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Jeopardy Jeopardy General Sex Determination in humans Mendelian Genetics Non-Mendelian Genetics DNA Replication and Recombination 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Jeopardy General Sex Determination in humans Mendelian Genetics Non-Mendelian Genetics DNA Replication and Recombination 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Jeopardy General Sex Determination in humans Mendelian Genetics Non-Mendelian Genetics DNA Replication and Recombination 100 200 300 400 500

2 General for 100 A sequence of DNA nucleotides that codes for the production of a protein. What is a gene? Home

3 Sex determination in humans for 100 Sex determination in humans for 100 The two types of sex chromosomes in humans. What is X and Y? Home

4 Mendelian Genetics for 100 He experimented with pea plants and crossing over, which lead to the beginning of understanding trait inheritance. Who is Gregor Mendel? Home

5 Non-Mendelian Genetics for 100. Sickle cell anemia is an example of this type of inheritance pattern. What is incomplete dominance? Home

6 DNA Replication and Recombination for 100 This type of intracellular information must be accurately copied every time to prevent things like mutations. What is genetic information/DNA? Home

7 General for 200 This intranuclear structure can contain several different genes. What is a chromosome? Home

8 Sex Determination in Humans for 200 Klinefelter syndrome cells have this mutation. What is one or more Y chromosome and multiple X chromosomes? Home

9 Mendelian for 200 The study of only one characteristic in the crossing of two pure individuals (homozygous) for that characteristic. What is monohybridism? Home

10 Non-Mendelian Genetics for 200. A phenomenon in which a single gene conditions several different phenotypical traits. W What is pleiotropy? Home

11 DNA Replication and Recombination for 200 Eukaryotic DNA replication takes place in this manner. What is a semiconservative manner? Home

12 General for 300 A diploid individual has this many sets of chromosomes. What is 2? Home

13 Sex Determination for 300. Poly-x females are also known as having this syndrome. What is Triplo X syndrome? Home

14 Mendelian for 300 His first law included two factors determining a characteristic of an individual; one inherited by the father, one inherited by the mother. Who is Mendel? Home

15 Non-Mendelian Genetics for 300 Phenomenon in which the same gene has more than two different alleles. What is multiple allele? Home

16 DNA Replication and Recombination for 300 This is the end a new nucleotide bonds with the DNA strand. What is the 3’ end? Home

17 General for 400 Observable characteristics of an individual caused by its genes. i.e blue eyes What is phenotype? Home

18 Sex Determination in Humans for 400 Genes affecting fertility are located on these chromosomes. What is X & Y chromosomes? Home

19 Mendelian Genetics for 400 The random separation of homologous pairs of chromosomes in anaphase I of meiosis? What is independent assortment? Home

20 Non-Mendelian Genetics for 400 When a gene has at least one allele that when present is deadly to the cell. What is a lethal gene? Home

21 DNA Replication and Recombination for 400 This takes place through breaks in nucleotide strands, alignment of homologous DNA segments, and rejoining of the strands. What is homologous recombination? Home

22 General for 500 These genes are contained in a chromosome that condition the phenotype. What is genotype? Home

23 Sex Determination in Humans for 500 When expressed, this gene causes male characteristics. What is the SRY gene? Home

24 Mendelian Genetics for 500 This condition is needed for Mendel’s second law to be valid. What is, genes located on different chromosomes? Home

25 Non-Mendelian Genetics for 500 These are the 3 main types of gene interactions. What is complementary genes, epistasis, and polygenic inheritance? Home

26 DNA Replication and Recombination for 500 A cancer causing gene. What is an oncogene? Home

27 This Jeopardy was designed by: Kyle Patrick Kyle Patrick Matt Nelson Matt Nelson Sarah Smith Sarah Smith

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