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Presentation on theme: "AIIDA V3.0 (AQUATIC IMPACT INDICATOR DATABASE) PRESENTATION & TRAINING."— Presentation transcript:


2 Planning AiiDA Webinar AiiDA kick off webinar – 17 th June 2014 14.00 -14.45: Presentation of the database 14.45 – 15.00 : Break 15.00 - 15.30 : AiiDA training 15.30 - 15.45: Software presentation 15.45 – 16.00: Questions

3 I- AiiDA presentation 1- Introduction 2- Scientific Background 3- Overall framework 4- Content and structure 5- Documentation 6- Conclusions

4 1- Introduction - What is AiiDA? - History of AiiDA - Previous release - Who is editing AiiDA?

5 What is AiiDA? ☼ AiiDA: Aquatic Impact Indicators Database ☼ Covers both fresh and saltwater species ☼ Provides substances description, aquatic toxicity tests results, risk & impact metrics

6 History of AiiDA ☼ First steps at DTU Denmark with the strong support of Pr Michael Hauschild in 2001 ☼ Further development at the EPF-Lausanne with Pr Olivier Jolliet until 2006 ☼ Exploring potential links with ERA at VU Amsterdam with Pr Nico van Straalen in 2008 ☼ Integration of Risk and Impact metrics in a unique database by Cycleco & Tools until now

7 Previous AiiDA releases V1.0 – Life Cycle Assessment metrics for 600 substances (in 2004) V2.0- Risk and some LCA based metrics for 1300 Substances (in 2008) V3.0 Main chemical features, risk and LCA based metrics for 24 000 substances (in 2014)

8 Who is editing AiiDA AiiDA V3.0 is the result of a partnership between Cycleco and Tools4env AiiDA project is directed by Dr Jerome Payet

9 2- Scientific background - Aspects of ecotoxicology - Taxonomy and ecology - Risk assessment of chemicals - Impact assessment of chemicals

10 Aspects of ecotoxicology ☼ Single substances and single species tests ☼ Laboratory experiment (variability of lab. conditions) ☼ Acute or chronic ecotoxicity tests ☼ Diversity of measures (EC50, LC50, NOECs, LOECs, etc) ☼ Effect of multiple substances (Additive concentration, ToMoA, Synergy, antagonism, etc) ☼ The QSAR estimate

11 Taxonomy and ecology ☼ Phyla or species ☼ Trophic level or biological organization level

12 Risk assessment ☼ Concept: Protecting ecosystems ☼ Consider substances individually ☼ Use safety factors ☼ Focus on the most sensitive species ☼ Define threshold per substance : PNEC ☼ Calculate environmental exposure: PEC ☼ Estimate the RISK=PEC/PNEC

13 Impact assessment ☼ Concept : Estimating environmental burdens ☼ Consider substances individually ☼ Use all data available ☼ Consider the average response of species (HC50) based on phyla or species ☼ Calculate the Effect Factor (EF) as 0,5/HC50 ☼ Estimate the env. Concentration with Fate models ☼Calculate the IMPACT=Fate Factor x Effect Factor

14 3- Overall framework - Chemical identification - Species classification - Ecotoxicity measures - Risk and impact metrics

15 Chemical identification ☼ Name, synonyms, ☼ CAS numbers, EC numbers ☼ Formula and 3D presentation

16 Species classification ☼ Taxonomy based on ITIS classification ☼ Includes plants, animals, fungi and bacteria ☼ 10159 species and 39 phyla covered

17 Ecotoxicity measures ☼ Mainly single species and single substance tests ☼ Acute and single exposure ☼ EC50, LC50, NOECs, LOECs, ☼ Conversion of all measures in EC50s ☼ Use of QSAR when data are missing

18 Risk and impact metrics ☼ Different experimental PNEC (most sensitive species& safety factors) ☼ Statistical PNEC (HC5 based on SSD) ☼ HC50 based on phyla (acute & chronic) ☼ HC50 based on species (acute & chronic)

19 4- Content & structure - Chemical description - Ecotoxicity tests library - Impact and Risk calculation - Substances comparison - Group of substances comparison

20 Chemical description ☼ Name ☼ CAS and EC numbers ☼ Formula & representation ☼ Molecular weight ☼ Chemical group ☼ Functional group ☼ Usage

21 Ecotoxicity tests library ☼ Presentation of all ecotoxicity tests per substance and per species ☼ Providing uncertainty of ecotoxicity test ☼Full traceability of test results with online link to the documentation related to the test.

22 Impact and risk calculation ☼ Impacts and risk calculated based on US and EU methods, including uncertainty ☼ Providing indicative (non official) experimental PNECs values for diverse media for each substance ☼ Present statistical PNECs with graphical presentation and uncertainty ☼ Providing HC50 for phyla or species graphical presentation and uncertainty

23 Substances comparison ☼ Selection of up to 5 substances for SSD (or PSD) comparison (Substitution purpose) ☼ Comparison of substances with all existing substances (prioritization purpose)

24 Group of substances comparison ☼ Search tool with logical connectors for extracting groups of substances (up to 200 chemicals) ☼ Comparison of all substances of the group with all existing substances

25 5- Documentation - Methodological guideline (English and French) -User guide (English and French) - General methodology framework for impacts assessment on ecosystems (English)

26 6- Conclusions - Is AiiDA really usefull? - How can you get the database? - Further steps?

27 Is AiiDA really useful? It can help for … ☼ Saving time for collecting data ☼ Fast screening of data availability ☼ Full traceability of data ☼ Priorization of substances ☼ Uncertainty calculation ☼ Comparing substances ☼ Evaluation of impacts of numbers of subst. ☼ Updating Life Cycle Assessment methods...

28 How can I get AiiDA? Three type of licenses: ☼ Free License : all test results provided ☼ Standard: Full access to the library of tests with complete traceability ☼Premium: Full access to all metrics calculation with uncertainty and the library of tests with full traceability.

29 Further steps - Minor update of V3 following REACH (every 6 months) - Updates of new functions for minor changes - Versioning of the database - Major Changes in functions and structure will be done from 2015 and delivered in the V4 version in 2018.

30 Thanks for your attention - 15 min. break - AIIDA training starting at 15:00

31 II- AiiDA training Practical indications & different functionalities  Access to the database  Use Data  Share Data

32 Access to the database

33 Database presentation

34 Adapting data

35 Data sources  Check all ecotoxicity data available  Select background databases for chemicals and species  Refer to most important ecotoxicity databases

36 Species database linked to ITIS


38 optimize your search Selecting substances

39 Broad overview of functions  Chemical description  Test library  Impact and risk metrics calculation  Substances comparison  Substances positioning

40 optimize your search Detailed Substances description  3D representation of substances  Physical and Chemical constants  Formula, Smile and Use …

41 Library of ecotoxicity tests

42 optimize your search Calculating HC50 & uncertainty

43 optimize your search Calculating HC5 & uncertainty

44 optimize your search Calculating PNEC

45 Compare up to 5 substances

46 Positioning substance among others

47 Exploring AiiDA potential  Search tool for substance selection  View figures for HC50, HC5, PNEC  Follow all data sources  Compare substances

48 User interface with Drop down menu Use filter  Name or Synonyms  CAS or EcNumber  Molecule Type  QSAR Class  Use

49 optimize your search Optimize your query  Combine search parameters  Create custom request with logic connector Advanced search tool

50 optimize your search HC 50 for each substance Interpretation of results  Level of extrapolation for each indicator  Uncertainties ( 95% confidence interval)  Most and Less Sensitive Phylum  Number of tests for calculation  3 types of value

51 optimize your search HC 50p per phyla Optimize your analysis  Classified column in an ascending order  See the most and less sensitive species

52 optimize your search PSD (Phyla Sensitivity Distribution) Interactive PSD  Show phyla used  Select and Zoom

53 With zoom for details optimize your search Interactive PSD  Info on each Phyla

54 optimize your search SSD (Species Sensitivity Distribution) Interactive SSD  Species used  Show Label/Phyla

55 optimize your search Click on/off phyla of interest Interactive SSD  Select phyla  Select indicator

56 optimize your search Export figures Interactive SSD  Export chart

57 Statistical PNEC : HC5 optimize your search Compare different methods  Aldenberg or US-EPA  Species or Phyla Interactive figure  Easy to read  Easy to share

58 optimize your search Several PNECs  Compare with ECHA Check robustness of PNEC  Assessment factor  Source test

59 optimize your search EC 50s per species Follow each step of calculation  Extrapolation information  Most and less sensitive test, number of tests used

60 optimize your search Traceability with detailed sources Access to all traceability  All tests are referenced  You can access the source if it’s available for free on internet

61 optimize your search

62 Selecting several substances  Presenting relative toxicity of substances or group of substances among all reported substances  Create your own group using filter and search functionalities

63 Positioning several HC5 optimize your search  Click on each substance for more info

64 Active link focusing on substance optimize your search

65 Select substance group with search tool optimize your search  Use the advanced search tool to create your specific group  Combine different parameters (ex: analgesics + acid + 3 phyla covered)

66 Positioning HC50s optimize your search

67 Comparison of Substance  Select and Compare up to 5 substances

68 optimize your search Comparison of PSD  Compare PSD, SSD, positionning for Phyla and Species  Click on graph for info

69 optimize your search Comparison of SSD  Compare PSD, SSD, positionning for Phyla and Species

70 optimize your search Positioning substances  Compare PSD, SSD, positionning for Phyla and Species

71 optimize your search Comparison of Substance  Compare PSD, SSD, positionning for Phyla and Species

72 Produce output databases  AMI Database for ecotoxicity footprint  USETOX for environmental footprinting

73 All in one table  HC 50  Nb of covered Phyla  Name & CAS  Type of value  QSARs used AMI Database

74 Support AiiDA evolution  Add, edit, manage  Share data

75 optimize your search Add, Edit & Manage your Data

76 optimize your search Share Data

77 Questions…

78 You can test it yourself  Register for a free version on :  Premium will be available for 2 hours


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