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Freshwater invasive species. Stuff that can be invasive is birds and mammals. When Invasive species enter a new place it seems to tack over. Invasive.

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Presentation on theme: "Freshwater invasive species. Stuff that can be invasive is birds and mammals. When Invasive species enter a new place it seems to tack over. Invasive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Freshwater invasive species

2 Stuff that can be invasive is birds and mammals. When Invasive species enter a new place it seems to tack over. Invasive species sometime only make little impact.

3 Asian carp One of the invasive species is the Asian carp. The Asian carp are invasive to the northlands. Asian carp are tacking over the Mississippi River. Carp do not eat other fish but thay eat small organisms out of the water so it makes it hard for other fish to eat. Asian carp are native to china. There is only a 50 / 50 chance that we could get rid of them.

4 Milfoil Milfoil. If when you take out your boat out of the water you have to check your boat for Milfoil. That is a way you can provint it from spreding Milfoil is just a pondweed. A way milfoil can spred by people not cleaning there boats befor thay get in the water and after thay get out of the water. If milfoil is in a place were its not sopost to be it messes up the lakes a lot. Milfoil came from Asia and Europe


6 Picks carp-crisis-bill-introduced-sandusky-register- 1238653862025.html edia/260825829001/260825829001_605195567 001_041409-cazmilfoil-flv- still.jpg?pubId=260825829001 content/uploads/2011/08/asian-carp-1.jpg

7 So if the species keep on growing then it is going to be hard to get rid of some of the invasion species.Because to much of something is bad.

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