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CULTURAL PERCEPTION MODULE: SOUTH AFRICA. The cultural discourse in Apartheid South Africa centered on:  Cultural difference o Basis of Apartheid rule.

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2 The cultural discourse in Apartheid South Africa centered on:  Cultural difference o Basis of Apartheid rule o Nation divided into cultural groups each with its own traditions and unique culture  Cultural sameness – o Promoted in opposition to the apartheid state and the regime of cultural difference o Differences are imposed to serve the interest of Apartheid In the cultural discourse in Post Apartheid South Africa cultural connectedness is emerging as new cultural strategy Cultural connectedness:  Accepts difference and sameness as part of ordinary people’s experience of the “new South Africa”  Assume that multicultural South Africa is still racially and culturally divided  Aims to make South Africa a better place to live in by: o Bringing about a greater sharing of ideas o Broadening the basis of association and collective identities across racial lines.

3 The Objective of the Cultural and Perception Module is therefore to establish:  How agriculture could contribute towards a culture of connectedness, and  Its role to make our country a better place to live in. To achieve this the study:  Obtained the views of ordinary people from diverse farming backgrounds through FGDs and individual interviews on the following: o The importance, expectations and problems of agriculture in South Africa. o The social and political role of agriculture. o Critical contemporary issues such as land invasion, land reform and labour o The future of agriculture  Aggregated the views for comparative analysis into: o The views of black farmers o The views of white farmers  Analyzed these views in terms of : o The ideas that unite and divide farmers o Agriculture’s role towards cultural connectedness

4 The Results of the study indicated that:  White and black farmers are divided and that a collective identify as farmers is still a long way off because: o In black farmers’ perceptions the unequal distribution of agricultural resources and white farmers’ attitudes towards blacks are dividing black and white farmers o In white farmers perceptions ‘political slogans, unrealistic expectations and farm attacks are keeping white and black farmers apart  Agriculture nevertheless has the potential to contribute to greater connectedness because: o There is a growing consensus among black and white farmers on the need for successful land redistribution o There is a growing realization among black farmers that support from the white commercial farming sector is indispensable for sustainable land reform

5  Closer association and connectedness could be build on: o The common believe among white and black farmers on the importance of agriculture. o Their common conviction that the state and farmers need to address problems together o Their shared view that the state has failed farmers thus far o The common problems such as declining profit margins and rampant crime white and black farmers face.  Black and white farmers’ shared views on land reform would be the most important factor towards connectedness because: o The demand for land by black farmers coincides with white farmers’ support for land reform o Black farmers’ recognition for support from white farmers coincides with white farmers’ belief that they should share their experience, knowledge and skills.  Connectedness within agriculture will not follow naturally and would have to overcome critical challenges. Chief among these are: o The slow tempo of land reform and the uncertainty surrounding land reform o Contrasting perceptions on title to land between black farmers (blacks are entitled to land) and white farmers (title to land through the market).

6 Frustration is mounting among both black and white farmers and:  Comparisons with land reform in Zimbabwe are inevitable and some black farmers see land invasions as the solution to slow land reform  Negative attitudes are growing among white farmers largely because of the array of new legislation However:  Neither the negative attitudes of whites or threats of farm invasions are conducive to connectedness  Connectedness through agriculture critically depend on: o How Government manages the tempo of land reform and title to land o The enthusiasm with which farmers become engaged in land reform

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