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 Keith haring Art project. By: Saud AlThani. Where was he from and when was he born.  Keith Haring was born on May 4, 1958 in Pennsylvania. So he is.

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Presentation on theme: " Keith haring Art project. By: Saud AlThani. Where was he from and when was he born.  Keith Haring was born on May 4, 1958 in Pennsylvania. So he is."— Presentation transcript:

1  Keith haring Art project. By: Saud AlThani

2 Where was he from and when was he born.  Keith Haring was born on May 4, 1958 in Pennsylvania. So he is from America Pennsylvania.

3 What type of art did he produce and where did he produce it.  Keith haring moved to a lot of places so he produced art in many places. The art he produced is people doing different things.

4 What inspired the artist’s work  His Father, Dr. Seuss and Walt Disney inspired him.

5 Untitled 1988

6 Andy Mouse (1986)

7 Untitled - 1985

8 Why is his work appealing to people.  His work is appealing to people because it is strange.  His work isn’t appealing because it is not appropriate.

9 What I think and why.  I think his work is strange and not really good because I don’t like art like he dose.


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