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Sales Process If people like you, they’ll listen to you, but if they trust you, they’ll do business with you. – Zig Ziglar.

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Presentation on theme: "Sales Process If people like you, they’ll listen to you, but if they trust you, they’ll do business with you. – Zig Ziglar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sales Process If people like you, they’ll listen to you, but if they trust you, they’ll do business with you. – Zig Ziglar

2 Sales Process 1.Pre-Call Planning 2.Approach 3.Determine the Customers Needs/Wants 4.Presentation 5.Questions/Objections 6.Trial Close/Close

3 1. Pre-Call Planning A. Anticipate buyer needs and wants i.Who is your buyer? What kind of operation do they have? What are they currently using? Are they looking for a change? B. Product knowledge i.What are the features and benefits of your product? ii.What are some possible objections? iii.Who are your competitors?

4 2. Approach A.First Impression i.Official dress ii.Materials B.Create customer attention i.Brochures, pamphlets, visual aides C.Establish Rapport i.“Meeting the parents” for the first time ii.Be polite and build a connection iii.Ex. “This pot roast is delicious Mrs. Johnson, what’s your secret?” Make a customer, not a sale. – Katherine Barchetti

5 3. Determine the Customers Needs/Wants A.Ask leading questions i.What are you currently using? Is it fitting your needs? What would you do to improve it? B.Demonstrate good listening skills Most people think "selling" is the same as "talking". But the most effective salespeople know that listening is the most important part of their job. – Roy Bartell

6 4. Presentation A.Customer/Industry Background i.Demonstrate that you understand the buyers needs/wants. ii.Help them help themselves B.Your unique position to assist customer i.Emanate confidence. YOU ARE THE BEST! C.Features and Benefits i.Present features that are suitable to the customer, advantages of your product and the benefits to be gained by using your product ii.*Do your homework beforehand. Pick your top 3 and make them count.

7 5. Questions/Objections A.Encourage questions and know how to handle objections. B.Turn an objection into a question. C.Objections indicate that a portion of your presentation was not clear to the potential buyer. D.Use the objection to clarify and enhance understanding.

8 6. Close the order A.Suggest a “write” up to get an idea of price, conditions, etc. B.Ask for the sale i.If the buyer is hesitant or unsure, more questions may be needed. C.Repeat the order, ask for other needs, confirm a delivery date

9 Put it all together 1.Choose a partner. 2.Pick your favorite breakfast cereal. 3.Take the next ten minutes to prepare a sales presentation using your favorite breakfast cereal as the product. 4.Take turns selling your product to your partner. Tips* Make a list of customer needs and wants Make a list of product features and benefits Choose 3-4 features that best match your customers needs/wants Come up with 3-4 solid qualifying questions Come up with as many customer objections as you can, create solutions for these objections Create visual aides/props/samples Make a list of competitors. Why should the customer choose your product? Create an order form

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