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Anemias in children.

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1 Anemias in children

2 Anemia… … abnormal low hemoglobin, hematocrit or RBC count, lower than the age-adjusted reference range for healthy children.

3 Anemia… … abnormal low hemoglobin, hematocrit or RBC count, lower than the age-adjusted reference range for healthy children.

4 Etiologic classification
I Impaired red cell formation A/ Deficiency Decreased dietary intake Increased demand Decreased absorption Increased loss B/ Bone marrow failure Failure of a single or all cell lines Infiltration C/Dyshematopoietic anemia II Blood loss III Hemolytic anemia Corpuscular (membrane, enzymatic or hemoglobine defects) Extracorpuscular (immune, idiopathic)

5 Diagnosis of Anemia Additionally: -bone marrow evaluation
detailed history careful physical examination peripheral blood smear red cell morphology MCV RDW (red cell distribution width) WBC and platelet morphology Additionally: -bone marrow evaluation -additional testing

6 History - Diet (iron , folate, vitB12 intake, onset of hemolysis after certain foods –e.g.,fava beans) - family history (transfusion requirements of relatives, splenectomy, gallblader disease) - environmental exposures (lead poissoning) - symptoms (headache, exertion dyspnea, fatigue, dizziness, weakness, mood or sleep disturbances, tinnitis) melena, hematemesis, abdominal pain- chronic blood loss

7 Physical Examination Pallor (skin, oral mucosa, nail beds)
Jaundice -hemolysis tachycardia tachypnea orthostatic hypotension venous hum systolic ejection murmur peripheral edema? Splenomegaly? Hepatomegaly? Glossitis? gingival pigmentation? Adenopathy? Facial, extremity examination

8 Peripheral Blood Components important
Peripheral Blood Components important! Different values dependent on age! RBC Hgb HCT MCV – 80 – 100 fl/L (a calculated value) MCH RDW Reticulocyte Count

9 MCV for Characterize Anemia
(>85fl) *Macrocytic Normal newborn Increased erythropoesis Post splenectomy Liver disease Aplastic anemia Megaloblastic anemia Down S. Obstructive jaundice Low(<70 fl) *Hypochromic/Microcytic -Iron deficiency anemia -Thalassemia -Sideroblastic anemia -Chronic infection -Lead poisoning -Inborn errors of Fe metabolism -Severe malnutrition -Copper deficiency

10 Normocytic Acute blood loss Infection Disseminated malignancy
Renal failure Connective tissue disorders Liver disease Disseminated malignancy Early iron deficiency Aplastic anemia Bone marrow infiltration Dyserythropoietic anemia

11 Iron Deficiency Anemia
Causes -Dietary deficiency -Increased demand (growth) -Impaired absorption -Blood loss (menstrual problems) Symptoms GI: Anorexia, poor weight gain, pica, atrophic glossitis CNS: fatigue, irritability Cardiac: increased cardiac output, cardiac hypertrophy Dry skin, thin hair, pallor, nail ridges

12 Iron Deficiency Anemia
*characteristics of peripheral blood smear microcytic hypochromic *MCV and Hgb– decreased (Hgb<12g/L) Ferritin – decreased (<13mg/dL) TIBC - high -Serum iron –decreased (N µg/dL)

13 Iron Deficiency Anemia
Treatment oral iron supplementation: 4 - 6mg/kg/day of elemental iron goal: to replace iron stores, not just circulating Hgb! Reticulocytes- starts to rise in 3 -4 days, Hbg- after 4- 5 days After Hgb normalisation – continue Fe therapy 1-2 months to replace Fe stores *Iron- rich foods: animal protein, green vegetables, iron fortified cereales Folate, vit C

14 parenteral therapy (IM,IV)
indications poor compliance severe bowel disease intolerance of oral iron chronic hemorrhage acute diarrhea disorder

15 Megaloblastic anemia Presence the megaloblasts in the bone marrow and macrocytes in the blood In > 95% occurs as a result of folate and vitamin B12 deficiency Deficiencies of ascorbic acid, tocopherol, thiamine may be related to megaloblastic anemia Dietary vitamin B12 (cobalamine) is required from animal sources (meat and milk)

16 Causes of vitamin B12 deficiency
I Inadequate dietary intake (<2mg/day) –malnutrition, veganism, maternal deficiency II Defective vitamin B12 absorption Failure to secrete intrinsic factor Failure to absorption in small intestine III Defective vitamin B12 transport IV Disorders of vitamin B12 metabolism (congenital, acquired)

17 Folic acid deficiency One of the most common micronutrient deficiences in the word (next to iron deficiency) Component of malnutrition and starvation Women are more frequently affected than men Folate sufficiency prevents neural tube defects Low mean daily folate intake is associated with twofold increased risk for preterm delivery and low infant birth weight

18 Causes of folic acid deficiency
Inadequate intake (method of cooking, special diet, goat’ milk) Defective absorption (congenital or acquired) Increased requirements (rapid growth, chronic hemolytic anemia, dyserythropoietic anemias, malignant disease, hypermetabolic state, cirrosis, post –BMT) Disorders in folic acid metabolism (congenital, acquired) Increased excretion

19 Clinical features of cobalamine and folate deficiency
Insidious onset: pallor, lethargy, fatigability, anorexia, sore red tongue and glossitis, diarrhea History: similarly affected sibling, maternal vitamin B12 deficiency or poor maternal diet Vitamin B12 deficiency: signs of neurodevelopmental delay, apathy, weakness, irrability, athetoid movements, hypotonia, peripheral neuropathy, spastic paresis

20 Megaloblastic Anemias: Clinical Findings
Anemia is slow to develop Fatigue Weakness Yellow color Weight loss Glossitis

21 Megaloblastic Anemia: Lab Features: Hematology
Macrocytic, normochromic anemia Increased MCH: due to large cell volume Normal MCHC RBC, HGB, Hct decreased Granulocytes and Thrombocytes are affected as well. Granulocytes are hypersegmented Megakaryoctyes are abnormal resulting in thrombocytopenia

22 Megaloblastic Anemia: Lab Features: Peripheral blood
Triad of oval macrocytes, Howell-Jolly bodies and hypersegmented neutrophils Anisocytosis, Poikilocytosis RBC’s are fragile, lifespan is shortened and many die in the bone marrow which causes ↑ LDH

23 Megaloblastic Anemia: Lab Features: Misc
Bone marrow Chemistries Hypercellular with megaloblastic erythroid precursors M:E ratio decreased Vitamin B12 Folate Methylmalonic acid (MMA) Homocysteine Lactic dehydrogenase(LDH)

24 Diagnosis Red cell changes: Hgb usually reduced, MCV increased to levels 110 – 140fl., MCHC normal, in blood smear many macrocytes and macro-ovalocytes, anisocytosis, poikilocytosis, presence of Cabot rings, Howell-Jolly bodies, punctate basophilia White blood cell count reduced to 1500 – 4000/mm3, neutrophils show hypersegmentation (>5 lobes) Platelets count moderately reduced (50,000 – 180,000/mm3) Bone marrow: megaloblastic appearance Serum vitamin B12 values lowered (normal 200 – 800 pg/ml) Serum and red cell folate levels – wide variation in normal range; less than 3 ng/ml -very low, 3-5 ng/ml –low, >5-6 ng/ml normal, in red cell: ng/ml Schilling urinary excretion test – measurement of intrinsic factor availability and absorption of vitamin B12

25 Treatment Vitamin B12 deficiency Prevention in cases of risk of vitamin B12 deficiency Treatment 25 – 100µg vitamin B12 Folic acid deficiency Correction of the foliate deficiency ( µg/day) Treatment of the underlying causative disorder Improvement of the diet to increase folate intake

26 Macrocytic Anemia Megaloblastic Nonmegaloblastic
Abnormal DNA synthesis, usually due to vitamin B12 or folate deficiencies Results in delayed nuclear development, causing the larger cells Nonmegaloblastic Mechanism not well defined Increase in membrane lipids Characterized by large erythrocytes( MCV> 100)

27 Megaloblastic Anemias
“Megaloblast”: large abnormal marrow erythocyte precursor Group of disorders characterized by defective nuclear maturation caused by impaired DNA synthesis. Nuclear replication is slowed down resulting in maturation delays, prolonging the premitotic interval Results Large nucleus Increased cytoplasmic RNA Early hgb synthesis


29 Megaloblastic Anemia: Causes of
Vitamin B 12 deficiency Folate deficiency Drugs Myelodysplastic syndromes Acute leukemia

30 Megaloblastic Anemias: Deficiency of Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) deficiency Inadequate dietary intake B12 is found in food of animal origin: red meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products

31 Megaloblastic Anemias: Deficiency of Vitamin B12
Malabsorption Pernicious anemia Caused by gastric parietal cell atrophy which causes decreased secretion of intrinsic factor (IF). IF is necessary for B12 absorption. Atrophy due to immune destruction of the acid-secreting portion of the gastric mucosa Onset is usually after age 40, primarily women Affects people of Northern European backgrounds Neurologic problems Schilling test used for diagnosis

32 Schilling test Establishes the cause of vitamin B12 deficiency
Test performed in two parts If parts one & two abnormal: Pernicious anemia If part one only abnormal: malabsorption

33 B12 Malabsorption causes (con’t)
Gastrectomy Blind loop syndrome bacteria use up the B12 Fish tapeworm= Diphyllobothrium latum completes for B12

34 Other Causes for B12 Deficiency
Drugs Alcohol Nitrous oxide Antitubercular drug

35 Megaloblastic Anemia: Folic Acid (Folate) deficiency
Inadequate dietary intake Poverty Old age Alcoholism

36 Megaloblastic Anemia: Folic Acid (Folate) deficiency
Malabsorption Ileitis/Crohn’s disease Tropical sprue Blind loop syndrome Nontropical sprue Gluten-sensitive enteropathy Childhood celiac disease

37 Megaloblastic Anemia: Folic Acid (Folate) deficiency
Increased requirement Pregnancy There is increased demand during pregnancy and should be supplemented prior to and during pregnancy. Deficiency during pregnancy can cause neural tube defects in utero. Infancy Hematologic diseases that involve rapid cellular proliferation such as sickle cell anemia

38 Megaloblastic Anemia: Folic Acid (Folate) deficiency
Drugs Methotrexate (chemotherapy drug that is a folate antagonist) Alcohol Oral contraceptives Long term anticoagulant drugs

39 Treatment of megaloblastic anemia
B12 deficiency Vitamin therapy Intramuscular or subcutaneous injections for pernicious anemia to bypass absorption throught the gut. Folate deficiency

40 Non-Megaloblastic Anemia
MCV doesn’t go as high as in megaloblastic Macrocytes are round NOT oval No hypersegmented neutrophils Leukocytes and platelets are normal Jaundice, glossitis and neuropathy are absent

41 Non-Megaloblastic Anemia
Causes of Chronic liver disease Alcoholism (alcohol has toxic effect on RBC’s) Stimulated Erythropoiesis

42 Anemia associated with liver disease
Causes of: Blood Picture: Blood loss Alcoholism Folate Deficiency Impaired bone marrow response Hemolysis Target cells Acanthocytes Macrocytes Hypochromia Microcytosis

43 Anemia associated with:
Alcoholism: Ethanol has a toxic effect on precursor cells. Red cells are macrocytic Stimulated erythropoiesis: Increased EPO, adequate iron Release of stress reticulocytes

44 Intravascular vs. Extravascular
•AHTR •Severe burns •Severe microangiopathy •G6PD •DIC Extravascular •AIHA •DHTR •Hemoglobinopathies •HS •Hypersplenism •Live

45 -RBCs being made appropriately and then destroyed?
Anemia •Use common sense, and think in global terms -RBCs being lost? •GI bleeding, menstrual loss (both often with Fe deficiency) -RBCs being made appropriately and then destroyed? •AIHA (elevated bili & retic, classic w/ hemolysis) •Hypersplenism (?liver dz w/ portal hypertension)

46 •Fe deficiency – not enough substrate; low retic
Anemia -RBCs not being made? •Fe deficiency – not enough substrate; low retic •Transient erythroblastopenia of childhood (TEC) – transient marrow shut-off; zero retic •Marrow infiltration (other counts likely to be affected) •Aplastic anemia (WBC, plts also low; possible increased MCV)

47 -RBCs not being made correctly, thus being destroyed?
Anemia -RBCs not being made correctly, thus being destroyed? •Hereditary spherocytosis (elevated bili & retic) -RBCs made with wrong Hgb/enzyme defect, thus hemolyzing? •Sickle cell, thalassemia, G6PD

48 ABO/Rh incompatibility if newborn, congenital anemia, G6Anemia
if near 2 mos, ABO/Rh incompatibility if newborn, congenital anemia, G6Anemia •Similarly, think about what’s common, given the age and clinical presentation -Infants <12mos •Fe def is exceedingly RARE; think physiologic nadir PD def, α thal trait, leukemia (unlikely to present w/ isolated anemia)

49 -Toddlers – many more possibilities
Anemia -Toddlers – many more possibilities •Fe def very common, TEC, Diamond-Blackfan Anemia, HS, previously undiagnosed sickle cell, α thal trait, G6PD def, HUS, leukemia

50 -Later school age/adolescent
Anemia -School age •Fe def possible, HS, α thal trait, AIHA, HUS, leukemia, GI blood loss -Later school age/adolescent •Fe def common in menstruating ♀ (think twice about Fe def in males), AIHA, GI blood loss, leukemia

51 Hemoglobin values vary with age
Hb (gm/dL) Age MCV= Reticulocytes 3-7% (cord blood) Newborn 9.0 (term) 8.5 (low birth wt.) 9.5 10.0 2-3 months 3-6 months 6-12 months Infancy 10.5 11.5 12-24 months > 24 months Child 12.0 (female) 13.5 (male) > 13 years Adolescence

52 -Diet, pica behaviors, living situation, family ethnicity & surgeries,
Anemia •Use the entire history and physical to your advantage -Diet, pica behaviors, living situation, family ethnicity & surgeries, frequent moves, neonatal history, menstrual history, viral history, GI blood loss, medications -Vitals, color, organomegaly, nodes

53 -Indices (MCV, particularly in
Anemia •Labs -Hgb – how low? -Indices (MCV, particularly in comparison to Hgb, MCHC) and smear -Retic count!

54 •Fe studies – Fe, TIBC, ferritin
Others as indicated •Fe studies – Fe, TIBC, ferritin •Bili •Coomb’s •Lead level •Hgb electrophoresis •Osmotic fragility

55 Differential Diagnosis of Anemia
•Divide into groups by size of cell (MCV) Macrocytic Normocytic Microcytic Newborn Acute blood loss Fe-def Liver disease Thalassemia Hypothyroidism Renal disease Sideroblastic Splenectomy Infiltrated marrow Lead toxicity Trisomy 21 E TEC Hgb Reticulocytosis Connective tissue Inborn errors Aplastic Aplastic Anemia Anemia/MDS Copper def. Vit B12/Folat Atransferrinemia

56 Differential Diagnosis of Anemia
Consider increased destruction versus decreased production based on reticulocyte count Destruction Production Dietary(Fe,B12,Folate) Aplastic Anemia Diamond-Blackfan TEC Bone Marrow infiltrate Hemoglobin Enzyme defects Membrane defects Immune-mediated

57 19 mo old male noted by his grandmother to be pale and fussy
19 mo old male noted by his grandmother to be pale and fussy. Described as very picky, his diet is mainly string cheese, mac & cheese and milk. The child appears in no distress. He is slightly tachycardic with normal heart rhythm, no gallop, +systolic murmur, normal BP and good peripheral perfusion. CBC shows Hb=5.0 gm/dl, MCV 52fL, retic 1.6%. What is the most appropriate clinical management? 1) Refer immediately to the closest hospital for 10cc/kg PRBC transfusion. 2) Schedule a slow transfusion with 5cc/kg of PRBC then start supplementation with oral iron. 3) Start the patient on a daily children’s chewable vitamin with Fe. 4) Obtain nutrition consult and start oral Fe at 3-6 mg/kg elemental Fe daily.

58 19 mo old male noted by his grandmother to be pale and fussy.
Described as very picky, his diet is mainly string cheese, mac & cheese and milk. The child appears in no distress. He is slightly tachycardic with normal heart rhythm, no gallop, +systolic murmur, normal BP and good peripheral perfusion. CBC shows Hb=5.0 gm/dl, MCV 52fL, retic 1.6%. What is the most appropriate clinical management? Refer immediately to the closest hospital for 10cc/kg PRBC transfusion. 2) Schedule a slow transfusion with 5cc/kg of PRBC then start supplementation with oral iron. 3) Start the patient on a daily children’s chewable vitamin with Fe. 4) Obtain nutrition consult and start oral Fe at 3-6 mg/kg elemental Fe daily.

59 Iron Deficiency Anemia
•Toddlers and adolescent females particularly susceptible •Anemia of varying degree (can be severe), with low RBC and MCV and inadequate reticulocytosis (↓substrate) •↓Fe, ↑TIBC, nl to ↓ferritin

60 Iron Deficiency Anemia
•Treat with oral iron -3-6 mg elemental Fe/kg/day in divided doses -325 mg qd-bid (adolescents) •Recheck CBC, retic in 2-3 wks •No change - ?compliance, wrong dx (thal trait) •If no obvious dietary or menstrual hx to explain the Fe deficiency, rule out occult GI blood loss

61 Which of the following sets of labs are consistent with iron deficiency anemia?
1) ↑ RDW, ↓ RBC#, ↑ MCV 2) Normal RDW, ↑ RBC#, ↓ MCV 3) ↑ RDW, ↓ RBC#, ↓ MCV

62 Which of the following sets of labs are consistent with iron deficiency anemia?
↑ RDW, ↓ RBC#, ↑ MCV Normal RDW, ↑ RBC#, ↓ MCV ↑ RDW, ↓ RBC#, ↓ MCV

63 Thal trait vs. Fe-deficiency
•Remember, in thalassemia trait, all red cells are very small (↓ ↓ MCV), but they’re all the same size (nl RDW), and there is no production problem (nl to ↑ RBC). There is marked discrepancy between Hgb value and MCV, whereas in Fe-def, these two values tend to go down at a similar rate.

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