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OE PRE-AWARD UPDATE SOM FACULTY COUNCIL MARCH 14, 2013 Susanne Hildebrand-Zanki - AVC, Research 1.

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Presentation on theme: "OE PRE-AWARD UPDATE SOM FACULTY COUNCIL MARCH 14, 2013 Susanne Hildebrand-Zanki - AVC, Research 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 OE PRE-AWARD UPDATE SOM FACULTY COUNCIL MARCH 14, 2013 Susanne Hildebrand-Zanki - AVC, Research 1

2 Agenda  Status of Per-Award Administration  UCSF Pre-Award Priorities for FY12-13  Evaluation Plans  Questions 2

3 Progress as of February, 2013  4 teams went live in August 2012; all ten teams in the Research Management Services (RMS) structure are now in operation  Reorganization of Contracts and Grants completed in November 2012  Sponsored Research Advisory Board is meeting monthly 3

4 Sponsored Research Advisory Board Charge  Provide input on service levels and service delivery  Advise on new and/or anticipated customer needs and requirements  Provide input on budget  Ensure alignment with UCSF-wide goals 4

5 Sponsored Research Advisory Board Members Claire Brindis – Executive Director, Institute for Health Policy Studies Clarice Estrada – CAO, CVRI Hanna Gonzales – Director of Finance, Medicine - SFGH Charles Hajek – CAO, Anesthesia Susanne Hildebrand-Zanki – AVC, Research Beth Kane – Director, Organizational Development Georgina Lopez – Administrative and Finance Manager, Global Health Sciences Wendy Max – co-Director, Institute for Health and Aging Janet Myers – Asst. Prof, Center for AIDS Prevention Studies Millo Pasquini – Dept. Manager, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Gretchen Kiser – Director, Research Development Office, ex officio Marge O’Halloran, Director, Research Management Services, ex officio John Radkowski – Director, Contracts and Grants, ex officio Note: currently Millo Pasquini, from the School of Pharmacy, serves as the representative for SOD, SON, and SOP 5

6 UCSF Pre-Award Priorities FY12-13  Customer Service and SLAs  Development of Program Evaluation with Claire Brindis Comprehensive and coordinated OE assessment with HR and IT Performance Metrics Refinement of Satisfaction Survey  RMS Process and Procedure Refinement  Internal between C&G and RMS  External between RMS and our customers  Clear delineation of pre- and post-award responsibilities  Enabling technologies (CACTAS and eProposal)  Reporting 6

7 UCSF pre-Award Priorities FY12-13 cont’d  Contracts and Grants Process Refinements  Clear award set up back log by June 2013  Develop and deploy SLAs  Strengthen communications with PIs and departments 7

8 “How’s my driving” survey results to date  Request for feedback embedded in email from RSC  Implemented across all teams in December 2012  Total Number of responses through February = 135 8

9 Overall Respondents = 135 Data collected from December 2012 through February 2013 9

10 Overall Satisfaction Based on 135 responses between December 2012 and February 2013 10

11 Evaluation Plans  Claire Brindis has been engaged to conduct program evaluations for both pre-Award and HR.  Evaluation will include repeat of baseline questions in July to align with the need for data for the STAR program  Additional activities will include face to face interviews as well as feedback from faculty meetings  The goal is to generate ongoing feedback that will inform services and service levels 11

12 Charging Model Status  OSR Budget approved by Advisory Board in January, 2013. The FY 14 budget reflects a 4.7% increase over the FY 13 budget, mainly due to projected salary and benefit increases.  Meeting with Deans scheduled for March 21, 2013 to discuss how to allocate the costs across control points.  Workload: The FY 12-13 budget was based on a volume of 5,600 proposals and an average workload of 83 proposals/RSC. The actual proposal volume for the period of 7/1/12 to 12/31/12 was 3,013. Assuming that level of activity holds for the remainder of the fiscal year, proposal volume would be at 6,026. The actual volume was handled by fewer RSC’s due to periodic vacancies during the year, stressing the organization. If the actual level of activity truly is at 6,000+ proposals, we will need 5 additional staff to handle the workload.  FY 13 Budget: The reduced payroll costs due to vacancies are resulting in a projected surplus of $580K for FY 12-13. This surplus will be carried forward to FY 13-14 to reduce the Control Point contribution.  FY 14 Budget: For the FY 14 budget, we are holding the staffing level steady, with the understanding that additional RSCs will be hired if the volume of proposals justifies it. Any resulting deficit will be carried forward to the next budget year and covered by that year’s control point contribution. 12

13 Questions? 13

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