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Thyroid Cancer in aging patients

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1 Thyroid Cancer in aging patients
Jena Lovato NUTR 4320

2 Table of contents What is thyroid cancer? Where is your thyroid?
Different types of thyroid cancer Risk factors Thyroid cancer symptoms Radioactive Iodine treatment Nutrition Treatment Prevention

3 What is thyroid cancer? Thyroid cancer is a cancer originating from follicular or parafollicular thyroid cells Thyroid cancer is a form of cancer that develops from the tissues of the thyroid gland

4 The thyroid gland produces several important hormones
Thyroid hormone: involved in controlling body temperature, weight, energy level and heart rate Thyroid gland also produces calcitonin

5 Location of thyroid within the human body
The thyroid gland is referred to as the “right thyroid” and the “left thyroid” Location of thyroid within the human body

6 Types of thyroid cancer
Five specific types of thyroid cancer Papillary carcinoma Follicular carcinoma Hurthle cell carcinoma Medullary thyroid carcinoma Anaplastic carcinoma

7 Most common risk factors associated with thyroid cancer
Gender & Age Genetics Lifestyle

Neck pain Voice changes Breathing problems Coughing Trouble swallowing Neck pain will often start in the front of the neck possibly extending to the ears Hoarseness or voice changes may occur Breaking becomes very difficult, patients often referred to it as breathing through a straw Continuous cough not related to a cold Growth or nodule in the thyroid area that interferes with swallowing THYROID CANCER SYMPTOMS

9 Radioactive Iodine Treatment
Radioactive iodine is used in patients weeks after surgery to eliminate any possible remaining papillary or follicular thyroid cancer cells or normal thyroid tissue that the surgeon could not remove When the remnant of normal thyroid tissue is eliminated this makes it easier to do the ongoing monitoring for any possible recurrence.

10 Foods to be consumed while on a low iodine diet
Recommended Foods Non-recommended Foods Fruits Vegetables- raw or frozen without salt Unsalted nuts Whites of eggs Fresh meats-up to 6oz a day Grain and cereal products All vegetable oils Iodized salt, sea salt Sea food Dairy products Egg yolks Red Dye #3 Most chocolate due to milk content Soybean Baking products with iodine dough

11 Treatment Options Surgery Radioactive Iodine Treatment
Thyroid Hormone Treatment External Beam Radiation Therapy Chemotherapy Targeted Therapy

12 Prevention There are not any proven methods in preventing thyroid cancer. Doctors are not positive what causes thyroid cancer. Thyroid cancer screenings are available.

13 Thyroid cancer in the again patient
NUTR 4320 Professor Rod Hansen Presentation 1 Thank You Do you have any questions? Thyroid cancer in the again patient

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