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Spatial Distribution of Salinity in Drinking Water and Hypertension Prevalence in Coastal Bangladesh Mofizur Rahman* 1, Mahin Al Nahian 1, Sate Ahmed 1,

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Presentation on theme: "Spatial Distribution of Salinity in Drinking Water and Hypertension Prevalence in Coastal Bangladesh Mofizur Rahman* 1, Mahin Al Nahian 1, Sate Ahmed 1,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spatial Distribution of Salinity in Drinking Water and Hypertension Prevalence in Coastal Bangladesh Mofizur Rahman* 1, Mahin Al Nahian 1, Sate Ahmed 1, Peter Kim Streatfield 1, Dilruba Begum 1, Ali Ahmed 1 and Helen Adams 2 Centre for Population, Urbanization and Climate Change, icddr,b, Bangladesh 2 University of Exeter, United Kingdom * Presenter, Research Investigator, CPUCC, icddr,b Email:

2 Presentation Outline  Global Climate Change  Salinity in Drinking Water  Association of Drinking Water Salinity and Health (Hypertension)

3 SALINITY IN DRINKING WATER “Salt is the only rock we eat. It has shaped the civilization from the beginning of human history”…. Mark Kurlansky.

4 Salinity Intrusion in Coastal Areas Reduced Upstream Fresh Water Flow Shrimp Cultivation, Soil Salinity Cyclone-Storm Surge, Water Logging and other disaster Sea Level Rise Salinity Intrusion

5 Ground Water Salinity and Hypertension According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), groundwater, crop soils, ground water and many rivers are likely to become increasingly saline from higher tidal waves and storm surges, as a result of climate change impacts (Parry et al. 2007). Salt water from the Bay of Bengal penetrated 100 km or more inland during the Dry Season (IPCC, 2007). Salinity: “Salinity refers to the total concentration of dissolved inorganic ions in water or soil (Williams and Sherwood,1994) and is therefore a component of all natural waters.” In our Study, dissolved ions are measured, which expressed as the ionic activity of a solution in terms of its capacity to transmit electrical current, electrical conductivity (EC). Unit : Micro-Siemens per Centimeter (µS/cm). Hypertension: Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) and Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP) was measured to categorize Hypertension. Unit: mmHg

6 Background and Study Area: ESPA Delta Assessing Health, Livelihoods, Ecosystem Services And Poverty Alleviation In Populous Deltas

7 Sources of Drinking Water in Social-Ecological Systems (SES)

8 Specific Sources of Drinking Water in SES

9 Status of Tube-well in Different SES

10 Salinity (EC value) in Drinking water

11 Prevalence of Hypertension(MALE) in Different SES

12 Prevalence of Hypertension(FEMALE) in Different SES

13 Salinity ( EC Value)-Hypertension Association

14 Prevalence of Hypertension [ Comparison with National Level Study ]

15 Conclusion  Ground water is the main source of drinking water in different Social-Ecological System (SES).  More specifically, DEEP TUBEWELL s are the main drinking water source.  Drinking water salinity in different SES is above the cut off point of drinking water standard; Riverine zone is an exception.  Social-Ecological Zone, which is based on land use and land cover changes and livelihood, is not the best way to explain ground water salinity.  Golda Zone has highest hypertension prevalence.  Strong Association found between Salinity in drinking water – Hypertension prevalence.  Study results shows large discrepancy with Bangladesh Health and Demographic Survey, 2011 results.

16 - End - Mofizur Rahman* 1, Mahin Al Nahian 1, Sate Ahmed 1, Peter Kim Streatfield 1, Dilruba Begum 1, Ali Ahmed 1 and Helen Adams 2 Centre for Population, Urbanization and Climate Change, icddr,b, Bangladesh 2 University of Exeter, United Kingdom

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