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THE KINGDOM OF 5S’ GUIDE Page 2: How to change your password on Edmodo.

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Presentation on theme: "THE KINGDOM OF 5S’ GUIDE Page 2: How to change your password on Edmodo."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE KINGDOM OF 5S’ GUIDE Page 2: How to change your password on Edmodo

2 HOW DO YOU CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD ON EDMODO? STEP 1: Log into YOUR OWN Edmodo Account STEP 2: Click your profile picture with the drop-down arrow (This should be next to the notification bell at the top of the page) STEP 3: Once you have clicked the drop-down arrow, click SETTINGS Click here (STEP 2)

3 STEP 4: Now that you have pressed SETTINGS, the screen should look like this: Once you are here, press PASSWORD

4 STEP 5: Once you have pressed PASSWORD the screen should look like this: Now type in your CURRENT PASSWORD here, and type your NEW PASSWORD here and here.

5 Now you are done! EASY?! Wasn’t that EASY?! Stay tuned for more Kingdom of 5S guides! (Dummy’s Guide for….)

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