Adobe Edge Inspect in Captivate 8 Software Simulation Projects in Captivate 8 Smart shapes in captivate 8.

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2 Adobe Edge Inspect in Captivate 8 Software Simulation Projects in Captivate 8 Smart shapes in captivate 8

3  Instructional Design analysts of K.Hovnanian company

4 At the end of this lesson, the employees will learn how to:  create a software simulation project using Adobe Captivate 8  use and edit objects and smart shapes in Captivate 8  Use Adobe Edge Inspect to preview responsive projects in Captivate 8

5  Knowledge of your operating system and basic computer navigation is required for all lessons.  It is recommend that you have the Adobe Captivate 8 software before starting the lesson. You can purchase the software or obtain a trial version of it from the Adobe web site.

6 DescriptionThis tutorial explains how to use Adobe Edge Inspect in a responsive design project in Adobe Captivate 8. Tutorial created byScreen capture using Camtasia YouTube Link to Video m/watch?v=UTGXbTH9O Yo&list=UU1hQRtXhB9Wxq 7xILfAHS9w

7 Video plays in slide show mode only

8 DescriptionThis Adobe Captivate 8 tutorial presents how to insert and edit objects and smart shapes in Adobe Captivate 8. Tutorial created by Cell phone video capture for initial introduction Screen capture using Camtasia YouTube Link to Video m/watch?v=QsKajSUM94 0&list=PLL60PhtJog87BEcZ k5ng5K0WMS1_24wIv&ind ex=2

9 Video plays in slide show mode only

10 DescriptionThis Adobe Captivate 8 tutorial explains how to add and edit smart shapes in Adobe Captivate 8. Tutorial created byScreen capture using Camtasia YouTube Link to Video m/watch?v=akrocOhn_8 U&list=PLL60PhtJog87BEcZ k5ng5K0WMS1_24wIv&ind ex=3

11 TGXbTH9OYo&list=PLL60PhtJog87BEcZk 5ng5K0WMS1_24wIv Video plays in slide show mode only

12 Channel has a channel art Videos are listed in a playlist All videos have a name and description All videos are unlisted

13 YouTube Channel m/channel/UC1hQRtXhB 9Wxq7xILfAHS9w Playlist m/channel/UC1hQRtXhB 9Wxq7xILfAHS9w/playlists


15 Time Primacy Recency Retention (Learning)

16 How we PerceiveHow we Process Concrete Sequential Concrete Random Abstract Sequential Abstract Random Activities: Sample project building Activities: Browsing sample simulation projects YouTube videos NA CS CR AS AR

17  Sousa, david. How the Brain Learns. 4. Thousand Oaks, CA, 2011. Print.  Gregorc, Anthony. Gregorc Style Delineator. A Self-Assessment Instrument for Adults. Columbia, CT: Gregorc Associates, Inc., 1985. Web.  Images taken from: =ssl

18  Adobe Captivate 8." Elearning Software, Screen Capture, Mobile Learning, HTML5 Publishing. Web. < ivate.html   ml

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