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Anna Ritzberger-Moser Ljubljana, 2012-09-17 Austrian Labour Market Experience.

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Presentation on theme: "Anna Ritzberger-Moser Ljubljana, 2012-09-17 Austrian Labour Market Experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anna Ritzberger-Moser Ljubljana, 2012-09-17 Austrian Labour Market Experience

2 Austrian labour market - facts and figures Short time work (main instrument used during crisis 2009) Act on the combating of Wage- and Social Dumping Youth and work Older employees: -fit2work -Reform of the invalidity pension -Reform of the Health and Safety at Work Act Anna Ritzberger-Moser Austrian Labour Market Experience

3 Austrian labour market 3,5 m employed persons employment +1,5 % (8/2011 – 8/2012) unemployment rate: -2008: 3,8 % -2009: 4,8 % -2010: 4,4 % -2011: 4,1 % -8/2012: 4,5 % Anna Ritzberger-Moser Austrian Labour Market Experience

4 Austrian labour market Anna Ritzberger-Moser Austrian Labour Market Experience Unemployment rate (Eurostat 8/2012; Austria 7/2012)

5 Austrian labour market Anna Ritzberger-Moser Austrian Labour Market Experience Youth unemployment rate (15 - 24 years) (Eurostat 8/2012; Austria 7/2012)

6 Austrian labour market Anna Ritzberger-Moser Austrian Labour Market Experience Unemployment development 6/2009 – 8/2012

7 Austrian labour market Employment rate of people aged 55 to 64 Employment rate of people aged 60 to 64 in Austria (2011) Total: 20,9 Men: 27,1 Women: 15,1 Anna Ritzberger-Moser Austrian Labour Market Experience Total Men Women 2011 change over previous year* 2011 change over previous year* 2011 change over previous year* EU 2747,4+1,155,2+0,640,2+1,6 Austria41,5-0,950,6-1,032,9-0,8 Slowenia31,2-3,839,5-6,022,7-1,8 Source: EUROSTAT/employ/indic_y/emp_rt (retrieved on 19.04.2012); * in percentage points

8 Austrian labour market de facto retirement age (2011) for old-age and invalidity pensions: Total: 58,3 Men: 59,2 Women: 57,3 retirement age for invalidity pensions (2011): Total: 52,4 Men: 53,7 Women: 50,1 Anna Ritzberger-Moser Austrian Labour Market Experience

9 Short-Time Work The subsidy on short-time work is paid in case of a temporary reduction of working time due to temporary economic difficulties Prerequistes: Public Employment Service counselling, social partner agreement Subsidy level: fictious unemployment pay + social insurance contributions (calculations by means of lump rates) Extend of working-time reduction: 10 to 90% Duration: up to 18 (3 x 6) months Retention period (depending on the duration): 1 to 4 months Short-time work with qualification: the subsidy is augmented by 15 % during qualification measures in order to increase incentives for qualification measures Anna Ritzberger-Moser Austrian Labour Market Experience

10 Act on the combating Wage- and Social Dumping Collective agreements apply to all persons employed in Austria, also to posted workers and in case of cross-border temporary agency work Verification of base pay compliance Requirement to keep pay documents readily available Administrative penal provisions Anna Ritzberger-Moser Austrian Labour Market Experience

11 Youth and work Focus on -Counselling and job placement assistance -Second-chance trainings for drop-outs or skills enhancement support Training guarantee for young people: -For each young person, who wants to take up an apprenticeship -If there is no place in a company based apprenticeship programme: supra-company apprenticeship training “Youth Coaching” Managing the transition from school to work Anna Ritzberger-Moser Austrian Labour Market Experience

12 Older employees – fit2work Objectives: -to reduce invalidity / to prevent unemployment for health reasons at an early stage -to reintegrate people into the labour market after longer periods of sick leave for health reasons -to preserve capacity for work on a long-term basis by taking preventive measures. “navigation tool” low-threshold consulting services on a voluntary basis Anna Ritzberger-Moser Labour Law Reform in Austria

13 Older employees – invalidity pension reform Objectives: -sustaining/improving employability – reintegration into labour market -preventing early retirement (pension for occupational invalidity) measures: -Persons < 50: no invalidity pension -Temporary occupational disability: ill treatment, health rehabilitation; „rehabilitation benefit“ (sickness benefit) -Incapacity to fulfill skilled work due to illness: retraining; „retraining benefit“ (unemployment benefit) -Only if rehabilitation or retraining measures are impossible, the person concerned gets invalidity pension Anna Ritzberger-Moser Austrian Labour Market Experience

14 Older employees – Health and Safety at Work Act Austrian Health and Safety at Work Strategy 2007-2012: Advising and monitory actions in SMEs on -analysing the workers’ age structures -identifying work processes and interferences which could be age-critical -establishing age(ing)-friendly working conditions. Health and Safety at Work Act – Reform 2012 -Prevention of work-related psycho-social stress -Workplace evaluation has to consider these stress factors, e.g. work organisation, work environment, excessive demands Anna Ritzberger-Moser Labour Law Reform in Austria

15 Austrian Labour Market Experience Thank you for your attention! Anna Ritzberger-Moser Austrian Labour Market Experience

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