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Ryerson Early Childhood Studies and York U. BEd

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1 Ryerson Early Childhood Studies and York U. BEd
Faculty of Education, York University Concurrent Education 2014 Ryerson Early Childhood Studies and York U. BEd Marc Powell – Student Advisor Vanessa Grafi – Manager Student Services

2 Agenda Partnership OCT Admission Requirements Experiences
Program/Courses         days of practice teaching        Professional Development        Access Vanessa

3 Why BEd with York U. You get the best of both worlds…
Program partnership; first of its kind in Canada, partnering BA and BEd Graduates earn both BA ECS/BEd in five years Support Ministry of Education full day kindergarten, fostering care and education needs in the classroom Nominate to OCT (Ontario College of Teachers) Small classes, specialized professors and taught at Ryerson Vanessa

4 OCT REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFICATION Bachelor Degree & Bachelor of Education

5 Path to your Bachelor of Education
Concurrent Three year program (Full Time) BA/BEd five years Co-Registered Faculties Ryerson and York Current Ryerson Student May 2014 Min 24 credits completed Ryerson GPA – 3.0/ B Marc

6 Concurrent application process
Must apply by February 28, 2014: Online application will be available end of January 2014 Language Proficiency test results: minimum of two years university study (if applicable) Ryerson transcript (mid February) Supplementary Application by March 28, 2014: Basic Information Experience Summary Experience Profile Personal Statement Identify Two Referees Incomplete or late applications will NOT be accepted Marc

7 MyFile

8 Volunteer or Paid Experience
Classroom Supply Teaching Educational Assistant Co-op Coaching Camp Counsellor Other Work Experience with Children Variety is important Marc

9 Concurrent Education Primary/Junior Certification(JK – Grade 6)
Vanessa Experience teaching children pre-school to grade 6

10 PJ BEd Program 30 credits of Education courses
ED Foundation Courses including Community Placement Community Placement (Practicum 1) Inquiries into Learning - 3 credits Inquiries into Schooling – 3 credits Human Development – 3 credits ED Teaching Language in the PJ Divisions – 3 credits Teaching Mathematics in The P/J Divisions – 3 credits Practicum 2 ED Sci and Technology – 1.5 credits Health and Phys Ed – 1.5 credits Teaching Arts and Social Studies 3.0 credits Education elective courses - 9 credits offered at the York U. Keele campus Vanessa

11 Concurrent Practicum Experience
Year 1 Community based Placement 1 Week School Observation block (May) Years 2 & 3 School Placement Mandatory Orientation (September) 4 Week Final Block (May) Vanessa

12 Mandatory Advising June (last week of June): Enrolment and new Admit Orientation September: Orientation February: Advising for ED 2 year Vanessa

13 Practice Teaching Practicum placements:
Site locations vs placement locations Choice of site not guaranteed Choice of placements Catholic or Public Importance of Attendance Part-time employment Vanessa

14 The ACCESS Initiative Recruit Admit Support
individuals who will make excellent teachers and who reflect the diversity in our society Recruit Admit Support Marc

15 The ACCESS Initiative The Rationale . . . .
We recognize that biases exist within educational institutions. In keeping with York’s commitment to equitable access to teacher education, our admissions policies are designed to assess the potential of all candidates, in particular those who have faced systemic barriers in educational settings, and in their lives. Marc

16 The ACCESS Initiative Aboriginal (First Nations, Métis, Inuit, Status, Non-Status, Aboriginal Ancestry) People with Disabilities Racialized People Other Minoritized People Marc

17 Applying under Access Initiative
When completing the supplementary application: Check ‘no’ beside the categories that do not apply to you. Discuss in your Personal Statement In addition to the regular Personal Statement requirements, we encourage applicants who apply through Access to discuss their experiences, and describe how such experiences might be valuable when working with diverse groups of students. Relevant factors might include: first language, race family and economic circumstances disability and its impact Marc

18 For more information, send an email to:
The ACCESS Initiative For more information, send an to: Marc

19 Faculty of Education contact info: Telephone: (416) url: Ryerson ECS Student Services working with Education Student Services Marc and Vanessa

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