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Subliminal Advertising Marie-Céline Debande Julie Champagne.

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Presentation on theme: "Subliminal Advertising Marie-Céline Debande Julie Champagne."— Presentation transcript:


2 Subliminal Advertising Marie-Céline Debande Julie Champagne

3 Table of contents. Introduction 2. Definition 3. The origin 4. How does it work? 5. Videos, images or audio 6. The effectiveness 7. Some Examples 8. Dangers and legislation. Conclusion

4 Introduction We are bombarded with promotional messages every day. Ok but are we always aware of them?

5 Definition Neuromarketing: measures a consumer's preference by focusing on the brain's response. Subliminal: "below the threshold of consciousness". = below the normal limits of human mind's perception. Conscious mind 10% Subconscious mind 90%

6 Derren Brown ‘s experiment

7 How does it work? - Sound: very low volume - image: max 40 ms Target the subconscious: not consciously seen or heard BUT information goes to the long term memory, subconsciously

8 The origins 1897 – “The New Psychology “: basic principles of subliminal messages. WW II : tachistoscope used to train soldiers to recognize enemy airplanes. 1900 : experiment about flashed information started

9 1950-1970 In 1957, J. Vicary : pioneer of the notion of subliminal advertising. Most famous for his subliminal advertising study in which he showed 0.03-second phrases "Eat Popcorn, and Drink Coca- Cola” er on failed to show the same results.

10 1970 - 2000 Study by the United Nations : “subliminal indoctrination is a major threat to human rights". 70’s : Sexual images Example with Coca-Cola in an ice cube

11 2000 - present 2000: Presidential campaign 2007: Mc Donald’s

12 Subliminal message in politics

13 Videos, images and audios Backmasking: sound recorded backward onto a track. 1970: satanic messages 1987: J. Vance and R. Belknap attempted suicide because of a British rock band.

14 Backmasking



17 The Effectiveness Diverse opinions on the subject J. Karremans : “subliminal messages have an effect when the messages are goal-relevant.” Ex: Lipton Ice. No scientific evidence.

18 Some Examples

19 Subliminal advertising while you shop Subliminal messages under the Muzak or background music  reduces shop-lifting

20 Subliminal image in cartoons

21 Subliminal images in cartoons

22 Subliminal advertising in politics

23 Dangers and Legislation - Australia & Britain: banned vs - US: laws banning subliminal advertising introduced but no decision. - FCC - National Association of Broadcasters - Problem = NO proof


25 Subliminal Advertising Marie-Céline Debande Julie Champagne

26 Introduction We are bombarded with promotional messages every day. Ok but are we always aware of them?

27 3,000+ messages a day

28 The origins 1897 – “The New Psychology “: basic principles of subliminal messages. WW II : tachistoscope used to train soldiers to recognize enemy airplanes. 1900 : experiment about flashed information started

29 Origins 1897 WWII 1900

30 Subliminal advertising while you shop Subliminal messages under the Muzak or background music  reduces shop-lifting

31 Subliminal while shopping

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