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CAH GRADUATE INFORMATIONAL SESSION Fall 2014. AGENDA  New Admissions Counselor  New Policies for 2014-2015: College of Graduate Studies  College of.

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2 AGENDA  New Admissions Counselor  New Policies for 2014-2015: College of Graduate Studies  College of Graduate Studies updates  Beware and Be Aware!  Graduate Assistantship Update  Website  Reminders

3 NEW POLICIES/PROCEDURE FOR 2014-2015: COLLEGE OF GRADUATE STUDIES  Continuous Enrollment of Thesis and Dissertation hours during summer term.  Dissertation is considered a full-time effort so doctoral students must be enrolled in 3 hours of dissertation until they graduate.  As a best practice, please have students enrolled with instructors who are on contract.  Special Leave of Absence Form

4 NEW POLICIES/PROCEDURE FOR 2014- 2015: COLLEGE OF GRADUATE STUDIES  Students can be enrolled in multiple degree program’s and Grad Studies will inform program(s) of current enrollment when a student is accepted for enrollment in a new program.  Student is expected to maintain good academic progress in both programs.  Grad Faculty Scholars: Added language “Graduate faculty scholars serving on thesis and dissertation committees, either as members or co-chairs, must have documented evidence of exceptional relevant experience and/or scholarly or creative productivity, as determined by the graduate program committee.”

5 COLLEGE OF GRADUATE STUDIES UPDATES  Key staff updates:  Max Poole has left UCF. Until they decide what to do with the line, duties have been broken up and the CGS contact sheet has been updated.  Jana Jasinski, new Associate Dean  Updated the Eform  No longer update “conditional” or “provisional” status through the eform, must go through admissions at

6 BEWARE AND BE AWARE!  New federal regulation for confirming academic activity when it relates to receiving financial aid.  “Federal regulations state that students who receive federal student aid must be academically engaged in each course in which they are enrolled. Without verification of this engagement, students will be in jeopardy of not receiving all of their aid. For this reason, UCF is requiring that all faculty document all students' participation.”  Must be completed during the first week of classes.  More Information for students can be found at activity/academic_activity.html activity/academic_activity.html  Overall CAH admissions are up for this year!  Fall 2014 Applications: 534 (454 for 2013)  Fall 2014 Admits: 268 (208 for 2013)  Interest in Graduate Credit Hour Production  Change in Application Process – Applicants needing admission clearance from the Office of Student Conduct won’t appear in GWIS

7 B&B CONTINUED  Able to track student thesis/dissertation progress through myUCF > PeopleSoft > Graduate Summary > Academic Progress tab  Program stats can be found in GradInfo > Reports. Active, inactive, and graduated students can all be found here.  Remember to fill out Graduate Faculty Nomination forms for new faculty as soon as they are hired.  Update Student POS: I highly recommend you update all new/incoming students GPSs with “no changes needed to the GPS” in the eforms area of PeopleSoft.

8 GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIP UPDATE  As of today….  98% of all GAA forms are complete  75% of ePAFs are complete  Any late GTA’s? Let me know and don’t forget a Late Justification form  Final Deadline for Completing Assistantship Hiring: September 15, 2014

9 WEBSITE  CAH Graduate Support Site:  Username and password is now your domain name and password (username and password for your work computer)  Username: cah\domain name  Password: Whateveryourdomainpasswordis  Updated all pages and that should show sometime this week

10 REMINDERS  New program director/staff/faculty training  Contact Info: Trisha Farmer,, 407-823-4239  Handouts  Summer 2014 and Fall 2014 Graduation Update  Course Advertisement  Registration – Restricted Registration due Thursday at 3pm!  UCF Grad Fair, Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2014 from 4:30pm to 7:30pm in Pegasus Ballroom, Student Union  CAH Curriculum workshop: Sometime in late August/early September

11 Questions?

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