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GOAL SETTING, MOTIVATION, & PRIORITIES EIU 1111: University Foundations.

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Presentation on theme: "GOAL SETTING, MOTIVATION, & PRIORITIES EIU 1111: University Foundations."— Presentation transcript:

1 GOAL SETTING, MOTIVATION, & PRIORITIES EIU 1111: University Foundations

2 “Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I’ll give you a man who will make history. Give me a man with no goals and I’ll give you a stock clerk.”  J.C. Penney


4 YOUR PLAN FOR WHERE YOU WANT TO BE 5 YEARS FROM NOW IS A “LONG-TERM GOAL” On a piece of paper, complete the following sentence: “Five years from now, I will be …”

5 CHARACTERISTICS OF ATTAINABLE GOALS Specific Written Measurable Action-Oriented (road map) Realistic Time-bound Anticipates obstacles Includes incentives

6 “A person without goals is like a sheep out in the pasture just living from day to day. You don’t want to be a sheep.” --Dr. Boyce Watkins, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About College

7 ACHIEVING A LONG-TERM GOAL IS LIKE BUILDING A PYRAMID: Long-term goal Medium-range goals Short-term goals Short-term Goals Medium- range Goals Long-term Goals A few months/semester 1-2 years from now 5 years from now

8 ON A PIECE OF PAPER... Write down 4 or 5 short-term goals that you have for this semester. Make sure they are specific, measurable, and realistic.

9 ACTION PLAN TNT Principle = Today Not Tomorrow Daily/Weekly habits that will help you reach your short-term goals and contribute to your long-term goal

10 CREATE AN ACTION PLAN TO ACHIEVE THOSE GOALS Once you meet your short-term goals, your mid-range goals will follow each more easily. Meet my advisor Find a tutor Create a study schedule Go to every class Visit Prof’s office Read text book weekly Review notes weekly

11 KEEP REMINDING YOURSELF OF THE LONG TERM GOAL YOU ARE WORKING TOWARD As the semester or the year ends, you will replace short-term and mid-range goals with new ones. Meet my advisor Find a tutor Create a study schedule Go to every class Visit Prof’s office Read text book weekly Review notes weekly Apply for Summer internship Choose minor 3.5 GPA by Fall 2010 30 Credits completed by May 2010 Bachelor’s Degree with 3.55 GPA

12 EACH GOAL YOU REACH, BUILDS TOWARDS THE NEXT… Bachelor’s Degree w/ 3.55 GPA Dream Job $90,000 Financial Independence Dream house—3 bedrooms, big kitchen, deck and pool Marriage & family

13 OBSTACLES AND ROADBLOCKS: Take 2 minutes to write down 3 possible obstacles that might get in the way of achieving your 5-year goal. How much control do you have over these issues? What can you do to eliminate or avoid these obstacles?


15 COMMON OBSTACLES Not expecting mistakes Blaming obstacles on your lack of abilities Not changing your environment Making unwise choices Lack of persistence Lack of commitment Opposing desires (YOU in your own way) Mental paralysis

16 MOTIVATING FACTORS List the top 3 motivating factors in your life

17 INTRINSIC & EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION Intrinsic motivation = comes from within Extrinsic motivation = comes from external forces (but is connected to what you want intrinsically)

18 HOG: HUGE OUTRAGEOUS GOALS  Stretch your capabilities  Don’t settle  Take advantage of your best efforts  Aim high—be ambitious

19 A FEW HINTS TO HELP YOU STAY ON TRACK WITH YOUR GOALS:  Remind yourself of your goals – allow yourself to dream about them.  Write them down and put where you will see them every day.  Change your short-term goals if they are not working for you.  Be realistic, but aim higher than you think you can achieve – you will usually surprise yourself.  Make sure you understand the price of reaching your goals.  Recognize obstacles and avoid or eliminate them.

20 “The path to greatness is usually paved with failure. That means that most big successes come after you have tried over and over again and failed.” --Dr. Boyce Watkins

21 Belief System  Values  Motivation  Goals

22 POWERFUL HABITS TO HELP YOU REACH YOUR GOALS:  Get up at the same time every morning  Establish a regular schedule for yourself  Use a to-do list or appointment calendar to keep track of assignments and appointments (cell phone alarms)  Spend at least 25-30 hours a week on schoolwork outside of class  Study in small bits of time (not study marathons)  Get most of your studying done before 6:00 p.m.

23 GOOD HABITS CONT.  Find a study partner and form study groups  Stop in the professor’s office during office hours  Take a study skills class/workshop  Keep up with reading assignments  Meet with the instructor after the first exam to learn from your mistakes.

24 REFERENCES Adapted from a presentation by Pat Scheib, shared on the FYE listserv Boyce Watkins, Black Voices, setting/ setting/ Piscitelli, Choices

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