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Presentation on theme: " Supported by the European Commission, contract number: Fission-2010-3.5.1- 269672, and the Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supported by the European Commission, contract number: Fission-2010-3.5.1- 269672, and the Research Council of Norway, contract numbers: 209101 and 209102. Sharing tools: infrastructure database and virtual laboratory Pia Vesterbacka (on behalf of STAR) STAR final dissemination Event, Aix-en-Provence, 9-11 June 2015

2 Radioecology Infrastructure Database To ensure effective collaboration and integration between the STAR partners, an inventory of infrastructure was created using on ‐ line wiki pages in 2011 - 2012. Each STAR partner filled the survey on wiki pages using pre-made template pages for: Analytical methods Facilities Equipment Models Sample archives Expertise


4 Analytical Methods Expertise within STAR partners covers analysis for natural and artificial radionuclides Gamma emitting radionuclides e.g. Cs-137, Cs-134, I-131 etc. Radiochemically separated radionuclides U-234, U-235, U- 238, Th-228, Po-210, Pb-210, Ra-226, Ra-228, Rn-222, Pu- 239,240, Pu-238 Am-241, Sr-89, Sr-90, Tc-99m, C-14, H-3 etc. Methods for nutrient and ion concentration determination. Partners also have expertise in environmental sampling methods that are accredited in four STAR partners’ laboratories. Gross alpha and beta analysis

5 Protocols and manuals All the protocols used during experiments conducted in STAR is made available on the virtual laboratory. Two protocols are described in detail and for the others summarized information is available.

6 Equipment & facilities available for use at STAR institutes Collectively, STAR partners have an impressive array of highly specialized laboratory equipment, essential to perform high quality radioecological research e.g.: There are over 150 gamma spectrometers, over 270 alpha detectors and nearly 50 liquid scintillation spectrometers and 30 proportional counters. Facilities for different kind of calibrations and in-situ measurements. Facilities like whole-body counting, neutron activation analyses and nutrient analyses, for personal and environmental dosimetry, internal and external radiation experiments on organisms, plant culture, effect studies and molecular platform etc.

7 Radioecology Models Among STAR partners there is expertise in using at least 40 different models. These cover many challenging fields in the area of radioecology like atmospheric dispersion, deposition and transport of radioactivity in the aquatic and terrestrial environment. Models are used for calculation of the dose rates, activity concentrations, assessment of risk from ionizing radiation and the coupled radiation transport of photons, electrons and positrons.

8 Information on Sample Archives held by STAR partners The STAR consortium holds a large variety of samples from terrestrial and aquatic environment as well as air samples. Sample archives contain unique samples from the beginning of the 1900s and samples before and after Chernobyl accident. Air sample archive Aquatic sample archive Food sample archive Human sample archive Industrial sample archive Terrestrial sample archive

9 Radioecology factsheets and associated datasheets Each factsheet contains: Elemental information e.g. typical concentrations in soil and water Why the element itself is of particular interest to radioecology Number of, and key sources of, radioisotopes of each element The radioisotopes of particular interest to radioecology Behaviour of these identified radioisotopes in the environment Links to websites or other documents for associated information Reference list

10 Benefit of infrastructure database The infrastructure catalogue is a useful tool for partners to search for skills that ALLIANCE partners might have. The database can be utilized for training and mobility i.e. by identifying where one partner can send staff to be trained by another partner. The infrastructure database works as collaboration between STAR/ALLIANCE and other research organisations, international organizations (e.g. IAEA) and other platforms (NERIS, HERCA, MELODI). The information in the database could also be used for coordination and integration in response to emergencies.

11 What still need to be done In order to make the infrastructure database more useful it needs to be made open to the larger community. Facilities available for others either as commercial services or through research collaboration need to be extended. Now it includes only the STAR partners (COMET partners are adding information).

12 Conclusions The infrastructure survey showed that STAR partners and the ALLIANCE members have a high ‐ quality infrastructure, extended expertise and competence for radioecological research. No specific lack of know-how was identified. However, there are challenges. The data in the infrastructure database must be real time. New members in the ALLIANCE must be included in the catalogue and existing members must update the data in the catalogue. By this the way, we can maintain the value of infrastructure catalogue in the future.

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