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Environment Statistics Training Workshop, Doha, 23-25 September 2012 Page 1 Environment Statistics of Qatar: Vision and goals Supporting (not only) QNDS.

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Presentation on theme: "Environment Statistics Training Workshop, Doha, 23-25 September 2012 Page 1 Environment Statistics of Qatar: Vision and goals Supporting (not only) QNDS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environment Statistics Training Workshop, Doha, 23-25 September 2012 Page 1 Environment Statistics of Qatar: Vision and goals Supporting (not only) QNDS 2011-2016 and the Environmental Sector Strategy 2011-2016 II

2 Environment Statistics Training Workshop, Doha, 23-25 September 2012 Page 2 Outline 1. What is Environment Statistics? 2. Qatari Environment Statistics: Vision and Goals (draft) 3. Embedding Environment Statistics into the National Statistical System 4. Environment in the QV 2030 and QNDS 2011-2016: Priority topics (sector outcomes) 5. Let’s be consistent, coherent and efficient 6. Conclusions

3 Environment Statistics Training Workshop, Doha, 23-25 September 2012 Page 3 What is Environment Statistics? Environment statistics describe the state and changes of environmental conditions, the quality and availability of environmental resources, the human activities and natural events that have a direct impact on the environment, the impact of changing environmental conditions, as well as the social and economic measures taken by societies to avoid or mitigate these impacts and to restore and maintain the capacity of the environment to provide the services that are essential for life and human wellbeing. (draft FDES, paragraph 1.2)

4 Environment Statistics Training Workshop, Doha, 23-25 September 2012 Page 4 Objectives of Environment Statistics of Qatar 1. Production of official environment statistics on a regular basis. 2. Supporting evidence-based policy and decision making based on QV 2030 and QNDS 2011-2016 with official statistics on the environment 3. Supporting awareness raising concerning the environment by providing information for the general public, as well as for specific user groups (QNDS 2011-2016) 4. Supporting other national and international needs related to environmental information 5. Environment statistics are part of the National Statistics System (NSS) 6. Qatar Statistics Authority has the overall responsibility and mandate to produce official environment statistics by Involving all relevant stakeholders (producers and users of data) Using international standards for environment statistics and quality frameworks Developing business rules and tools for efficient data sharing in cooperation with the relevant stakeholders

5 Environment Statistics Training Workshop, Doha, 23-25 September 2012 Page 5 Qatari Environment Statistics Vision (draft) Environment statistics provide the foundation for evidence-based policy and decision making as well as for awareness raising concerning environmental issues. The Qatar Statistics Authority maintains the National Statistics System which provides the official Environment Statistics of the State of Qatar on a regular basis and according to international classifications and quality standards. The environment statistics serve multiple national and international purposes in a coherent way. The National Statistics System involves all relevant national producers of environmental data and reviews the information needs of the data users continuously.

6 Environment Statistics Training Workshop, Doha, 23-25 September 2012 Page 6 Trade Finance Health Educatio n Culture Oil &Gas QSA Trade Finance Health Education Culture Oil &Gas Environ ment Environment Statistics becoming a part of the National Statistical System Oil &Gas Labor

7 Environment Statistics Training Workshop, Doha, 23-25 September 2012 Page 7 Environment Statistics becoming a part of the National Statistical System Environment

8 Environment Statistics Training Workshop, Doha, 23-25 September 2012 Page 8 Analytical & monitoring frameworks (DPSIR, MDG, thematic or issue based Accounting Systems (SEEA) SNA We need a common framework to be consistent, coherent and efficient.. Indicators. Environment Statistics of Qatar (Qatari Framework QFES) Environmental data from different sources (statistical and non-statistical) Ecological Footprint QNDS 2011 - 2016 Green Growth MDG UNSD Environment Questionnaire State of Environment Reports (UNEP-ROWA, Arab League) Etc.

9 Environment Statistics Training Workshop, Doha, 23-25 September 2012 Page 9 Environmental Development in the QV 2030 A Balance Between Development Needs and Protecting the Environment The 4 Pillars of the QV 2030 1. Human Development 2. Social Development 3. Economic Development 4. Environmental Development

10 Environment Statistics Training Workshop, Doha, 23-25 September 2012 Page 10 Qatar’s policies are based on Sustainable Development

11 Environment Statistics Training Workshop, Doha, 23-25 September 2012 Page 11 Environmental Development in the QV 2030 A Balance Between Development Needs and Protecting the Environment Preserving and protecting the environment, including air, land, water and biological diversity, through: An environmentally aware population An agile and comprehensive legal system Effective and sophisticated environmental institutions A comprehensive urban development plan for Qatar Encouragement of regional cooperation A proactive and significant international role in assessing the impact of climate change and mitigating its negative impacts

12 Environment Statistics Training Workshop, Doha, 23-25 September 2012 Page 12 Priority environmental topics QNDS 2011-2016 and Environmental Sector Strategy 2011-2016 Water: Cleaner water and sustainable use Air quality and air pollution: Cleaner air and effective climate change responses Waste: Reduced waste, more recycling and more efficient use Biodiversity: Nature and natural heritage conserved, protected and sustainably managed Human habitat: More sustainable urbanization and a healthier living environment Awareness raising: An increasingly environmentally aware population Governance and cooperation: Improved governance and regional and international cooperation

13 Environment Statistics Training Workshop, Doha, 23-25 September 2012 Page 13 Conclusions Environment Statistics at QSA should Be based on a national framework Provide environmental information for QNDS and Env. Sector Strategy and other purposes (national and international reporting obligations, environmental information,…) in a coherent way Cover all identified priority topics (water, waste, air quality, climate change, biodiversity, human habitat) Be developed and maintained in cooperation with national stakeholders The Qatari Framework on Environment Statistics (QFES) should Consider environment policy priorities and be expanded and reviewed regularly Ensure the management of data from various sources according to statistical rules, concepts and definitions Facilitate integration of data Facilitate multiple use of data Consider national classifications and standards Be based on international (UN) standards

14 Environment Statistics Training Workshop, Doha, 23-25 September 2012 Page 14 Thank you for your attention!

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