Drug and Substance Abuse By Young People Hafizi Harun PENGASIH MALAYSIA.

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Presentation on theme: "Drug and Substance Abuse By Young People Hafizi Harun PENGASIH MALAYSIA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drug and Substance Abuse By Young People Hafizi Harun PENGASIH MALAYSIA

2 WHAT IS ADDICTION? Drug use or addiction is a disorder of the whole person Addiction is a symptom of a more major problem hiding behind the person.

3 Teenagers and Drugs? THE RISKS Some will experiment and stop Some will continue to use occasionally without significant problems. Some will develop a dependency, moving on to more dangerous drugs. Young People like to try out new things. They use drugs out of curiosity, to feel good, to reduce stress, to feel grown up or to fit in.

4 GATEWAY TO DRUGS Using alcohol and tobacco increase the risk of using DRUGS later. It gives the feeling of being high It alters the mood It influence behaviours / habit It brings about dependency on substance It becomes a new subculture for the users

5 Who is At Risk? Teenagers at risk of getting hooked on alcohol and drug problems include those :- With a family history of substance abuse Who are depressed Who have low self esteem, and Who feel like they don't fit in anywhere

6 Teenage Risk Factors Community Risk Factors Availability of drugs Community laws and norms Low community values Extreme economic and social deprivation

7 Teenage Risk Factors Family Risk Factors Family history of high-risk behaviours Family management problems Family conflicts Parental attitudes

8 Teenage Risk Factors School Risk Factors Academic failure Lack of commitment to school No career objective

9 Teenage Risk Factors Individual and Peer Group Risk Factors Friends who engage in substance abuse and other problematic behaviour Lack of motivation to be successful

10 Warning Signs of Teen Substance Abuse Physical Fatigue, repeated health complaints, red and glazed eyes and lasting cough. Emotional Personality change, sudden mood changes, irritability, irresponsible behavior, low self esteem, poor judgement, depression and a general lack of interest.

11 Warning Signs of Teen Substance Abuse Family Starting arguments, breaking rules, or withdrawing from the family. School Decreased interest, negative attitude, drop in grades, many absences, truancy, and discipline problems. Social Problems New friends who are less interested in standard home and school activities, problem with the law, and changes to less conventional styles in dress and music.

12 INTERVENTION STRATEGIES We have 4 intervention strategies that we do in Malaysia :- 1. Outreach Programmes 2. Community Programmes 3. Schools Activites 4. Family Involvement

13 INTERVENTION STRATEGIES 1. OUTREACH PROGRAMME Educational – we go to schools, colleges and universities where we set up exhibitions and organized drug awareness talk, forum or quiz for students. Entertaining and creative – organize rock concert at shopping malls, clubs, schools, college and universities. We also do plays, pentomine with positive messages. Media outreach – radio talk show, tv interviews,internet, magazine and newspapers, where we can outreach not only the young people but all levels of society. 2. COMMUNITY PROGRAMME Community service - we also do outreach programmes in the rural and residential areas by organizing spring cleaning, exhibition and drug awareness talks Religious program – getting religious leaders to give religious / spiritual talks to enhance community / spiritual values among village people.

14 INTERVENTION STRATEGIES 3. SCHOOLS ACTIVITIES Extra Curriculur activities – sports, including anti drug syllabus or campaign in every club in school. The use of peer presure as an effective form of education for young people. (peer educators / counselors). Providing training for peer educators on counseling and life skills. Parents Teachers' Associati on 4. FAMILY INVOLVEMENT Family education – getting the family involve in schools and also when the teens are in treatment. Giving them information and providing them with education on topics like :- 'why people use drugs', 'signs of addiction', 'effective parenting', 'drugs and its effects' etc.

15 CONCLUSION 1. For an effective intervention programmes, we must focus on the reducing of the risk factors 2. Getting the participation from all level of society (Teens, community leaders, parents, teachers, law enforcers, religious leaders.) 3. An ongoing and well planned intervention programme to ensure effective result.

16 " PENGASIH Makes A Difference ” ADDRESS: PERSATUAN PENGASIH MALAYSIA 3201 JALAN SYERS OFF LANGGAK TUNKU BUKIT TUNKU 50480 KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA WEBSITE: www.pengasih.net TEL: 603-6201-3179 / 603-6201-0287 FAX: 603-6201-3013 EMAIL: fizi@pengasih.net

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