The Office of Research, Health Sciences

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Presentation on theme: "The Office of Research, Health Sciences"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Office of Research, Health Sciences
Jeremy P. Somers, PhD Associate Director for Science Office of Research, Health Sciences

2 Senior Vice Chancellor, Health Sciences
Public Health Medicine Dental Pharmacy Health & Rehabilitation Sciences Office of Research Nursing

3 OORHS helps with Grant application development
New investigator guidance Funding opportunity information Research Core Facilities Division of Laboratory Animal Resources (DLAR) Competitive Medical Research Fund (CMRF) Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI)


5 New Investigator Guidance
OORHS offers one-on-one orientation sessions to newly hired research faculty in the Health Sciences to acquaint them with services and resources available to them at the University of Pittsburgh

6 Handbook for new faculty
Speeding up the Transition to Pitt The Office of Research, Health Sciences welcomes new faculty members to the University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences. Whether you are a newly appointed junior faculty member in your first tenure-track appointment or an established investigator, establishing a research program at a new institution is an exciting but sometimes challenging task. This handbook has been designed to convey to you University expectations and requirements to ensure that you may start your research program with a minimum of delays or complications. In the following pages, you will find details about important policies, training requirements, and contact information that you will need, whether you are setting up your first laboratory or transferring your research group from another institution. Our goal is not only to inform you of the policies themselves, but also to explain how such policies and requirements make for a successful research enterprise. Office of Research, Health Sciences January, 2013

7 Funding Opportunity Information
Maintains a comprehensive database of governmental and foundation funding opportunities for Health Sciences researchers Links investigators with relevant extramural funding opportunities Promotes nomination of Health Sciences faculty members for prestigious awards and honors

8 Research Core Facilities
Advances the development and use of state-of-the-art, shared research facilities needed by investigators in a broad spectrum of disciplines

9 Division of Laboratory Animal Resources (DLAR)
Fosters the animal-based research enterprise at the University of Pittsburgh through administrative oversight and resource development

10 Competitive Medical Research Fund (CMRF)
Administers this intramural, peer-reviewed funding program, which awards grants to new investigators.

11 Other Grant Programs Health Sciences Bridge Funding Program
Basic to Clinical Collaborative Research Pilot Program (BaCCoR)

12 OORHS Website
Links to institutional and external research sites Lists institutional and NIH research policy updates Health Sciences Calendar of Events Highlighted funding opportunities

13 Contact me Jeremy P. Somers, Ph.D. Associate Director for Science
Office of Research, Health Sciences Suite 401 Scaife Hall (412)

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