POLISH POLICY TOWARDS LABOUR MIGRATION Marcin Kulinicz Head of Unit of Migration Policy Department of Migration Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.

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Presentation on theme: "POLISH POLICY TOWARDS LABOUR MIGRATION Marcin Kulinicz Head of Unit of Migration Policy Department of Migration Ministry of Labour and Social Policy."— Presentation transcript:

1 POLISH POLICY TOWARDS LABOUR MIGRATION Marcin Kulinicz Head of Unit of Migration Policy Department of Migration Ministry of Labour and Social Policy

2 I. New trends on the Polish labour market since the accession to the EU  emigration of Polish employees, mainly to UK and Ireland;  shortage of qualified workers in some economic sectors, mostly in construction and agriculture;  increasing interest of Polish entrepreneurs in employment of foreigners from third countries;

3 significant drop of the rate of unemployment: significant drop of the rate of unemployment: in March 2008 – 11,1% in March 2008 – 11,1% in comparison: III 2007 – 14,3%, III 2006 – 17,8%, III 2005 – 19,2% Increase of wages: in Mar 2008 - 3144 PLN (gross) Increase of wages: in Mar 2008 - 3144 PLN (gross) (annual growth 10,2 %) I. New trends on the Polish labour market since the accession to the EU

4 II. Work permits in Poland – general statistics All200520062007 Number of applications 16 921 14 181 16024 Number of issued work permits 10 304 10 751 12153

5 II. Employment of non-EEA nationals in Poland – general statistics The most popular countries 2005 2005 2006 20062007 Ukraine269732753851 Vietnam10679991064 Belarus610704855 Russia486405419 Turkey415503567 Moldova136414971 China240405801 India445427434 Republic of Korea 175322534

6 III. Procedures on employment of non-EEA nationals in Poland - general rules Foreigners that are to be employed in Poland must obtain work permit, which is issued after the assessment of the situation on the labour market (economic needs test).

7 III. Procedures on employment of non-EEA national in Poland - general rules Application for issuing the work permit (employer) The promise of work permit (the foreigner does not possess a document legalizing his/her stay in Poland) - issued by the voivod The visa for the purpose of work – issued by the consul The tepmporary residence permit – issued by the voivod Work permit – issued by the voivod Work permit (the foreigner possesses a document legalizing his/her stay in Poland) - issued by the voivod

8 IV. Institutional basis for implementing the Polish policy towards migrations 1. The establishment of new departments responsible for migration issues: A. Department of Migration (in the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy) – in charge of labour migration. B. Department of Migration Policy (in the Ministry of Administration and Interior) – in charge of coordination of migration policy.

9 IV. Institutional basis for implementing the Polish policy towards migrations 2. Creation of The Committee for Migration (Feb 2007) Main intention - co-ordination of tasks and agreed actions of the public administration in relation to the migration policy and monitoring of migration policy initiatives on the EU level Main intention - co-ordination of tasks and agreed actions of the public administration in relation to the migration policy and monitoring of migration policy initiatives on the EU level

10 V. Liberalisation of access to the Polish labour market 1. The opening of Polish labour market for all citizens of EU (also Romania and Bulgaria) and other countries of EEA as well as for Switzerland since January 2007; 2. Easier rules for members of boards – 6 months in consecutive 12 without a work permit 3. Liberalisation for citizens of neighbouring countries – 6 months in consecutive 12 months without a work permit 4. New opportunities for remunerated trainees 5. Open access to the labour market for foreign students 6. Radical reduction of the fee for issuing the work permit from 936 PLN to 100 PLN for the basic work permit

11 VI. European migration policy 1. General framework directive on admission conditions and procedures for economic immigrants (with purpose to guarantee a common framework of rights to all third – country nationals in legal employment admitted in a Member State but not yet entitled to the long-term residence status). 2. 4 directives: On the conditions and residence of highly skilled workers – Blue card, On the conditions and residence of highly skilled workers – Blue card, On conditions and entry of seasonal workers, On conditions and entry of seasonal workers, On conditions of entry and residence of remunerated trainees, On conditions of entry and residence of remunerated trainees, On entry, temporary stay and residence of Intra-Corporate transferees (ICT). On entry, temporary stay and residence of Intra-Corporate transferees (ICT). 3. Proposal for a directive on sanctions against the employers – so – called Frattini Directive

12 VII. Conclusions the number of issued work permits did not change substantially in the last 3 years, the number of issued work permits did not change substantially in the last 3 years, most of the work permits is issued to the executives, advisors and experts, most of the work permits is issued to the executives, advisors and experts, Legal work in Poland is not very attractive to unqualified workers, Legal work in Poland is not very attractive to unqualified workers, Poland is still seen as the transit country to the Western Europe, Poland is still seen as the transit country to the Western Europe, more restrictions have been imposed on foreigners by Schengen regulations in particular regarding the visa policy. more restrictions have been imposed on foreigners by Schengen regulations in particular regarding the visa policy.

13 Thank you for attention Marcin Kulinicz Department of Migration Marcin.Kulinicz@mpips.gov.pl tel. 022 380 51 53 Ministry of Labour and Social Policy ul. Nowogrodzka 1/2/3 00-513 Warszawa, Poland www.mpips.gov.pl Marcin.Kulinicz@mpips.gov.pl

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