SDR TX Project Hardware / Software Update Jerry Boyd, WB8WFK (Hardware and FPGA VHDL ) Mike Pendley, K5ATM (PIC Software) October 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "SDR TX Project Hardware / Software Update Jerry Boyd, WB8WFK (Hardware and FPGA VHDL ) Mike Pendley, K5ATM (PIC Software) October 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 SDR TX Project Hardware / Software Update Jerry Boyd, WB8WFK (Hardware and FPGA VHDL ) Mike Pendley, K5ATM (PIC Software) October 2008

2 This is an ARTS Project

3 Software defined ARDF radio transmitter New approach to solve a reoccurring problem –A need exists for an easy to build “NO-Tune” reliable ARDF transmitter that does not require any complex test equipment other then a DVM, wattmeter and receiver to verify operation after assembly –Simple Alignment (tune RF output stage) –As a result of this development effort Other ham radio related applications are possible A short list of possible applications –APRS –PSK –RF Signal generator for equipment testing

4 The Problem Our Current FOX Boxes are –LARGE and heavy –Tend to fall out of sync –Limited to 2m FM MCW and 80m CW –Programming switches and radios need to be adjusted to change frequencies and configuration.

5 The Problem Root cause –All problems can be traced to systems that are wired together using mutable connectors, cables and equipment interconnected to function as an ARDF transmitter –RF gets into and upsets controller –Radios are not designed for high duty cycle –Equipment not designed for this application –Wires can get caught in equipment during transport to location and interrupt operation –Lots of opportunity for something to go wrong

6 The Solution A Software Defined Radio That can –Dynamically change frequency –Dynamically change modulation modes –Conserve power during “down” time –Use SI station “real time clock” to stay in sync and “auto recover” if power is interrupted after sync –Phone home with state of health information –A user interface that is easy to configure –Shielded enclosure that protects all electronics –Radio designed for continuous duty cycle (homing beacon mode) –Every thing contained in one hardware package with power input, SI input and antenna connections

7 The Solution A Software Defined Radio –First Generation WB8WFK K5ATM SDR (w/o PA amps) demonstrated at 2005 ARDF championships –Used as homing transmitter for the 2005 USA ARDF championships

8 Tools used Recent changes in industry ( free tools for download from the internet) make a project like this possible

9 Free development environments Xilinx – Webpack ISE development environment for development of VHDL and FPGA JAVA IDK – Sun Microsystems. Used to develop lookup ROMs, I wrote Java code that automatically writes VHDL code to define modulation parameters Microchip –PIC ISE development environment for generating PIC controller code

10 Purchased Items PIC dim II card development kit and PIC programmer. I took part in a group buy by the Albuquerque Yahoo PIC group BASYS Xilinx eval board. purchased last Christmas SI score keeping system Purchased Summer 2008 by Albuquerque transmitter hunters

11 2 nd Generation Prototype Signal Processor FPGA ($10 Xilinx chip). FPGA, regulators, clock and boot ROM are only features being used on $59 eval board Mixer Class C RF amp OP amp for D/A, AM Modulator & RF power control Pre driver Voltage regulator

12 Open Bench testing of SI interface PIC DIM2 card and Xilinx FPGA eval board used for SI interface concept testing. Next steep is to produce ~ 3 inch X 4 inch PCB board with all processing and I/O support electronics combined to finish development SI pinch data (Time and Stick number) displayed on PIC dim LCD 0x23 = station 35 or MO5 for FJWW score keeping software 02B8F3 = SI stick Number 247347 was punched 8 33 6 = Punch time was 8:33 06 PM

13 2nd generation Block Diagram of today's demo hardware

14 The hart of the system Phase accumulators operating at 200 MHz –Generates both HF and VHF signals VHDL state machines –Generate modulation formats and handles DSP control VHF signals generated at HF then mixed up to VHF –FPGA generates LO (130 MHz) and formatted transmit IF signal (14 to 18 MHz) that represents modulated up converted144 to 148 MHz carrier –AM modulation is the one exception and that’s done under FPGA digital control of the Class C VHF Power amp –Sample output from Java code for configuring phase accumulators VHF DDS phase inc is 309022897 counts for 144.3900 Mhz; DDS set to 14.39000000 Mhz VHF DDS phase inc is 334255830 counts for 145.5650 Mhz; DDS set to 15.56500000 Mhz VHF DDS phase inc is 355730666 counts for 146.5650 Mhz; DDS set to 16.56500000 Mhz VHF DDS phase inc is 377205503 counts for 147.5650 Mhz; DDS set to 17.56500000 Mhz HF signals (80 meters) are direct generated –Sample output from Java code configuring phase accumulators HF DDS phase inc is 76879915 counts for 3.5800 Mhz HF DDS phase inc is 81604379 counts for 3.8000 Mhz HF DDS phase inc is 76020921 counts for 3.5400 Mhz HF DDS phase inc is 75806173 counts for 3.5300 Mhz

15 Software 2m (VHF) Transmission modes to be supported –FM MCW Cont carrier –FM MCW keyed carrier –AM MCW Cont carrier –CW –AM MCW keyed carrier –FM packet (1200 baud) –APRS tracker? 145.565 VHF AM Modulation

16 Software (cont) 2m Transmission modes to be supported -Sport ID data packet sent while TX is off cycle -VHF TX would be used during a HF hunt to support SI data -Panic button located at each control station to request medical assistance K0OV photo

17 First SI data sent Via Packet First on air test of SI reporting KPC3 TNC was decoding packets. Each SI punch event is sent 4 times (binary data) to aid reception at finish line Note 0X02 = STX and OX03 = ETX 57 42 38 57 46 4B 2D 31 3E 41 50 54 44 44 53 2D WB8WFK-1>APTDDS- 31 2C 57 49 44 45 32 2D 32 3A 20 3C 55 49 3E 3A 1,WIDE2-2: : 0D 0A 02 53 21 23 10 02 B8 F3 10 00 2A C7 10 03...S!#..¸ó..*Ç.. A6 10 0A 03 0D 0A 57 42 38 57 46 4B 2D 31 3E 41 ¦.....WB8WFK-1>A 50 54 44 44 53 2D 31 2C 57 49 44 45 32 2D 32 3A PTDDS-1,WIDE2-2: 20 3C 55 49 3E 3A 0D 0A 02 53 21 23 10 02 B8 F3 :...S!#..¸ó 10 00 2A C7 10 03 A6 10 0A 03 0D 0A 57 42 38 57..*Ç..¦.....WB8W 46 4B 2D 31 3E 41 50 54 44 44 53 2D 31 2C 57 49 FK-1>APTDDS-1,WI 44 45 32 2D 32 3A 20 3C 55 49 3E 3A 0D 0A 02 53 DE2-2: :...S 21 23 10 02 B8 F3 10 00 2A C7 10 03 A6 10 0A 03 !#..¸ó..*Ç..¦... 0D 0A 57 42 38 57 46 4B 2D 31 3E 41 50 54 44 44..WB8WFK-1>APTDD 53 2D 31 2C 57 49 44 45 32 2D 32 3A 20 3C 55 49 S-1,WIDE2-2: <UI 3E 3A 0D 0A 02 53 21 23 10 02 B8 F3 10 00 2A C7 >:...S!#..¸ó..*Ç 10 03 A6 10 0A 03 0D 0A..¦..... First packet send via RF on 9/21/2008 Red indicates enbedded SI punch data

18 Our SI system

19 Software Other Transmission modes –Special modes for car hunts are possible Random on time Variable and random power output Short TX times Keyed carrier modes Different modulation formats This is a transmitter used on an Albuquerque T hunt by Mike Pendley K5ATM

20 Software Other Transmission modes –HF side 80M CW used for 80 meter ARDF HF CW 3.58 MHz

21 What next BASIC concept is verified using open bench setup! I am happy with signal processor operation Now its time to: –Develop 2 X 3 inch Circuit board and User interface –Write SPI based interface VHDL code for signal processor FPGA to allow full control of signal processor by the PIC processor (Modulation Mode and frequency selection). Currently done using dip switches –Develop panic button interface to allow runners to call for medical help at any control point –Field test prototype with all of the above functions Design of the PC board with necessary I/O to support the above is now in process. Schedule will allow testing design over Christmas holiday break There will be another PCB before the final design is done to develop PA board (HF and VHF) that mounts on top of the signal processor board ~ January 2009 time frame

22 3 X 4 inch PCB Board layout has started

23 Demo Demonstrate Generation 2 prototype system

24 Some Other Projects

25 Questions

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