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ORGANIZATION AND PRODUCTIVITY How to keep from drowning Jens Langsjoen.

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Presentation on theme: "ORGANIZATION AND PRODUCTIVITY How to keep from drowning Jens Langsjoen."— Presentation transcript:

1 ORGANIZATION AND PRODUCTIVITY How to keep from drowning Jens Langsjoen

2 How to be more like Patrick Rendon

3 Outline Why is this important Resources Overview of a system Jens’ new system Tips from the pros Proposed action Items Discussion/Comments

4 I was this guy..

5 Now I’m this guy…

6 Why is this important? We aren’t taught these skills time management, organization and productivity Pathology from lack of system default for motivated junior faculty: work takes over, life falls apart no system—>constantly putting out fires—>constant stress quality of teaching, patient care, creative research ideas, collegiality all decline when we hate our lives. Benefits of having a system improved teaching, patient care, creativity and collegiality Faculty retention system—>improved job satisfaction—>improved retention

7 Best Hospitalist Group Ever

8 Survey Results?

9 I Needed a system, so I read a book, and interviewed 4 superheroes with Tony. Book Getting Things Done, by David Allen 4 productive and enthusiastic superheroes Kendall Rogers Justin Roesch Rush Pierce Patrick Rendon





14 The GTD Methodology

15 GTD- Basic Philosophy Agreements you make are tracked by the unconscious Brain knows you’re a mess and you don’t have a system. Pesters you, reminds you of fires that need putting out. distractibility, stress, low productivity, less engagement with colleagues, poor diplomacy, fear of new ideas, ruins vacations. Create a trusted system outside of the brain Use it enough to convince your unconscious brain that it works. “Mind like water”: present and attentive, patience, creativity, higher productivity, less stress, a versatile ninja mind.

16 GTD system- Basic Structure capture clarify organize reflect engage

17 Capture Develop systems for capturing all data Email accounts, home mailbox, work mailbox, desk tray, notepads or apps for idea capturing Capture devices must be used to work Empty them on a scheduled basis When getting started put everything from your mind onto paper, and into an inbox.

18 Clarify (or process) This is when you go through your captured data What is it? Is it actionable? No file it (reference), incubate it (someday file) or trash it Yes <2min task: DO IT, >2 min task: defer into Todo list it, delegate it, or calendar it is it a multi-task Project? add to a project system


20 Organize Key elements of GTD organizational system Contains the following elements Project List Project support files Someday/maybe list Waiting For list Calendar Next action list (todo list) Reference files


22 Reflect Review strategy: keeps the system alive! Calendar: review it daily Next actions: review daily Someday/maybe: review weekly Weekly Review Schedule it in calendar. Review system—>make revisions Gather your stuff (loose papers, notes etc) Empty all inboxes/capture devices. Go through todo lists, reminders, clean up Update project list and someday list Brainstorm creatively on projects and life

23 Engage Choosing which actions to complete Factors (in order) 1) context at work? at home? by the phone? in a car? by a computer? 2) time available 5 minutes? 30 minutes? 2 hours? 3) energy level some tasks don’t work with low energy, some do. 4) priority consider accountabilities, goals, and values 3 types of daily activity 1) Do predefined work (go through next actions) 2) Do work as it shows up (address new things on your desk) 3) Define your work: (go through projects and make Next Actions)

24 GTD system- Basic Structure capture clarify organize reflect engage

25 Time Management Matrix Technique Covey

26 Jens’ New System

27 Capture Paper capture-“jlangsjoen printer cover sheets”, pt lists, notepads Mind capture- everything into project and someday lists Digitial idea capture- Evernote audio: song idea photo: meeting notes, recipe at someone else’s house, cool rash recommendations: restaurant, movie, music, book Learning issues at work Todo capture- Wunderlist When I (or Kjirsten) notice we are out of half&half or butter. Work todo item that just comes up randomly Scheduling/appointments Outlook and gmail calendars




31 Clarify (Go through inboxes) Use the GTD methodology Actionable? No File it (reference file), trash it, or incubate (someday file) Yes <2min task: DO IT, >2 min task-defer: delegate it, Todo list it, or calendar it Is it a multi-task Project? add to project system. To perform daily for 30min and weekly on Sunday

32 Organize Project List Shortcut on evernote, divided into Work List and Home List Project support materials Evernote parent folders: -HOME -WORK –MUSIC Subfolders: Active projects Dropbox Project folders For articles and shared projects mostly Paper files manilla project folders—> labeler at home. Store in filing cabinets at home and work Emails Active project folders in Outlook (work) and Gmail (home)

33 Organize (cont) Someday/maybe list Shortcut on evernote, Outlook category for “Someday" Waiting For list Evernote: "2-WAITING" Tag Outlook email category: "WAITING" Calendar Gmail and Outlook synced Sacred territory, if it’s there do it. Schedule project work time and avg 2 days off/wk. Next Action (Todo lists) Wunderlist Work NEXT, Home NEXT, shopping, groceries, Red flag for urgent- do it today Outlook Category: NEXT ACTION, Follow Up: specify time frame Reference Evernote: reference folders Paper filing systems Dropbox






39 Reflect Rule of threes Every work morning decide 3 things I want to accomplish that day On Sunday-Weekly review, decide 3 things I want to accomplish that week Weekly Review schedule it for Once a week (usually Sunday) Review your system Gather my stuff Empty inboxes Go through todo lists Update project list and someday list Brainstorm creatively on projects and life. Decide 3 goals for the week

40 Superhero Tips! Interview Questions: Email Management Project Management Work/Life balance Scholarly Productivity

41 Email Management General management Process all emails (delete, or read/unread) Unsubscribe to junk. Setup Outlook Rules, send unm junk mail to “special folder” Always group emails by conversation Be judicious! Email begets more email Use an Email todo system Rush: clicks FLAG for action items Kendall: all “unread” emails= action items Justin: uses categories, red=critical, yellow=important Try using Outlooks “Follow-up” to set action item time frame. Send initial “I got your email” reply to people Be honest re: your time constraints, don’t over commit Make folders/subfolders for projects QI, scholarship, medical education, billing, wards, etc

42 Project Management Schedule project-specific work time in calendar Meeting tips Schedule with Outlook calendar (not email) Have them often to keep projects alive Assign jobs: whose doing what? Always make action items Always set timelines for action completion Project collaboration tools Google drive or dropbox for file sharing Parkinson’s law tasks expand to fit the allotted time—>set time goals! Use a wiki page for tracking project minutes Request an email receipt (see whose ignoring you)

43 Scholarly Productivity Look for something you enjoy, or holes in the Lit Share and discuss ideas with colleagues Set goals: ie “complete 2 posters/year, 1 manuscript/year” Posters Keep interesting patient list on powerchart Find an angle: “uncommon presentation of common”, or case with QI implications Identify and utilize motivated students Use group research interest email for finding students Manuscripts Make a writing team, assign parts of paper to each member Set realistic timeframes, consider everyone’s monthly schedules

44 Work/Life balance All 4 superheroes have struggled with this Give yourself days off. Put them in the Calendar. Leave work at work. Don’t do work email at home (at least not in front of fam) Don’t bitch about work all the time, see good in every day Remember things you once loved to do, schedule them! Block family/kid events in calendar Standing: “think of something fun to do on weekend” calendar reminder Q Thursday Join groups that do fun things Try not talking about work when socializing

45 Action Items!!! Create organization/productivity tips sheet for wiki Start a monthly Productivity Club Members will commit to using a system Meet and discuss our systems, how to improve them Productivity Book Club component Hold each other accountable.

46 Comments and Discussion?

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