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Inheritance Notes Page 27.

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1 Inheritance Notes Page 27

2 FYI Practice summarizing! Do not copy word-for-word.
If you run out of space, do NOT go to the next page. Attach a piece of paper to page 27.

3 Gregor Mendel Called the “Father of Genetics”
Studied many different characteristics of pea plants Examples: flower color and plant height His experiments with pea plants helped us understand how traits are inherited He thought there was “something” in each plant that controlled its traits That “something” is known today as genes

4 Genes Every characteristic is controlled by 2 genes
1 gene is from the mother 1 gene is from the father

5 Allele An allele is a form of a gene There are 2 possible forms
dominant or recessive Capital letters represent dominant alleles (P, G, T) Lowercase letters represent recessive alleles (p, g, t)

6 Dominant vs. Recessive Genes
An offspring that inherits one or more dominant genes will show the dominant trait. Dominant genes will mask (cover up) a recessive gene. Recessive An offspring that inherits 1 recessive gene from 1 parent and 1 recessive gene from the other parent will have 2 recessive genes. This means that there is no dominant gene to mask the recessive trait in the offspring.

7 Phenotype Describes an organism’s physical appearance (what the trait looks like) Example: blue eyes, purple flower, etc.

8 Genotype Two letters representing a gene pair Examples: RR, Rr, or rr

9 Homozygous Genotype The prefix ‘homo’ means ‘same’
Both alleles in a genotype are the same Both are dominant OR both are recessive Mendel’s parent generation plants were homozygous GG = green peas gg = yellow peas

10 Homozygous Genotype Continued
Homozygous dominant Both alleles are dominant Example: GG Homozygous recessive Both alleles are recessive Example: gg

11 Heterozygous Genotype
The prefix ‘hetero’ means ‘different’ The alleles in a genotype are different One is dominant and one is recessive Mendel’s F1 generation plants were heterozygous Gg = green peas

12 Ticket Out the Door Now that you’re done with your notes, complete the Inheritance Notes Ticket Out the Door. You may look back at any of these slides and/or your notes on page 27 to complete this assignment. When you’re done, put it in the center of your table.

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