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PETER’S CONFESSION MATTHEW 16:13-28. Caesarea Philippi Way up north of Galilee Shrine for idols there Jesus asks the apostles, “Who do men say that I,

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2 Caesarea Philippi Way up north of Galilee Shrine for idols there Jesus asks the apostles, “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” v.13 John the Baptist (Herod—Mark 6:14) Elijah Mark 6:15, Malachi 4:5 Jeremiah One of the prophets The prophet Deuteronomy 18:18-22, Acts 3:22

3 Caesarea Philippi Jesus asks the apostles, “Who do YOU say that I am?” v.15 Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” v.16 Revealed by God by works & words of God v.17 John 5:36-39 You are Peter v.18 (PETROS) Upon this rock (PETRA) PETER SAYS JESUS IS THE ROCK 1 Peter 2:4-6 I will build my church

4 I Will Build My Church Jesus is the builder Acts 2:47; 1Pet. 2:5 Builds by adding us to the church Builds by making us grow Jesus is the owner Acts 20:28 Church not yet built (also called the kingdom v.19) Col. 1:13 It is His church Matt. 15:13 He has one church Ephesians 1:22-23, 4:4 Joining the church doesn’t save; the church is the saved added by the Savior Eph. 5:23

5 I Will Build My Church The gates of Hades shall not prevail against it Hades could not hold Jesus Acts 2:24 Had to die to be rejected stone & raised to establish the church v.21-28; 1 Pet. 2:4,7 Raised to sit on throne in kingdom (church) Acts 2:29-31 Peter given keys to kingdom (authority of gospel) Acts 2:11-40, 10:1-48 Bound & loosed in heaven first, then earth v.19 Same authority to all apostles Matt. 18:18

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