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The Trojan War Between 1300-1201 BC OR 1200-1101 BC.

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Presentation on theme: "The Trojan War Between 1300-1201 BC OR 1200-1101 BC."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Trojan War Between 1300-1201 BC OR 1200-1101 BC

2 Myths, Legends, and Fact:  Troy was a city in Asia Minor (modern day Turkey)  The story of the Trojan War is a mixture of myth and legend.

3 Homer Ancient Greek Poet Author of the Iliad and Odyssey. They are epic poems (a long poem that tells a story) Iliad is about the Trojan War and the Odyssey is about the journey home Homer is a mystery, not much is know about him

4 The Legend of the Trojan War Helen, Queen of Sparta Rumored to be the most beautiful women in all of Greece Menelaus, King of Sparta

5 The Legend of the Trojan War Pairs, a prince of Troy, meets and falls in love with Helen. The two return to Troy together. Menelaus is very upset.

6 The Legend of the Trojan War Menelaus goes to King Agamemnon of Mycenae and asks him to join Sparta in war against Troy. King Agamemnon agrees. 1,000 Greek ships carrying 50 men each (50,000 Greeks) sail to Troy for war. Achilles, a great warrior, joins Greece in the war against Troy.

7 The Legend of the Trojan War After many battles the Greeks devised a plan to enter Troy undetected. The Greeks built the Trojan Horse. Some Greeks hid inside the horse while others hid on the beach. The Trojans saw the horse as a gift for the Gods and took it within their city walls. At nightfall, the Greeks climbed out of the horse and attacked. Troy fell to the Greeks. Troy

8 Mycenae Most historians believe King Agamemnon of Mycenae wanted to control trade in the Aegean Sea. To do this King Agamemnon had to also control Troy. Truth behind the Trojan War:

9 Wanted Poster Requirements: 1.Name of the person/god/goddess who is most responsible for Trojan War 2.Short biography explaining who the person/god/goddess is 3.What they are wanted for (What did they do? What is the crime?) 4.Reward amount 5.Picture of the person/god/goddess

10 Tales From Troy: The Legend of Achilles Centaur – a half man, half horse Thetis – a sea goddess (she was a nymph, a nature goddess) Achilles – son of Thetis and King Peleus, he was a demi- god, a great warriors Achilles vs. Hector from Troy

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