CERI Hot Topic Seminar – The virtual business Gary Frostick BSc(Hons) CEng CITP MBCS Senior Solutions Architect Xonitek Systems/Index Computer Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "CERI Hot Topic Seminar – The virtual business Gary Frostick BSc(Hons) CEng CITP MBCS Senior Solutions Architect Xonitek Systems/Index Computer Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 CERI Hot Topic Seminar – The virtual business Gary Frostick BSc(Hons) CEng CITP MBCS Senior Solutions Architect Xonitek Systems/Index Computer Systems

2 Introduction – Virtual Teams Benefits, Risks & Weaknesses Strategy and Recommendations Conclusions 1 2 3 4

3 Collaboration across international boundaries? Issues raised are relevant to any virtual business/virtual team scenario – not just international issues.

4 What is a Virtual Team? A virtual team is a group of individuals who work across time, location and organisational boundaries.

5 Why Virtual Teams? Customer/Supplier Projects Multi-Supplier Projects Multiple Locations Teleworkers Cross-Department Internal Projects Service Teams Action Teams (Contingency Planning)

6 Why Virtual Teams? Geographically dispersed teams allow organisations to hire and retain the best people regardless of location. Organisations becoming more geographically dispersed due to availability/cost of labour/facilities. Allow organisations to build customer/supplier (or inter-supplier) relationships over long-term projects to achieve common goals. Greater use of sub-contractors/facilities management/third party logistics.

7 Strengths of Virtual Teams Pool Expertise Avoids Limitations of Resource Supplier/Customers Relationships can become Partnerships Flexibility

8 Weaknesses of Virtual Teams Leadership Ownership Visibility Time Differences Language Barriers Cultural Differences Division of Work Trust Isolation Consensual decision making can be slower/more difficult

9 Strategy So can virtual teams be effective?

10 Recommendations Include Face-to Face Time - At start of project - Project reviews (If possible) Keep Project Information Visible - Common Systems - Use IT Supported Co-operative Systems - Appropriate Information Availability/Security Recognise Communication Delays - Time Zones - Working Days - Agreed Response Times

11 Recommendations 2 Keep Team Members Visible - Common Calendar - Project Plan - Etc Communication - Document Conversation - Language Barrier - Augment Text Only Communications - Don’t Rely on e-mail!!! - Back-up Communication Methods Establish Ground Rules (Working Methodology) - Trust

12 Recommendations 3 Project Reviews (Team Assessment) Recognise People - Achievements - Potential Conflicts Learn from Experience

13 Conclusions Virtual teams can be very effective but limitations must be recognised. Technology makes virtual teams possible, but is not a perfect substitution for human interaction. Virtual teams can be used in some scenarios to improve inter-organisation relationships and can add competitive advantage.

14 Questions

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