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Better SAT scores Better reading skills Better math skills Better vocabulary Better listening skills Better memory Better problem solving skills Better.

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Presentation on theme: "Better SAT scores Better reading skills Better math skills Better vocabulary Better listening skills Better memory Better problem solving skills Better."— Presentation transcript:

1 Better SAT scores Better reading skills Better math skills Better vocabulary Better listening skills Better memory Better problem solving skills Better cognitive flexibility Better grades in core subjects Higher self- esteem

2 They consistently outperform their peers on standardized tests in core subject areas Studies: Armstrong & Rogers, 1997; Saunders, 1998; Masciantonio, 1977; Rafferty, 1986; Andrade, 1989; Kretschmer & Kretschmer, 1989; Bastian 1980 Students who study a second language… do better in core subjects Better grades in core subjects

3 Students who study another language… do better in core subjects Source: College Board, 2003 Students who study four years of a second language outscore others on verbal and math section of the SAT They score over 100 points more in each section (College Board, 2004)

4 Learning a second language benefits all students, not just academically strong students

5 Students who study another language… develop stronger basic skills Studies: Lapkin et al, 1990; Ratte, 1968 Studies find that second language learners develop b etter listening skills and sharper memorie s than their monolingual peers Better listening skills Better memory

6 Students who study another language… do better in core subjects Studies: Curtain & Dahlberg, 2004; Saville-Troike, 1984 Studying a second language enhances reading and writing in English Better reading skills

7 Students who study another language… do better in core subjects Study: Masciantonio, 1977 Second language learners consistently score higher in measures of English vocabulary Better vocabulary

8 Learning a second language improves math skills

9 Students who study another language… develop abstract thinking skills Studies: Bamford & Mizokawa, 1991; Hakuta, 1986; Cummins 1981; Landry, 1973 Many studies show that language learners develop better problem solving skills and cognitive flexibility Better problem solving skills

10 Students who study another language… do better in core subjects Studies: Diaz, 1983; Saville-Troike, 1984 Several studies link studying foreign languages with improved spatial abilities leading to better performance in mathematics Better math skills

11 Students who study another language… do better in core subjects Study: Eaton, 1994 A study in Kansas found students who study a second language surpassed national averages in all subjects, performing especially well in mathematics

12 Students who study another language… develop better basic skills Studies: Bruck, Lambert, Tucker 1974; Hakuta, 1986; Weatherford, 1986 People who are competent in more than one language in tests of verbal and non-verbal intelligence. Better basic skills

13 Students who study another language… develop self-confidence Studies: Masciantonio, 1977; Saunders 1998; Andrade et al, 1989 Several studies find language students have significantly higher self-esteem and belief in their own abilities than non-language students. Higher self- esteem

14 Students who study another language… do better in college Study: U.S. News and World Report, 2009 30% of college students drop out during their first year and only 50% finish a four year degree Students who took 3 years of a second language in high school earn better grades in college & are less likely to drop out Horn & Kojaku, 2001

15 National Security Council, 2007 “A pervasive lack of knowledge about foreign cultures and foreign languages threatens the security of the United States”

16 Students who study another language… do better in core subjects Study: Dumas, 1999 A study of 13,200 students in Louisiana found, regardless of race, gender or academic level, children taking foreign language classes did better on the English section of the Louisiana Basic Skills test than those who did not. A second language is for everyone

17 Bibliography This PowerPoint presentation summarizes portions of a much larger document titled “The benefits of Second Language Study” published by NEA Research (2007) and available online at enefitsSecondLanguageStudyNE A.pdf Please see the bibliography of that document for many of the sources cited in this presentation. enefitsSecondLanguageStudyNE A.pdf US News and World Report, Dropouts Loom Large for Schools, published online at ion/articles/2009/08/19/dropou ts-loom-large-for-schools ion/articles/2009/08/19/dropou ts-loom-large-for-schools You can download this presentation from my website:


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