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The experience of Burton Elementary School; a site of the Kent School Services Network (KSSN)

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Presentation on theme: "The experience of Burton Elementary School; a site of the Kent School Services Network (KSSN)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The experience of Burton Elementary School; a site of the Kent School Services Network (KSSN)

2 In 2004 the Kent County Family & Children’s Coordinating Council adopted the following goal: Realign community health and human services to support student achievement, through the development of a collaborative, integrated, effective and cost efficient education and human services delivery system KSSN operates in 7 Grand Rapids Public Schools Kent School School Services Network

3 KSSN Vision Students learning, growing and achieving Students and families getting the services they need, when they need them - at school

4 About Burton Elementary Key Facts Pre-K to 5th Neighborhood School~Language Center 97% Free and Reduced Price Lunch 85% Hispanic with remainder African American & White

5 KSSN Approach at Burton School Attendance Team Student Attendance Incentives Intensive Case Management and Outreach to Families Parent Education

6 Burton’s School Attendance Team: Weekly Meeting ( 1 hr. to 1 & half hrs. ) Social worker from the local department of human services, community school coordinator, district attendance specialist, attendance secretary, and principal. Principal leads the meeting. Meeting involves – review of excessive absences and/or tardiness. Letters to excessive absences and/or tardies students, decide which students will receive a call and/or home visit based on the TR data.

7 What makes it effective? Principal as Leader Use of Data School Based Can act and do immediately

8 What makes a school attendance team effective? 1. Set day, time, and place of the team meeting. Stick to it! 2. The Principal is key and sets the importance of good attendance and addressing tardiness. 3. Follow-up on individual cases. 4. Good communication within the Attendance Team.

9 Burton’s attendance incentive program: Incentives given for perfect attendance; monthly, per semester, and end of school year Perfect Attendance Monthly STAR (Studious, Thoughtful Accountable and Respectful) must have Perfect attendance w/no tardies. Incentive: Ice Cream w/the Principal, Star Student T-Shirt. Recognition on TV/Lobby, Office bulletin board, and monthly newsletter

10 What makes it effective? Ability to award incremental improvement Whole school participates; Pre-K- 5 th grades. Agencies on site to remove barriers that keep kids from coming to school. Kid friendly incentives!

11 What else matters? Sharing the research with parents on chronic absenteeism and its effect on their children especially in the early grades (Pre-K, K, & 1 st ). Not “letting up” -- good attendance is expected and that tardiness is not acceptable. Following-up on chronic attendance/tardy students/families. Providing families with resources to remove barriers that are keeping their children from being at school.

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