Presented by Amanda Lima NC Virtual Public Schools

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Amanda Lima NC Virtual Public Schools"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Amanda Lima NC Virtual Public Schools

2 Overview of Video in Education Ways to Create and Utilize Video Additional Resources Q&A

3 (a) Beginner (b) Intermediate (c) Advanced

4  How is Video Utilized?  Created by teacher, student, or third party  For instruction or assignments  Engagement  Creating (Bloom)  Reflection How is video utilized? Why is video utilized?

5  Personalized  Engaging  Shareable  Time  Lack of production equipment  Lack of professional development Advantages Disadvantages

6  Jing, Camtasia  Windows Movie Maker, iMovie  Adobe Premiere Elements, Sony Vegas  Animoto, VoiceThread, SlideSix ScreencastingVideo Editing Software Web 2.0 Tools

7  Present a presentation  Record a speech, poem, conversation in another language, or recite the constitution  Teach a course concept  Make lecture or instruction more engaging  Give an oral history of an important person to the course  Announcements, test reviews, reminder messages  Tutorials StudentsTeachers

8  Tutorial on Podcasting – Camtasia Tutorial on Podcasting  Class Announcement – Jing Class Announcement  Record on PowerPoint – Camtasia Record on PowerPoint Final Product

9 Powerful communication toolsUse them to give better instructionsMore engaging for audienceEasy to create & share

10  Capture More History Free Version

11 History

12 More Finish Send Feedback Preferences Exit Help

13 Capture


15  eractive-pc/ eractive-pc/  eractive-mac/ eractive-mac/ Windows PCMac OS X

16  Record lectures, presentations, guest speakers  Create a How-To video of a class topic (how- to perform a chemistry experiment)  Give an oral history of a person’s life  Record mock election speeches/debates  Anchored Instruction – pose a question that students must solve  Storytelling  Public service announcement

17  Examples:  Computer Troubleshooting Computer Troubleshooting  Oral History on Oprah (with still images only) Oral History on Oprah  Public Service Announcement Public Service Announcement  Digital Story Telling (with figurines) Digital Story Telling  How-To on Dog Nutrition and Training How-To on Dog Nutrition and Training

18  Jing Tutorials Jing Tutorials  Taking Your First Capture  Capture an Image  Capture a Video  Share to  Camera Shots Camera Shots

19  Overview of Video in Education  How, why, advantages and disadvantages  Creating a Screencast/Image Capture with Jing  Software available, uses, sharing  Introduction to Video Editing Software  Uses, examples

20  Questions & Comments

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