FEDERAL LANDSCAPE: Strategies to Achieve a Positive Outcome.

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Presentation on theme: "FEDERAL LANDSCAPE: Strategies to Achieve a Positive Outcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 FEDERAL LANDSCAPE: Strategies to Achieve a Positive Outcome

2 Landscape  Parliament’s schedule.  New election readiness cycle.  Next two budgets.  Out of Ottawa.

3 Landscape

4 Platforms and Strategies  NDP.  Policy – science policy with a technology policy in development.  Target seats/ideological foundations.  Liberals.  Policy = foggy.  Values

5 Conservative Approach  Health.  Strong publicly funded, universally accessible healthcare system, founded on the principles of the Canada Health Act = money through existing channels.  Ebola/Family Violence/CIHR.  Innovation panel.  Science and Technology.  Manufacturing/Waterloo.  S&T Strategy redux.

6 Announcements  Canada Research Excellence Fund.  Announced tomorrow at IBM.  Managed by SSHRC.  Emphasis on partnerships.  Science and Technology Strategy redux.

7 Conservative Strategy  Tax cuts to family.  Run on record.  Avoid problem children.

8 What appeals to the Opposition  NDP  Building relationships.  Policies strictly in opposition to the Conservatives.  Liberals  Building relationships.  Reactivating history and policy victories of the past.  Values in the cities.

9 What appeals to the CPC  Value propositions.  Speech from the Throne list.  Stakeholders and ethnic communities.  Canadian success stories.  Reliable relationships and photo ops.

10 Value Propositions  Shipbuilding:  How will this investment improve the health of the marine industry in Canada after the ships have been delivered?  Identified university partnership opportunities, small business suppliers as well as training and development of aboriginal peoples and opportunities for aboriginally-owned businesses.  Jenkins Report:  Canada First: Leveraging Defence Procurement Through Key Industrial Capabilities.  Value Proposition favour proposals that deliver economic outcomes through:  a detailed plan complete with deadlines and deliverables;  investments that strengthen existing Canadian capabilities;  investments that support enhanced productivity or best management practices (the bottom line); and  broader industrial and technological high-value activities, such as intellectual property, highly skilled labour, technology tranfers and exports/trade.

11 Questions Landscape S&T announcement. Canada Research Excellence Fund: how to leverage the fund.  HST rebate – dealing with Finance Canada.  Federal Innovation Panel.

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