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CSS, Programming Intro Week 4 INFM 603. Agenda JavaScript Intro.

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Presentation on theme: "CSS, Programming Intro Week 4 INFM 603. Agenda JavaScript Intro."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSS, Programming Intro Week 4 INFM 603

2 Agenda JavaScript Intro

3 Links canvas-and-css3-graphics-primer-.html canvas-and-css3-graphics-primer-.html

4 JavaScript  programming language that can appear in html pages It allow us to: –To dynamically create web pages –To control a browser application Open and create new browser windows Download and display contents of any URL –To interact with the user –Ability to interact with HTML forms Process values provided by checkbox, text, buttons, etc. JavaScript is not Java, however … –JavaScript constructs are similar to Java’s constructs (in many cases identical) –JavaScript can interact with java programs Example: SqrTable.html –We will go over the details of this example later on JavaScript

5 JavaScript Interpreter  Process JavaScript code To write JavaScript programs you need –A web browser –A text editor A JavaScript program can appear –In a file by itself typically named with the extension.js –In html files between a and tags Client-Side JavaScript  the result of embedding a JavaScript interpreter in a web browser Template for JavaScript Programs Example: TemplateJS.html JavaScript

6 HTML parser  Takes care of processing an html document JavaScript interpreter  Takes care of processing JavaScript code HTML parser  must stop processing an html file when JavaScript code is found (JavaScript interpreter will then be running) –This implies a page with JavaScript code that is computationally intensive can take a long time to load Execution of JavaScript Programs

7 Let’s go over several basic constructs that allow us to define JavaScript programs Some definitions –string  Any set of characters in double quotes (“ “) –function/method An entity that completes a particular task for us It may take values necessary to complete the particular task It can return values Generating output with the document.writeln method –Allow us to add text to the html file (Example: Writeln.html) by providing the required text in “ “ –You can specify html code and results of JavaScript constructs JavaScript

8 Example: Date.html Illustrates how we can generate HMTL output Notice how we can use Date() to specify a particular date format Date() is part of JavaScript The + allow us to concatenate strings –Example: “Mary” + “Land”  “MaryLand” –Example: “Time is: “ + new Date() JavaScript

9 Variables Variable – A memory location that can store a value. In JavaScript variables are declared using var var temperature; Variables names must start with a letter, underscore or dollar sign and can be followed by any number of letters, underscores, dollar signs or digits Variables must be declared before they are used A variable can hold different type of values Values we can assign to variables –Integer – 0, 10, 40, 6, -7 –Floating-point – 3.2,.67, 1.48E-20 –String literals – “hello”, “goodbye” Operators Assignment operator (=) –Typical arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /) Example: Variables.html

10 Reserved words – words you cannot use as identifiers Some of them are: –break –do –i f –catch Reserved Words

11 JavaScript ignores spaces, tabs, and newlines between tokens Use spaces to create nicely indented code The rules are usually one tab for indentation or three spaces. You need to satisfy this requirement in programming assignments A semicolon is generally used to mark the end of a statement and is optional when a statement appears on a separate line. For example, the following two set of statements are equivalent x = 1; y = 2; x = 1 y = 2 In this course we will always use a semicolon to mark the end of a statement Spaces, Semicolons, and Comments

12 Comments Comments in JavaScript –Used to provide information to the programmer –Used to identify sections in your code –Ignored by the JavaScript interpreter Two types of comments –Inline comment // This is a comment until the end of the line –Block comment /* The following is a comment that spans several lines */ –We can use a block comment for a single-line comment

13 Dialog Boxes We can perform input and output via dialog boxes Input via prompt Example: InputOutput.html –Notice we can define several variables at the same time –prompt is a function that displays a dialog box with the specified title. It can be used to read any data –You can read numbers and strings via prompt prompt - returns a string. If you need to perform some mathematical computation you might need to explicitly convert the value read it into a number

14 Strings You can use single or double quotes for strings (we will use double) You can determine the number of characters in a string by accessing the length value var s = “Hello”; var x = s.length; Some functions you can use with strings: –toLowerCase() –toUpperCase()

15 Conversions In JavaScript you don’t specify the type of variables Most of the time implicit transformations will take care of transforming a value to the expected one Example: var age = 10; var s = “John Age: “ + age; Sometimes you might need to explicitly transform a value Mechanism to transform values: –Converting number to string var stringValue = String(number); –Converting string to number var number = Number(stringValue); var number = parseInt(stringValue); var number = parseFloat(stringValue); Example: Conversions1.html, Conversions2.html

16 Math Functions/Constants Math.abs() – Absolute value –Example: Math.abs(-10) Math.max() – Maximum of two values –Example: Math.max(10, 20) Math.sqrt() – Square root –Example: Math.sqrt(4) Math.random() – Random value between 0 and less than 1 –Example: Math.random() Constants –Math.PI – Mathematical constant pi

17 Boolean Type We have seen integer, float, and string values New type: boolean type Assumes the value true or false. Variable declaration and initialization var found = true; var attending = false;

18 JavaScript (Comparisons) You can compare values by using the following operators –=== → Returns true if the values are equal, false otherwise (e.g., x === y) –!== → Returns true if the values are different, false otherwise (e.g., x !== y) –==  Not as strict as the previous equality operator –!=  Not as strict as the previous inequality operator –Relational Operators < → Less than returns true if left value is less than right value (e.g., x < y) > → Greater than <= → Less than or equal >= → Greater than or equal Example: Comparison1.html, Comparison2.html

19 JavaScript (If Statement) If statement – Control statement that allow us to make decisions First Form if (expression) { statement // executed if expression is true } Example: IfStm1.html Second Form if (expression) { statement1 // executed if expression is true } else { statement2 // executed if expression is false } { } not needed for single statement execution Example: IfStm2.html

20 JavaScript (Logical Operators) Used with comparison operators to create more complex expressions Operators –Logical and (&&) – expr1 && expr2 Expression is true if and only if both expressions are true otherwise is false Example: LogicalOp1.html –Logical or (||) – expr1 || expr2 Expression is false if and only if both expressions are false otherwise is true Example: LogicalOp2.html –Logical Not (!) – !expr Inverts the boolean value of the expression

21 Precedence/Associativity Remember you can use parenthesis to impose a particular order for the evaluation of an expression.

22 Guide To Writing JavaScript Programs

23 Writing a program How to start? –Check you can output data (e.g., print a message “Done”) Develop your code incrementally –Add a little bit, make sure it works, and then move on Check that values read are correct –Remember GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out) Keep backups each time you make significant progress Let’s apply this idea to an example

24 Cascaded If Statement Idiom You can combine if statements to handle different cases This approach to organize if statements to handle different cases is called the Cascaded If Statement Cascaded If statement general form: If (expr1) { // Statement is executed if expr1 is true } else if (expr2) { // Statement is executed if expr2 is true } else if (expr3) { // Statement is executed if expr3 is true } else { // If none of the above expressions is true } Let’s write the above statement using nested if/else Notice it is not a special JavaScript statement Once one of the cases is executed no other case will be executed You do not need to enclose statements in { } if only one statement is executed A sequential set of if() statements is not equivalent to a cascaded if statement No semicolons after if (exprX) Example: See CascadedIf.html

25 How to include “ in a String We need to use \” “The team is called \“The Super Team\””

26 alert We can use the alert function to display information and for debugging purposes Let’s see an example Notice what happens when printing “ ” with the alert function

27 while Statement while statement  Control statement which allows JavaScript to repeat a set of statements Basic Form while (expression) { statements (body) // executed as long as expression is true } { } are not required if you need to execute only one statement You can have other types of statements (including whiles) in a while Example: SqrtTable.html Let’s write the previous example, step by step, starting with a loop that prints numbers

28 Trace Tables Mechanism to keep track of values in a program Allows you to understand the program behavior We could create a trace table for SqrtTable.html

29 Coding Example (Display Even Numbers) Let’s write a program that displays the even numbers that exists between two provided values –We will need to use the % operator You can use the % operator to map a large range to a smaller range –Example: assigning classmates to 4 chairs

30 Coding Example (Parking Permits) Let’s write a program that assigns parking permits to students in a school –Freshman  red –Junior  green –Sophomore  yellow –Other  green Let’s use toUpperCase to the input

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