THE POWER OF BABY STEPS: How to Achieve. TODAY’S OBJECTIVES  Understand keys to success  Learn about goals  Make the connection between goals and success.

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Presentation on theme: "THE POWER OF BABY STEPS: How to Achieve. TODAY’S OBJECTIVES  Understand keys to success  Learn about goals  Make the connection between goals and success."— Presentation transcript:


2 TODAY’S OBJECTIVES  Understand keys to success  Learn about goals  Make the connection between goals and success  Master the concept and use of Baby Steps

3 Keys to “Success”  Remember and celebrate your achievements so far –Accepted to a major university –Narrowed field of study to a major –Identified internship or job opportunities

4 More Keys to “Success”  Keep learning from others –Family & friends –Informational interviews – –What Should I Do With My Life? (Po Bronson)

5 And More Keys to “Success”  Define your next achievement  Create an action plan  Work your plan (just do it)

6 What is a goal?  Definition? –The purpose toward which an endeavor is directed; an objective.  Examples?

7 What makes a good goal?  A good goal is SMART  A bad goal is DUMB

8 S.M.A.R.T. GOALS  Specific  Measurable  Attainable  Relevant  Timeline / Trackable

9 Specific Goals  I will send out resumes.  Better: I will find 25 accounting firms in greater Indianapolis and send each company a resume and cover letter by November 1 st.

10 Measurable Goals  I want to do well in classes my last semester.  Better: I want to earn a 3.85 GPA in my last semester.

11 Attainable Goals  I want to earn my MBA within 6 months year of graduation.  Better: Want to earn my MBA within five years of graduation.

12 Relevant Goals  I want to improve my piano skills before getting an accounting job.  Better: I want to improve my public speaking skills before applying for sales jobs.  Goal must also be something you choose – not something that’s thrust upon you.

13 Trackable Goals (Timeline)  Get a job  Better: I will: –Research at least 20 major companies in my field by the end of May –Set up 3 informational interviews in May –Send out 25 resumes by May 20 Goals are dreams with deadlines Diana Scharf Hunt

14 D.U.M.B. Goals  Dateless  Unsupportive  Muddy  Beyond reach

15 Choosing Goals  PROJECT yourself forward  LET YOURSELF DREAM  VISUALIZE  Be SPECIFIC

16 Choosing Goals  Just the first step  Must design AND WORK an action plan to achieve your goals


18 Volunteer  Must be able to take instruction well  Our goal: Get the volunteer to shake my hand  Action Plan –Clear instruction –Clear order

19 Using Goals: Your Action Plan! GOAL  GOAL –GOAL GOAL –GOAL GOAL Goal goal

20 Fall Goals  Pick a goal you want to achieve  Devise an action plan –Action I’ll take –Resources I’ll need –Timeline for completion –Support that is available to me  Be SPECIFIC and set a TIME LINE

21 What obstructs achievement?  Poorly defined goals  Not knowing your weaknesses

22 Perceived Weaknesses of Today’s Graduates The Northwestern Lindquist-Endicott Report, Northwestern University  Unrealistic expectations  Poor communication skills  No practical work experience  Lack of initiative and workplace ethics  Minimal understanding of the World of Work  Inappropriate attitude  Undesirable personal qualities  Lack of career direction and goals

23 What else obstructs achievement?  Physical obstacles  Knowledge  Skills / Ability  Psychological barriers

24 Psychological barriers: F.E.A.R.  False Evidence Appearing Real  Common fears: –Fear of failure –Fear of success  Use your logic microscope! Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

25 Psychological barriers: Motivation  Sometimes you “won’t feel like it”  Recognize this & prepare for it  Build and use your support system

26 PEOPLE WHO HELP  Friends  Family  Advisors  Counselors  Mentors

27 PEOPLE WHO HINDER  Friends  Family  Advisors  Counselors  Mentors


29 Psychological barriers: Habits THINGS I DO I LOVE (what helps me achieve)

30 Psychological barriers: Habits THINGS I DO I LOVE (what helps me achieve?) THINGS I DO I HATE (what keeps me from doing?)

31 Psychological barriers: Habits THINGS I DO I LOVE (what helps me achieve?) KEEP DOING THESE! THINGS I DO I HATE (what keeps me from achieving?) WORK ON CHANGING THESE HABITS!

32 Psychological barriers: Feeling overwhelm ed  Too much all at once  Unexpected interruptions  Multiple priorities

33 The Power of Baby Steps  They directly support a bigger goal  You have all the resources at hand  You can finish them in ½ hour or less A mountain is climbed a single step at a time.

34 The Power of Baby Steps  Look at your goal  Review the first step in your action plan  Does it pass the baby step test? –Does it directly support a bigger goal? –Do you have all the resources at hand? –Can you can finish it in ½ hour or less?  If not, keep breaking it down!

35 Your Action Plans  Examples?  Questions?  Don’t forget the Keys To Success!

36 ENJOY YOUR SUCCESS (you earned it!) “There are two things to aim at in life: first, to get what you want; and, after that, to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second.” Logan Pearsall Smith

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