Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group A menu of opportunities 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group A menu of opportunities 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group A menu of opportunities 1

2 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group Flexible menu protection Built-in flexibility Designed to grow with your clients’ needs A little bit of cover can be better than none at all Creates built-in review opportunities An ideal fit with LifeQuote. Designed to adapt with your clients’ needs 2

3 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group Flexible menu protection Couple with a newborn son Mr and Mrs Jones – 35 and 32 next birthday Both non-smokers Mortgage £120,000 over 25 years Budget for protection is £50 a month. An example 3

4 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group 4

5 Flexible menu protection Life Cover only Should it be decreasing or level or even indexed? Should it be joint cover or separate cover on each? There are valid reasons to select single life covers. Stage 1 – cover the mortgage 5

6 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group Flexible menu protection Creating individual protection solutions 6 Client needs Mortgage protection Joint life, increasing term £120,000 Life Cover, joint life, RPI linked 25 years Life or Critical Illness Cover Income Cover for Sickness Payment Cover for Sickness Critical Illness Cover Life Cover Cost £15.93 Source: Bright Grey Personal Protection Menu, January 2014. Couple aged 35 and 32 next birthday, both non-smokers. Cost includes £2.60 plan charge. The minimum premium for a plan is £10 a month including the plan charge.

7 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group Flexible menu protection Creating individual protection solutions 7 Client needs Mortgage protection Separate covers, both increasing term Life or Critical Illness Cover Income Cover for Sickness Payment Cover for Sickness Critical Illness Cover Life Cover £120,000 Life Cover, separate life, RPI lnked 25 years £120,000 Life Cover, separate life, RPI linked 25 years Total cost £19.70 Source: Bright Grey Personal Protection Menu, January 2014. Couple aged 35 and 32 next birthday, both non-smokers. Cost includes £2.60 plan charge. The minimum premium for a plan is £10 a month including the plan charge.

8 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group Flexible menu protection Stage 1 – cover the mortgage 8 Source: Bright Grey Personal Protection Menu, January 2014. Couple aged 35 and 32 next birthday, both non-smokers. Cost includes £2.60 plan charge for each plan. CostBenefit £19.70 each monthMortgage repaid on either death, other cover remains in place

9 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group Flexible menu protection Cover the mortgage with Life Cover only £120,000 life increasing term assurance over 25 years, on each life Add some Critical Illness Cover – limited amount to keep cost affordable Let’s look at a lump sum of £10,000 to start Again rather than joint cover lets add the Critical Illness Cover to their single life death benefits. Stage 2 – add some Critical Illness Cover 9

10 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group Flexible menu protection Creating individual protection solutions 10 Client needs Mortgage protection Separate life, increasing term Life or Critical Illness Cover Income Cover for Sickness Payment Cover for Sickness Critical Illness Cover Life Cover Separate covers for each life Life or Critical Illness Cover 1 quote, 1 app, 1 plan charge and direct debit for each plan £120,000 Life Cover, separate life, RPI linked 25 years £120,000 Life Cover, separate life, RPI linked 25 years £10,000 Life or Critical Illness Cover, single, RPI indexed, 25 years £10,000 Life or Critical Illness Cover. Single, RPI indexed, 25 years Total cost £27.53 £20,000 Life or Critical Illness Cover, single life cover RPI indexed, 25 years £20,000 Life or Critical Illness Cover, single life cover RPI indexed, 25 years Total cost £35.36 And double Children’s Critical Illness Cover! Source: Bright Grey Personal Protection Menu, January 2014. Couple aged 35 and 32 next birthday, both non-smokers. Cost includes £2.60 plan charge. The minimum premium for a plan is £10 a month including the plan charge.

11 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group Flexible menu protection Stage 1 – cover the mortgage 11 Source: Bright Grey Personal Protection Menu, January 2014. Couple aged 35 and 32 next birthday, both non-smokers. Cost includes £2.60 plan charge for each plan. CostBenefit £19.70 each monthMortgage repaid on either death, other cover remains in place £35.36 each monthAs above with additional Life or Critical Illness Cover (x 2) added

12 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group Flexible menu protection Cover the mortgage with Life Cover only £120,000 separate indexed term assurance over 25 years Added Life or Critical Illness Cover to £20,000 indexed on each life Now let’s add £10,000 a year family income benefit life cover for each of them Provide cover until son reaches age 21 Should it be level or indexed? Stage 3 – add even more value 12

13 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group Family income benefit example Benefit not indexed 13 Term Sum assured £10,000 each year 25 years Death after 5 years Cost = £7.78 each month Total income paid = £200,000 Source: Bright Grey Personal Protection Menu, January 2014. Client aged 35 next birthday, non-smoker. Cost excludes £2.60 plan charge. The minimum premium for a plan is £10 a month including the plan charge.

14 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group Indexation of family income benefit The client will be offered the option to increase cover –either RPI or fixed rate Indexed family income benefit costs slightly more than non- indexed We’ll stop offering the option if the client refuses the increase 2 years in a row Let’s look at the situation again... How does it work? 14

15 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group Family income benefit example Benefit indexed 15 Term £10,000 each year 25 years Death after 5 years Sum assured (assuming each increase is agreed as offered) Income in final year = £32,250 Extra £0.55 a month in year 1 Cost in year 1 = £8.33* Total income paid = £434,170 Source: Bright Grey, January 2014. Client aged 35 next birthday, non-smoker. Cost excludes £2.60 plan charge. The minimum premium for a plan is £10 a month including the plan charge. Income in year of death = £12,155

16 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group Family income benefit example Benefit indexed 16 *Doesn’t include plan charge and £10 a month minimum premium applies. Term £10,000 each year 25 years Death after 5 years Sum assured (assuming no increase accepted so option removed after 2 years) Income in final year = £25,270 Extra £0.55 each month Cost = £8.33* each month Total income paid = £330,660 Source: Bright Grey, January 2014. Client 35 next birthday, non- smoker, 25-year term, Life Cover only, indexed at 5%.

17 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group Flexible menu protection Creating individual protection solutions 17 Possible solution Separate life increasing term Separate Life or Critical Illness Cover for both Life or Critical Illness Cover Income Cover for Sickness Payment Cover for Sickness Critical Illness Cover Life Cover Separate family income benefit for both Source: Bright Grey Personal Protection Menu, January 2014. Couple aged 35 and 32 next birthday, both non-smokers. Cost includes £2.60 plan charge. £120,000 Life Cover, separate life, RPI linked 25 years £120,000 Life Cover, separate life, RPI linked 25 years £20,000 Life or Critical Illness Cover, single life cover RPI indexed, 25 years £20,000 Life or Critical Illness Cover, single life cover RPI indexed, 25 years Total cost £48.50 £12,000 a year Life Cover, separate life, RPI linked 21 years £12,000 a year Life Cover, separate life, RPI linked 21 years

18 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group Flexible menu protection Protection menu 18 Source: Bright Grey Personal Protection Menu, January 2014. Couple aged 35 and 32 next birthday, both non-smokers. Cost includes £2.60 plan charge for each plan. CostBenefit £19.70 each monthMortgage repaid on either death x 2 £35.36 each month As above but Life or Critical Illness Cover added for both lives for £20k, with an option to increase each year £48.50 each month As above but family income benefit added for each life, with an option to increase each year

19 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group 19

20 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group 20

21 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group 21

22 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group

23 Trust Bright Grey to make it simple Five questions… …selects one trust form… …even if you have multi- benefits. One trust form and the right trust form 23

24 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group Tools to help you Critical illness report 24

25 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group Tools to help you Critical illness report 25 Impact if client can never return to full capacity? Impact on your advice?

26 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group More tools and support To help you grow your protection business 26 Up-to-date product information and news A broad range of tools and support to help you develop your protection business Videos and learning support Trust forms, help and support Literature ordering Online quote and apply

27 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group Making it easier Case ownership model –One service point of contact for each case, throughout the process –One underwriter for each case, throughout the process –Direct access to the underwriter Improved service levels But don’t take our word for it. For you to do business with us 27

28 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group Service We make it personal 28 “ T h a n k y o u f o r h a n d l i n g t h i s s o p r o m p t l y a n d i n a p r o f e s s i o n a l w a y. B r i l l i a n t ! ” “ T h i s i s e x c e l l e n t c l i e n t s e r v i c e. I a m i m p r e s s e d w i t h p r o - a c t i v e i n i t i a t i v e. ” “ G o t t o s a y, I ’ m l o v i n g t h e p e r s o n a l s e r v i c e f r o m B r i g h t G r e y. ” “ E x c e l l e n t g e t t i n g u p d a t e s o n c a s e s. ” “Thanks for taking the time to keep me informed. If Bright Grey has employee of the month you have my vote!”

29 Bright Grey is part of the Royal London Group Thank you 29

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