“Pride on the Hill” Scholarship Club Agenda Wednesday, October 19 th Purpose of the club - Mr. V Ministry Awards Program - Mr. V Bursaries Available and.

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Presentation on theme: "“Pride on the Hill” Scholarship Club Agenda Wednesday, October 19 th Purpose of the club - Mr. V Ministry Awards Program - Mr. V Bursaries Available and."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Pride on the Hill” Scholarship Club Agenda Wednesday, October 19 th Purpose of the club - Mr. V Ministry Awards Program - Mr. V Bursaries Available and Websites - Ms. G Booklet - Info. and tips - Ms. G Future Topics: What do you want to learn?? What to look for in an application for Post Sec. Writing Entrance Essays, Exam Preparation, Local Bursary Application, Educational Loans Life before High School Program… Questions?? Next meeting date: November 16 th – Topic?

2 “Pride on the Hill” Scholarship Club - Purpose To assist students to obtain financial awards and loans, and to learn how to prepare for application to post-secondary educational programs:  University  College  Technical Schools and Fine Arts Schools  Trade Schools  Apprenticeship  Training Programs

3 “Pride on the Hill” Scholarships Awards based on Performance  Provincial Exams  Class Marks  Projects and Portfolios  Contests and Competitions  Community and School Involvement

4 “Pride on the Hill” Scholarships - Sources  Ministry of Education  Post Secondary Institutions  Organizations  School District

5 “Pride on the Hill” Provincial Scholarship Involves only Mandatory Provincial Exams Involves only Mandatory Provincial Exams Minimum of blended mark of “B” in English 12 Minimum of blended mark of “B” in English 12 One “A”, Three “B”’s in 4 exams to earn $1000 Scholarship One “A”, Three “B”’s in 4 exams to earn $1000 Scholarship Grades 11/12 can rewrite exams this year only! Grades 11/12 can rewrite exams this year only! Required Exams Required Exams Math 10 (AW Math, FM Math) Math 10 (AW Math, FM Math) English 10 (First Peoples English) English 10 (First Peoples English) Science 10 Science 10 Socials 11 (Civic Studies 11, BC First Nations 12) Socials 11 (Civic Studies 11, BC First Nations 12) English 12 (Communications 12, First Peoples English) English 12 (Communications 12, First Peoples English) Many of you are there, or very close!! Many of you are there, or very close!! Check on the Ministry Website! Check on the Ministry Website! http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/exams/

6 “Pride on the Hill” District Scholarship Program  Awards for Applied and Fine Arts programs  Examples of non-academic fields?  $500 cheque/$500 voucher  Project Presentation in May  Can have Provincial and District  Approx. 45 in the district per year  Sponsor Teacher required?  Mr. Kohlman is the school coordinator

7 “Pride on the Hill” Passport to Education Grade 10 - $250 Grade 11 - $250 Grade 12 - $500  Based on GPA/Effort & Work Habits  Minimum of 6 full courses in a year  Redeemable over 5 years  Approx. 30 per grade

8 “Pride on the Hill” Apprenticeship Scholarship Requires one semester of successful apprenticeship Must Graduate Minimum C+ average in all grade 12 courses Continue in Trade for 6 months after grad Apply within one year of grad

9 “Pride on the Hill” Bursaries Donations by Clubs, Organizations, Groups and Individuals (usually $200 to $1500) School Marks and Need Community and School Involvement Goals and Special Criteria Affiliation Vernon Bursaries Available for one week only in March!

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