Information 4/30 Objective: 1.Explain the relationship between market segmentation, customer profiles, and a target markets. 2.Identify the marketing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daily Information 4/30 Objective: 1.Explain the relationship between market segmentation, customer profiles, and a target markets. 2.Identify the marketing mix Warm Up: Once a business identifies their target market, what should they do next? Agenda: 1.Warm Up 2.Complete role play 3.Market seg.activity 4.Review of marketing terms 5.Introduction to the marketing mix 6.Marketing mix graphic organizer 7.Stephen Wiltshire marketing mix activity

2 Name that Marketing Term All the potential customers with similar wants and needs; a willingness to buy; money to buy


4 Name that Marketing Term a way of analyzing a market by specific characteristics in order to create a target market. DemographicsGeographicLife StyleProduct BenefitPsychographics

5 Market Segmentation a way of analyzing a market by specific characteristics in order to create a target market. DemographicsGeographicLife StyleProduct BenefitPsychographics

6 Name that Marketing Term. marketing program with efforts that are meant to reach a particular group of customers

7 Target Market. marketing program with efforts that are meant to reach a particular group of customers

8 Marketing Terms Market: all the potential customers with similar wants and needs; a willingness to buy; money to buy Segmentation: a way of analyzing a market by specific characteristics in order to create a target market. Target Market: marketing program efforts that are meant to reach a particular group of customers

9 The difference between Consumer vs. Customer ? Tiffany's Jewelry company advertises engagement rings in Sport Illustrated. The boyfriend buys an engagement ring for his girlfriend. Who is the consumer and who is the customer? Businesses will decide who to target and what is the best method of reaching the target market

10 Marketing professionals or businesses use these elements to communicate with and reach their intended target markets. People

11 Marketing Mix Marketing Mix – a business makes decisions with the market in mind. Product – What is the product your market wants ? Price – At what price is your market willing to pay Place – Distribution – how will your market get the product. Promotion – How will you promote to the market. People – What people will the business hire to best serve your market.

12 Marketing Mix Graphic Organizer In microsoft word, create a graphic organizer of the marketing mix to help you remember the 4 P’s of marketing.

13 Daily Information 4/30 Objective: 1.Explain the relationship between market segmentation, customer profiles, and a target markets. 2.Identify the marketing mix Warm Up: What are the 4 P’s of the marketing mix? Agenda: 1.Warm Up 2.Library 3.Restaurant Impossible video 4.Print graphic organizer 5.Stephen Wiltshire marketing mix activity 6.Review of terms 7.Study Guide

14 Stephen Wiltshire What is the Marketing Mix for Stephen Wiltshire’s Artwork? Video Clip

15 Go to the website: Who is the target market? Think about the customer profile: age, gender, income level, marital status, ethnic background, geographic residence, attitudes, lifestyle, and behavior.

16 Stephen Wiltshire What is the Product or the Marketing Mix for Stephen Wiltshire’s Artwork? Product – Product decisions begin with choosing what products to make and sell.

17 Stephen Wiltshire What is the Price or the Marketing Mix for Stephen Wiltshire’s Artwork? Price – What is exchanged for the product?

18 Stephen Wiltshire What is the Promotion or the Marketing Mix for Stephen Wiltshire’s Artwork? Promotion – Activities related to advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and publicity.

19 Stephen Wiltshire What is the Place or the Marketing Mix for Stephen Wiltshire’s Artwork? Place – The means of getting the product into the customer ’ s hands.

20 This chapter explores the marketing mix decision of place, which is where and how a product is distributed. Distribution People DISTRIBUTION

21 REFLECT How do bananas reach your local grocery store? Distribution Bananas grow in warm, tropical climates, such as South America, Africa, India and the Caribbean. Some varieties of bananas are native to certain areas of the world, for example, plantains are native to India. The only states in the US to grow bananas are Hawaii and Florida, however the crops tend to be small, leaving the US dependent on imported bananas.

22 channel of distribution intermediaries wholesalers retailers agents direct distribution indirect distribution Distribution Match the term to the correct definition The path a product takes from its producer or manufacturer to the final user.

23 channel of distribution intermediaries wholesalers retailers agents direct distribution indirect distribution Distribution Match the term to the correct definition The path a product takes from its producer or manufacturer to the final user.

24 channel of distribution intermediaries wholesalers retailers agents direct distribution indirect distribution Distribution Match the term to the correct definition A channel of distribution that occurs when the producer sells goods or services directly to the customer with no intermediaries.

25 channel of distribution intermediaries wholesalers retailers agents direct distribution indirect distribution Distribution Match the term to the correct definition A channel of distribution that occurs when the producer sells goods or services directly to the customer with no intermediaries.

26 channel of distribution intermediaries wholesalers retailers agents direct distribution indirect distribution Distribution Match the term to the correct definition A business that obtains goods from manufacturers and resells them to organizational users, other wholesalers, and retailers, also called distributors.

27 channel of distribution intermediaries wholesalers retailers agents direct distribution indirect distribution Distribution Match the term to the correct definition A business that obtains goods from manufacturers and resells them to organizational users, other wholesalers, and retailers, also called distributors.

28 channel of distribution intermediaries wholesalers retailers agents direct distribution indirect distribution Distribution Match the term to the correct definition A middleman involved in sales transactions that move products from the manufacturer to the final user.

29 channel of distribution intermediaries wholesalers retailers agents direct distribution indirect distribution Distribution Match the term to the correct definition A middleman involved in sales transactions that move products from the manufacturer to the final user.

30 channel of distribution intermediaries wholesalers retailers agents direct distribution indirect distribution Distribution Match the term to the correct definition A channel of distribution that involves one or more intermediaries.

31 channel of distribution intermediaries wholesalers retailers agents direct distribution indirect distribution Distribution Match the term to the correct definition A channel of distribution that involves one or more intermediaries.

32 channel of distribution intermediaries wholesalers retailers agents direct distribution indirect distribution Distribution Match the term to the correct definition A business that buys goods from wholesalers or directly from manufacturers and resells them to consumers.

33 channel of distribution intermediaries wholesalers retailers agents direct distribution indirect distribution Distribution Match the term to the correct definition A business that buys goods from wholesalers or directly from manufacturers and resells them to consumers.

34 channel of distribution intermediaries wholesalers retailers agents direct distribution indirect distribution Distribution Match the term to the correct definition Act as intermediaries by bringing buyers and sellers together. They do not own the goods they sell.

35 channel of distribution intermediaries wholesalers retailers agents direct distribution indirect distribution Distribution Match the term to the correct definition Act as intermediaries by bringing buyers and sellers together. They do not own the goods they sell.

36 As a business executive, you must know how distribution decisions affect an entire company and how decisions affect international markets and e-marketplaces. Distribution Planning

37 Activity Review Scenario One: What would you do?

38 Scenario One Indirect distribution through an online art gallery would work. There are online art galleries that will exhibit upcoming artists’ works. One online gallery is The online art gallery would be the agent in this case because it would just bring buyers and sellers together. ArtistAgentConsumer Indirect

39 Activity Review Scenario Two: What would you do?

40 Scenario Two In this case, the artwork should be appraised by a legitimate art auction company. The auction company could be commissioned as an agent to sell the pieces. EstateAgentBuyer Indirect

41 Activity Review Scenario Three: What would you do?

42 Scenario Three Option 1: the jewelry artist can create a Web site to sell the items directly to the consumer. Option 2: a high-end retailer can be selected like Neiman Marcus or Tiffany’s to carry the artist’s jewelry line. Jewelry Artist RetailerConsumer Indirect Jewelry Artist Consumer Direct

43 Activity Review Scenario Four: What would you do?

44 Scenario Four Option 1: have your friends create a Web site and post it on Facebook. They could also create a video on You Tube. Option 2: suggest that your friends utilize or to sell their artwork. ArtistAgentConsumer Indirect ArtistsConsumer Direct

45 Scenario Four cont. Option 3: visit local pharmacies, gift shops, and other retailers to see if they would consider selling their greeting cards and digital artwork. The artists would have to convince the retailer to purchase the products for resale ArtistRetailerConsumer Indirect

46 Thank you for your participation!

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